The IMF and Good Governance, A Factsheet
Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
By-Laws Rules and Regulations of the International Monetary Fund
Selected Decisions and Selected Documents of the International Monetary Fund


Legal Issues, Governance, and the IMF
Last Updated: December 22, 2006
IMF Seminars, Conferences & Workshops
Seminar on Current Developments in Monetary and Financial Law - Law and Financial Stability October 23-27, 2006
Seminar on Current Developments in Monetary and Financial Law May 24-June 4, 2004, Washington, D.C.
Seminar on Current Developments in Monetary and Financial Law May 7-17, 2002, Washington, D.C.
Conference on Comprehensive Legal and Judicial Development, Towards an Agenda for a Just and Equitable Society in the 21st Century June 5-7, 2000,
Washington, DC
Conference on Second Generation Reforms November 8-9, 1999,
Washington, DC
Technical Assistance on Drafting of Legislation on Fiscal Issues
Governance of the IMF: Decision Making, Institutional Oversight,
Transparency, and Accountability
Pamphlet Series No. 53 August 2002
OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
September 18, 2001
Enhancing Contributions To Combating Money Laundering: Policy Paper
Prepared by the Staffs of the IMF and the World Bank
April 26, 2001
Review of the Fund's Experience in Governance Issues
March 28, 2001
Financial System Abuse, Financial Crime and Money Laundering
Background Paper
February 12, 2001
Tax Law Drafting Samples
Tax Law Drafting Samples: VAT
Tax Law Notes
Developing the International Dialogue on Taxation
A Joint Proposal by the Staffs of the IMF, OECD and World Bank
Finance & Development Articles on Legal Topics
Legal Aspects of Regulatory Treatment of Banks in Distress
Legal Department
Orderly & Effective Insolvency Procedures
Legal Department
IMF publications on governance
IMF news about governance
See Also:
Global Banking Law Database A joint project of the World Bank Group and the IMF
World Bank and Anticorruption
World Bank Law & Justice
World Bank Legal Institutions of the Market Economy