The following item is a Memorandum of Economic Policies of the government of
Brazil, which describes the policies that Brazil intends to implement in the
context of its request for financial support from the IMF. The document,
which is the property of Brazil, is being made available on the IMF website
by agreement with the member as a service to users of the
IMF website. |
Brazil Memorandum of Economic Policies
March 8, 1999
I. Background
- The economic developments leading to the formulation of the Brazilian government
program, supported by the IMF, the World Bank, the IDB, the BIS, and most industrial
countries, were outlined in the memorandum of economic policies attached to the letter of
November 13, 1998 requesting a Stand-By Arrangement from the Fund. The Brazilian
government reaffirms its commitment to those policies, modified as indicated below to adapt
them to the new exchange rate regime.
- The government was initially successful in implementing the elements of the fiscal
package that were the core of its program. Prior to the approval of the stand-by arrangement
by the IMF Executive Board on December 2, 1998 it had enacted, or successfully guided
through congress, the constitutional amendment on the social security reform and an increase
in the COFINS--an earmarked contribution based on enterprise turnover. However, the
proposed measure to increase the social security contribution on active civil servants, and
extend it to retired ones, was not approved by the House in early December, and the
government's efforts to pass the financial transactions tax (CPMF) ran into delays. During
the month of December the central bank progressively reduced the overnight interest rates
(which stood at over 40 percent in mid-November 1998) to 29 percent by year-end.
- Notwithstanding the prompt announcement that the government would continue its
efforts to have the CPMF approved as soon as possible, and that it would resubmit the
rejected fiscal measures in the near term, and the presentation in December of a package of
additional compensating fiscal measures, market confidence continued to weaken in January
1999, also reflecting concerns over the commitment of some important states to adjusting
their finances. Following strong pressures on foreign exchange reserves, on January 13, 1999,
the central bank widened the exchange rate fluctuation band, and stepped up interventions in
the spot and future markets. Pressures, however, did not abate, and, on January 15, the real
was allowed to float. The exchange rate averaged R$1.52/US$ in January and R$1.91/US$ in
February compared with R$1.21/US$ prior to the change in regime.
- These setbacks did not prevent progress with the passage of the fiscal program in
January. In particular, the measures on the pension contributions for active and retired civil
servants were presented again and approved quickly by congress, as were the increases in the
social contribution on profits (CSLL) and in the IOF, that the government had proposed to
compensate for the delay in the approval of the CPMF increase. The latter passed the required
two votes in the Senate and was sent to the House, where it is expected to pass its second
vote by end-March. Finally, the 1999 budget was approved on January, 25 1999.
II. Economic Prospects for 1999
- Economic activity in 1999 is now expected to be weaker than projected a few months
ago, with GDP declining by 3.5 percent to 4 percent on average for the year. This reflects a
more pronounced than initially projected downturn of activity in the second half of 1998, and
a likely further decline in domestic demand in the first half of 1999, that will be only partly
offset by a recovery of net exports. The economic downturn is expected to bottom out around
mid-year, with a gradual recovery beginning during the second half of 1999 and gathering
momentum in 2000, as confidence recovers, external financing constraints are eased, and real
interest rates decline.
- The new floating exchange rate will require a new nominal anchor for economic
policy. Monetary policy, along with strengthened fiscal adjustment and a firm wage policy in
the public sector, will be instrumental in preventing the recurrence of an inflationary spiral
and ensuring a rapid deceleration of the rate of inflation, following the initial impact of the
depreciation of the real on the prices of tradeable goods. The consumer price index may rise
by over 10 percent in the first half of 1999, but its rate of increase should then taper off,
reflecting the firm stance of monetary policy and the absence of domestic demand pressures.
By the end of the year, the monthly rate of inflation is projected to be in the range of
0.5-0.7 percent.
- The depreciation of the real has provided a major boost to Brazil's competitiveness.
As a result, and also because of greater cyclical differential between Brazil and its trading
partners, the trade balance is now expected to show a more pronounced improvement, from a
deficit of US$6.4 billion in 1998 to a surplus of nearly US$11 billion in 1999. The current
account deficit is also likely to decline significantly, from 4.5 percent of GDP to around
3 percent of GDP, roughly equivalent to the expected inflow of foreign direct investment.
