About the Program

The Institute for Capacity Development’s Internal Economics Training (IET) program provides training over a wide range of topics that are relevant for IMF economists. The objective of the program is to ensure that Fund economists at all levels stay at the forefront of the profession and remain current on the major issues of the day.

The program consists of courses (which run from two to five days) and seminars (typically half-day events) on topics in econometrics, economic theory, finance, monetary and exchange rate policy, open-economy macroeconomics, political economy, public economics, and trade. The popularity of the program has elicited a rapid expansion in the number of courses and seminars offered since the program’s inception. The Institute consults with economists from across the Fund in choosing the topics to be covered as well as the speakers to be invited, and it seeks feedback from participants in all the courses and seminars. The range of topics covered has broadened significantly in recent years, reflecting the increasingly complex and rapidly evolving environment which Fund economists operate.

The Institute invites some of the best-known scholars in their fields to the Fund to conduct the courses and seminars. Among these are recent recipients of the Nobel Prize in Economics, as well as the John Bates Clark Medal. Since 2000, country officials have also participated in selected week-long IET courses in various fields.

Economics Training Program
2019 Courses
Growth Policy DesignAghion,Philippe
Panel Data AnalysisBaltagi,Badi H.
Econometrics for Macroeconomists Using StataBaum,Christopher F.
Specifying, Solving, and Estimating DSGE Models: An IntroductionCanova,Fabio
Making a Miracle: Diversification and Growth PoliciesCherif,Reda
Formulation, Estimation, and Policy Analysis with DSGE ModelsChristiano,Lawrence J.
Macroeconomic DiagnosticsHasanov,Fuad
Making a Miracle: Diversification and Growth PoliciesHasanov,Fuad
Macroeconomic Models with Financial FrictionsKiyotaki,Nobuhiro
Understanding and Fighting CorruptionKlitgaard,Robert
Macroeconomic ForecastingMartin,Vance
Macroeconometric Modeling and Forecasting Using EViewsMcNown,Robert F.
Macroprudential Policy Modeling for Open EconomiesMendoza,Enrique
Capital Flows ManagementMontiel,Peter J.
Introduction to Nonstationary Macro Panel Data TechniquesPedroni,Peter
Estimating the Effects of Government Macroeconomic Policies: A Guide for PractitionersRamey,Valerie A.
New Developments in Fiscal PolicyReis,Ricardo A.M.R.
Exchange Rate EconomicsSarno,Lucio
Making a Miracle: Diversification and Growth PoliciesSpar,Debora
Advanced Forecasting MethodsTimmermann,Allan
Governing the Market: The Political Economy of DevelopmentWade,Robert H.
Modern Monetary EconomicsWalsh,Carl
DSGE Modeling with Applications to the Chinese EconomyZha,Tao

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Economics Training Program
2019 Seminars
Firms, Innovation, and PoliciesAkcigit,Ufuk
Populism, Immigration, and Redistribution in the Age of InequalityCavaille,Charlotte
Macroeconomic Consequences of RemittancesChami,Ralph
Sectoral Transformation of the Economy, Innovation and Labor Market PolarizationComin,Diego A.
Machine Learning and Finance: Prediction and MeasurementDas,Sanmay
Foreign Exchange Management and InterventionDominguez,Kathryn M.E.
Open Forum - Good Economics for Hard TimesDuflo,Esther
Is Data the New Capital?Farboodi,Maryam
The Shadow Banking System and The International Monetary SystemFarhi,Emmanuel
The Complexity of Bank Holding Companies: A New Measurement ApproachFlood,Mark D.
The Economics of AIGans,Joshua S.
Intermediary Asset Pricing and Empirical EvidenceHe,Zhiguo
Growth and Structural TransformationHerrendorf,Berthold
Firms and International Development: Examples from Africa and Latin AmericaHjort,Jonas
Diagnosing and Fixing Resource MisallocationHsieh,Chang-Tai
Global Firms, Trade, and ServicesJensen,J. Bradford
How Breakthrough Science Can Revive Economic GrowthJohnson,Simon
Growth Economics: Ideas, Talent, and AIJones,Charles I.
The Critical Role of Markets in Climate Change AdaptationKahn,Matthew
The Gift of Global TalentKerr,William R.
Designing Experiments for International Trade ResearchKhandelwal,Amit K.
Law and Macroeconomics: Legal Remedies to RecessionsListokin,Yair
Signaling Effects of Monetary PolicyMelosi,Leonardo
Institutions for Innovation: History and PoliciesMoser,Petra
Lessons for EU Integration from U.S. HistoryPosen,Adam S.
Open Forum - The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community BehindRajan,Raghuram G.
Open Forum - A Crisis of Beliefs: Investor Psychology and Financial FragilityShleifer,Andrei
Post-Crisis Regulatory Reforms of BankingThakor,Anjan V.
Open Forum - Is Independent Central Banking a Threat to Constitutional Democracy, or Just a Diminished Institution?Tucker,Paul
The Transmission of Commodity Price Super-CyclesUrzua,Sergio S.
The Information Economy: Old Themes and New Directions in Macroeconomics and FinanceVeldkamp,Laura L.
The Effects of Quantitative Easing, and Long Run Correlates of Safe Real RatesWest,Kenneth D.
The Institutional Foundation of China's Financial SystemXiong,Wei
Rising Government Debt and What to Do About ItYared,Pierre
How Twelve Great Economists Would Solve Today's Biggest ProblemsYueh,Linda