International Monetary Fund

Peru: Lending to the Fund

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Date 2016 Note Purchase Agreement 1/
Agreed 2/
January 31, 2019    1,100,000,000    0
February 28, 2019    1,100,000,000    0
March 31, 2019    1,100,000,000    0
April 30, 2019    1,100,000,000    0
May 31, 2019    1,100,000,000    0
June 30, 2019    1,100,000,000    0
July 31, 2019    1,100,000,000    0
August 31, 2019    1,100,000,000    0
September 30, 2019    1,100,000,000    0
October 31, 2019    1,100,000,000    0

1/The activation process of the Bilateral Borrowing Agreements can be found in the Guidelines for Borrowing by the Fund (see IMF Executive Board Decision Number 15176-(12/58) in Selected Decisions of the IMF).
2/ Amounts agreed (Commitments) under these agreements are expressed in the currencies specified by the lenders.

The information provided is for your convenience and is not intended to replace other official IMF reports and statements.
Peru: Financial Position in the Fund