Despite the improvement in the current account, the overall balance of payments is expected
to continue to show deficits in the next few months, reflecting heavy amortizations and the
fact that capital inflows can be expected to recover only gradually. A pickup in those inflows,
as confidence strengthens, should help move the overall external balance into surplus during
the second half of the year.
III. Fiscal Policy
- The depreciation of the real, through its impact on, in particular, the external and
foreign-exchange indexed public debt, has boosted the value of the debt by the equivalent of
about 11 percentage points of GDP, to over 53 percent of GDP. The government intends to
reduce steadily the ratio of the public debt to GDP to around 50 percent by end-1999, and to
below the value initially projected in the November 1998 program for the end of 2001
(46.5 percent), through higher than originally targeted primary surpluses of the consolidated
public sector in the next three years. The pursuit of this objective should also be helped by
the decline of real interest rates expected to result from the strengthened fiscal adjustment
and move to the floating exchange rate regime. Projections of the path of the debt to GDP
ratio under plausible assumptions about GDP growth, real interest rates and the real exchange
rate suggest that primary surpluses of 3 percent a year during the period 1999-2001 would be
sufficient for this purpose. Nevertheless, to build a safety margin in the event of a less
favorable than projected environment, the government intends to increase the targeted
primary surplus to at least 3.1 percent of GDP in 1999, 3.25 percent of GDP in 2000, and
3.35 percent of GDP in 2001. These targets will be revised upwards (by the equivalent of up
to 0.15 percent a year) to reflect the additional revenue (net of constitutional transfers) that
would be obtained by the federal government in the event of favorable decisions by the
Supreme Court on pending cases to remove certain exemptions from the income tax on
capital gains and from the COFINS.
- The federal government will need to make a major contribution to the targeted fiscal
adjustment. Accordingly, its primary surplus is expected to increase from 0.6 percent of GDP
in 1998 to at least 2.3 percent of GDP in 1999 (compared with the original program of
1.8 percent of GDP). To achieve this objective, the government will keep nominal
expenditures on goods and services below the 1998 outcome. In setting budgetary priorities ,
the government intends to safeguard to the maximum extent possible programs targeted to
the poor, and has sought financial support from the World Bank and the IDB related to
selected social safety net programs.
- To improve the primary balance, the following other measures, additional to those
already enacted or announced in late 1998, have been announced or will be announced: (i)
increases in domestic energy prices and other public tariffs sufficient to ensure the pass
through to final users of the cost of imported inputs; (ii) the suspension until the end of the
year of the rebate to exporters of the earmarked levies on turnover (PIS and COFINS); (iii) an
increase in the rate of the IOF on consumer loans; (iv) submission to congress of legislation
increasing the social security contributions for military personnel; and (v) a reduction
(equivalent to 0.15 percent of GDP) in budgeted federal expenditures on wages and salaries,
to be achieved by, inter alia, reducing new hires, postponing certain career stream
adjustments, and deferring promotions. Of the new measures, only the increase in military
pension contributions requires a new law from the outset to be implemented. The others can
either be implemented by decree, or by a provisional measure, which requires subsequent
ratification by congress.
- A surplus of 0.6 percent of GDP is targeted for the federal enterprises in 1999, partly
offset by a small consolidated deficit of the state and municipal enterprises (around
0.2 percent of GDP). To help achieve this objective, the investment programs of the federal
enterprises have been cut by the equivalent of about 0.9 percent of GDP. The primary surplus
of the federal enterprises can be expected to decline over time, reflecting the privatization of
some of the more profitable companies.
- A number of state governments (including some of the larger ones) remain in need of
additional fiscal adjustment. As explained in the previous memorandum of economic
policies, the debt restructuring agreements between the federal government and the states
require the latter to generate primary surpluses to service the restructured debt. The
government is committed to continuing to enforce these agreements at the original terms,
using the means provided to it by the agreements, as it has already done on a number of
occasions so far. The recently enacted administrative and social security reforms provide the
necessary legal framework for the states to begin steadily reducing their payroll spending, an
indispensable condition for the generation of primary surpluses by many of the states. In this
connection, the government is discussing with the World Bank a structural adjustment loan to
finance the once-over costs associated with the retrenchment of state employees, to facilitate
the compliance by states with the requirement of the administrative reform. Our projections
suggest that the target in the stand-by program of 0.4 percent of GDP for the consolidated
primary surplus of the states and municipalities in 1999 remains feasible.
- While many of Brazil's municipalities enjoy sound financial positions (as evidenced
by the fact that the consolidated primary balance of municipal governments has shown small
surpluses in recent years), some large municipalities have accumulated substantial securitized
and contractual debts, especially with the domestic banking system, which they have not been
effectively servicing for several years (with the unpaid accrued interest being capitalized).
The total municipal debt at end-1998 is estimated at around R$24 billion (around 2.5 percent
of GDP), already included in the public debt. With a provisional measure issued on February
26, 1999, the federal government proposed to refinance the securitized and contractual bank
debt of the municipalities over a 30-year period, at an interest rate equivalent to 9 percent
plus inflation. These debt-restructuring agreements will be modeled on those already signed
with the states, and will carry the same types of guarantees of service of the restructured debt,
and interest penalties for noncompliance with the requirements of the Camata Law on limits
to payroll expenditures. Access by municipalities to new financing will continue to be
severely limited. The debt restructuring agreements are estimated to have a favorable impact
on the consolidated primary balance of the public sector equivalent to about 0.1 percent of
GDP in 1999, since they will require the affected municipalities to begin generating primary
surpluses to service the restructured debt.
IV. Monetary and Financial Policies
- The overriding objective of monetary policy is securing low inflation. The central
bank intends to put in place as rapidly as feasible a formal inflation targeting framework. As
a first step in this direction, the government will revise as appropriate the draft legislation on
the central bank and other financial institutions, which is currently pending before congress,
with a view to strengthening the operational independence of the central bank in pursuing its
anti-inflation mandate. The revised proposal will include: procedures for establishing an
annual inflation target, and for reporting to congress on the pursuit of this target; fixed terms
of office for the president and the directors of the central bank; and appropriate limitations on
the types of subsequent employment for departing Board members of the bank . Also, the
central bank intends to seek the benefit of relevant foreign experiences in setting up the
technical infrastructure for inflation targeting, and for this purpose has asked the assistance of
the Monetary and Exchange Affairs Department of the Fund in organizing (in cooperation
with the central banks of countries which utilize an inflation targeting framework) a
workshop in Brasilia in April to discuss the main issues in this area.
- Since the move to formal inflation targeting will take some time, the central bank will
rely, in the meantime, on a quantity based framework under which it will target its net
domestic assets. The proposed path of NDA, set out in the attached technical memorandum
of understanding, is predicated on the projected paths of inflation, real GDP and net
international reserves referred to in paragraphs 6 and 8 above, assuming a likely initial
increase in velocity of money, as prices increase in the wake of the exchange rate slide,
followed by a gradual decline as inflationary expectations recede in the course of the year.
Considerable uncertainty inevitably besets the projections of money demand in the current
environment of unsettled expectations. These uncertainties are compounded by the difficulty
of quantifying the prospective impact of changes in the IOF and CPMF taxes on the
composition of households' and enterprises' financial portfolios. It will be necessary,
therefore, to keep the development of the monetary aggregates under close review, and be
prepared to modify the program targets if the exchange rate (as a leading indicator of
inflationary pressures) or rate of inflation were to deviate significantly, and on a sustained
basis, from their assumed paths, since such developments could signal that the demand for
money had been either overestimated or underestimated.
- An increased focus by the central bank on inflation and the monetary aggregates will
require appropriate flexibility in the management of interest rates. As a step in this direction
the central bank on March 4 eliminated the existing band for rediscount rates (TBC and
TBAN), linking the latter to the overnight market rate. It also raised the reference rate for the
overnight interbank market by 6 percentage points, to 45 percent. Also, with a view to
reducing bank liquidity, the central bank had already increased on March 3, 1999 from
20 percent to 30 percent the remunerated reserve requirements on time deposits. It will also
endeavor to reduce its stock of overnight repos with banks, lengthen their maturity, and begin
offering to the market fixed rate securities with short maturities. The central bank intends to
reduce over time the stock of its own securities in the market, utilizing treasury paper for its
operations in the interbank market. For this purpose, the treasury will increase gradually its
net issues of securities in the months ahead, with a view to partially replacing maturing
central bank paper.
- The financial system has been weathering relatively well the impact of the economic
downturn and the high interest rates. Although the share of nonperforming loans in the banks'
portfolio has risen from 6 percent in June 1997 to 9.2 percent in November 1998 (from
3 percent to 5 percent for private banks), partly reflecting more stringent classification
standards, provisions remained above 120 percent of nonperforming loans through November
1998, and preliminary information indicates that bank profitability continued to rise
significantly in 1998. Stress tests suggest that the main private banks would continue to
exceed required capital adequacy ratios, even if the ratio of their nonperforming loans would
more than double. The central bank will monitor closely developments in the portfolios of
private and public banks in the months ahead, and ensure that capital adequacy requirements
are strictly observed. The central bank will also strengthen its supervision of currency
exposures in the banking system, by issuing in the near term improved regulations, in line
with Basle standards to limit such exposures. The central bank will also issue by the end of
1999 regulations on market risks of banks, based on Basle standards, and implement a
forward-looking loan classification scheme, with technical assistance from the World Bank.
- The government will pursue with determination its ongoing policy of streamlining
and reducing over time the role of public banks in the economy. It has already privatized in
1998 the federal Banco Meridional, and will privatize the sixth largest Brazilian bank
(BANESPA), which is under federal administration, in the course of 1999. It has also
requested the high-level committee overseeing the remaining federal banks (Banco do Brasil,
Caixa Economica, BNDES, BASA, and BNB) to present by end-October 1999
recommendations on the future role of these institutions including possible divestitures,
mergers, sales of strategic equity stakes, or transformation into development agencies or
second-tier banks. These recommendations will be analyzed and decided upon by the
government before the end of the year, and the decisions will be implemented in the course of
2000. The government has already decided on the privatization of the asset management
affiliate of the Banco do Brasil (BB/DTVM) and of the federal reinsurance company (IRB
Brasil-RE). At the same time, the ongoing process of privatization, closure or transformation
into development agencies of remaining state banks will continue. The privatization of the
banks of, in particular, the large states of Bahia, and Paraná, is expected in 1999, following
the successful privatization of the state banks of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and
Pernambuco, among others, in the last two years.
V. External Policies
- Under the new floating exchange rate regime, central bank sales of foreign exchange
in the market will be conducted regularly to meet the projected overall balance of payments
financing needs. A limited amount of unsterilized intervention may be undertaken
occasionally to counter disorderly market conditions. The central bank will refrain as from
the beginning of March 1999 from intervening in the foreign exchange futures market. The
adoption of a floating exchange rate regime has facilitated the elimination as of February 1,
1999 of the dual exchange markets (the commercial and the floating rate). This paves the way
for early acceptance by Brazil of the obligations under Article VIII, Sect. 2, 3, and 4 of the
IMF's Articles of Agreement. Assistance has been requested from the Fund's Legal and
Monetary and Exchange Affairs Departments to ascertain which, if any, obstacles remain to
such a move.
- The government intends to seek the voluntary commitment of foreign banks to
maintain, and over time gradually increase, their exposure to Brazil. Brazilian corporate
borrowers have continued to access foreign capital markets in recent months with small
issues of notes and commercial paper, and we expect this trend to accelerate in the months
ahead, as confidence rebuilds. We are also planning one or more sovereign bond issues later
in the year, as market conditions improve. It is, however, the government's intention to limit
the public and publicly guaranteed external debt within the ceilings specified in the technical
memorandum of understanding, and also to limit the share of the short-term debt in the
public external debt.
- The government remains committed to the policy of trade liberalization adopted in the
first mandate of President Cardoso (summarized in the Memorandum of Economic Policy of
November 1998). In order to level the playing field for Brazilian exporters, the government
carries out a program of limited export financing and equalization of interest rates similar to
those provided by OECD members, in line with the Berne Union consensus and in
conformity with WTO regulations. The 1999 budgetary appropriation for interest rates
equalization is equivalent to less than 0.1 percent of GDP, and most of this is already
committed. Given the improvement in competitiveness, and in view of the very high level of
domestic interest rates, and tight credit, the government intends to limit the scope of the
interest equalization program to exports of goods with a long production cycle, such as
capital goods. As indicated in paragraph 10 above, it has also suspended the rebate of the PIS
and COFINS to exporters.
VI. Structural Policies
- The previous memorandum on economic policies provided a comprehensive
overview of the government structural reform agenda in the short to medium term. This
memorandum outlines the progress made in the last three months in the pursuit of that
agenda, as well as some planned modifications to it.
- An important landmark was the final approval by congress in November 1998 of the
constitutional amendment on the reform of the social security. This reform sets out general
principles--applying to the public pension systems for both private and public
employees--regarding actuarial balance of the systems, minimum number of participants and
individual notional contribution accounts. It also caps for public pension systems the ratio of
employer to employee contributions at 2:1; and requires an increase in employee
contributions whenever pension expenditures (net of contributions) at any level of
government exceed 12 percent of the net revenue of that government. Congress also approved
on January 28, 1999 laws raising the contribution rate for civil servants from 11 percent to
20-25 percent, depending on the salary level, and introduced a graduated contribution on
retired civil servants whose pensions exceed R$600 per month. The government will present
to Congress during the next few months more detailed legislation to implement the principles
set out in the constitutional reform of the social security for private and public sector
workers, as well as new legislation to regulate private pension funds.
- The enabling legislation for the Administrative Reform Law (a constitutional
amendment approved in 1998) is progressing through congress. A bill establishing the
modalities to apply the Camata Law--which sets limits on government payroll spending
as percent of net revenues--was approved by the House in January, and is now under
consideration in the Senate. So are rules governing the dismissal of civil servants in case of
overstaffing. A law regulating dismissals for substandard performance and another providing
increased flexibility in the recruitment of civil servants have been sent to Congress.
- A tax reform proposal to revamp the present complex and inefficient system of
indirect taxation was presented by the government in December 1998. The proposal includes:
(i) the replacement of most existing indirect taxes (including the VAT-like federal and state
taxes (IPI and ICMS) and some of the earmarked social contributions levied on turnover (PIS
and COFINS) or on profits (CSLL)) with a new national VAT, with a federally determined
level and base, but administered by the states, and the revenue of which would be shared by
the federal, state and local governments; (ii) the creation of selective excises at the federal
level; and (iii) the utilization of the financial transactions tax (CPMF) as a minimum tax,
deductible against other federal levies (possibly the income tax). This proposal aims at
eliminating current distortions in the tax system, greatly simplifying its structure, and limiting
the scope it currently affords for evasion and erosion of the indirect tax base. The reform is
designed to be revenue-neutral ex-ante, but its successful implementation should yield fiscal
dividends over time, especially by facilitating effective enforcement.
- A draft of the proposed Fiscal Responsibility Law, along the lines set out in
paragraph 15 of the previous memorandum of economic policies, was unveiled by the
government in December 1998, and comments on it are being sought from state and local
governments, and from the community at large, as well as from international organizations. A
revised draft incorporating these comments is to be sent to congress shortly.
- The government intends to accelerate and further broaden the scope of its
privatization program--already one of the most ambitious in the world. In 1999 it intends to
complete the privatization of federal electricity generation companies, and in 2000 it will
begin the privatization of the electricity transmission network. At the state level, most
remaining state-owned electricity distribution companies are expected to be privatized in
1999. The government has also announced the intention to sell in 1999 its remaining shares
of previously privatized companies (notably Light and CVRD), as well as the remaining
portion of the noncontrolling share of Petrobrás. The legislative framework for the
privatization or leasing of water and sewage utilities is being prepared. The government also
intends to accelerate the privatization of toll roads and the sale of its redundant real estate
properties. Total receipts from privatization are projected at around R$27.8 billion (nearly
2.8 percent of GDP) (of which R$24.2 billion at the federal level) in 1999 and at R$22.5
billion over the period 2000-2001.
- As the memorandum of economic policies of November 1998 explains, Brazil's
economic and financial statistics are in many respects very well developed. Nonetheless,
there are weaknesses in certain areas, particularly national income accounting, which the
government intends to address. Consequently, it has asked the Statistics Department of the
Fund for assistance in making a diagnosis of these weaknesses, and advising on
improvements needed to subscribe to the SDDS. A mission is planned in the first half of this