International Monetary Fund

Currency units per SDR for May 2023

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This rate, which is not used in Fund transactions, is the reciprocal of the SDR per currency unit rate, rounded to six significant digits.

Currency units per SDR for May 2023
Currency May 01,
May 02,
May 03,
May 04,
May 05,
May 08,
May 09,
May 10,
May 11,
May 12,
May 15,
Chinese yuan NA NA NA 9.349200 9.340910 9.346930 9.345180 9.337850 9.343260 9.345450 9.331060
Euro NA 1.226300 1.222240 1.221070 1.226950 1.224910 1.231180 1.230830 1.232010 1.234830 1.234510
Japanese yen 184.214000 184.915000 NA NA NA 182.605000 182.526000 182.150000 180.577000 180.966000 182.601000
U.K. pound NA 1.078170 1.079260 1.075580 1.071410 NA 1.069090 1.068760 1.068550 1.072720 1.073570
U.S. dollar 1.347670 1.344640 1.349720 1.352220 1.351370 1.351930 1.349250 1.347760 1.346580 1.344970 1.342660
Algerian dinar NA 182.180000 182.613000 182.783000 182.660000 182.624000 182.636000 182.658000 182.610000 182.590000 182.506000
Australian dollar 2.029940 2.005430 2.025390 2.021250 2.006480 1.995470 1.990620 1.992550 1.987580 2.010420 2.009360
Botswana pula NA 17.786300 17.877100 17.792300 17.804600 17.859000 17.823600 17.970200 18.050700 18.224600 18.070800
Brazilian real NA 6.767460 6.778420 6.774610 6.714920 6.717720 6.746360 6.676950 6.691160 6.621030 6.592040
Brunei dollar NA 1.796850 1.799850 1.795340 1.790430 1.791840 1.787350 1.787810 1.785170 1.790970 1.797550
Canadian dollar 1.825560 1.831130 1.837780 1.834410 1.814480 1.805370 1.806640 1.802630 1.814790 1.820290 1.810840
Chilean peso NA 1,080.150000 1,091.590000 1,089.930000 1,081.820000 1,075.410000 1,070.530000 1,068.050000 1,061.310000 1,071.110000 1,056.670000
Czech koruna NA 28.939400 28.830000 28.627800 28.713800 NA 28.753800 28.820500 28.939500 29.156300 29.096700
Danish krone NA 9.140600 9.107390 9.097280 NA 9.122260 9.166410 9.166910 9.176420 9.197430 9.193540
Indian rupee NA 109.941000 110.481000 110.524000 NA 110.534000 110.669000 110.549000 110.478000 110.504000 110.479000
Israeli New Shekel 4.877240 4.867600 4.908940 4.916660 4.928440 4.911570 4.936880 4.953020 4.905620 4.898380 4.898020
Korean won NA 1,800.610000 1,808.890000 1,810.750000 NA 1,792.120000 1,784.650000 1,783.090000 1,783.140000 1,775.770000 1,790.570000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.412793 0.412065 0.413351 0.413912 NA 0.414096 0.413409 0.412954 0.412594 NA 0.412062
Malaysian ringgit NA NA NA NA NA 5.995810 5.992010 6.002260 5.999020 6.024130 6.041270
Mauritian rupee NA 60.845000 60.701300 61.222000 61.253500 61.443900 61.291400 61.242200 61.135500 61.247100 61.335800
Mexican peso NA 24.247200 24.168100 24.282400 24.035900 24.093100 23.963700 23.699700 23.738500 23.690600 23.547500
New Zealand dollar 2.182470 2.175800 2.162320 2.167530 2.143330 2.145410 2.131010 2.126650 2.112780 2.141680 2.164700
Norwegian krone NA 14.423800 14.527600 14.443100 14.342500 14.148300 14.250900 14.214300 14.190300 14.362300 14.299400
Omani rial 0.518180 0.517015 0.518966 0.519926 NA 0.519815 0.518785 0.518215 0.517762 NA 0.516252
Peruvian sol NA 4.983230 4.999350 5.024820 5.012230 5.004830 4.989520 4.946280 4.948710 4.907810 4.908750
Philippine peso NA 74.623500 74.730000 74.820600 74.596800 74.750700 74.605200 74.868200 75.098800 74.877200 75.022100
Polish zloty NA 5.623700 NA 5.618040 5.623320 5.594810 5.614070 5.597540 5.576750 5.600200 5.570690
Qatari riyal 4.905540 4.894500 4.912970 4.922060 NA 4.921020 4.911250 4.905860 4.901580 NA 4.887280
Russian ruble NA 107.519000 107.042000 106.303000 103.813000 NA NA 103.364000 102.185000 103.838000 106.205000
Saudi Arabian riyal 5.053770 5.042410 5.061450 5.070810 NA 5.069730 5.059680 5.054100 5.049690 NA 5.034970
Singapore dollar NA 1.796850 1.799850 1.795340 1.790430 1.791840 1.787350 1.787810 1.785170 1.790970 1.797550
South African rand NA 24.780600 24.800500 24.706700 24.803600 24.772300 24.843700 25.292400 25.499300 26.061100 25.544000
Swedish krona NA 13.830300 13.870400 13.889300 13.786000 13.725000 13.721000 13.728800 13.824700 13.865100 13.949400
Swiss franc NA 1.208500 1.199700 1.197180 1.204540 1.201190 1.203190 1.201120 1.204120 1.201470 1.203290
Thai baht NA 45.977200 45.952500 NA NA 45.876400 45.488500 45.398000 45.363600 45.620200 45.373700
Trinidadian dollar 9.100340 9.060190 9.094130 9.131920 9.123920 9.139010 9.118180 9.130420 9.079600 9.064620 9.059940
U.A.E. dirham 4.949340 4.938200 4.956850 4.966010 NA 4.964950 4.955110 4.949660 4.945330 NA 4.930920
Uruguayan peso NA 52.461200 52.739000 52.671500 52.473600 52.308900 52.431800 52.465600 52.453500 52.410900 52.295200

Currency units per SDR for May 2023 (Continued)
Currency May 16,
May 17,
May 18,
May 19,
May 22,
May 23,
May 24,
May 25,
May 26,
May 30,
May 31,
Chinese yuan 9.354010 9.373130 9.394610 9.381480 9.396470 9.404950 9.400880 9.405040 9.382180 9.437610 9.436630
Euro 1.234640 1.236100 1.236080 1.236050 1.235360 1.237440 1.236000 1.239330 1.238600 1.238720 1.242600
Japanese yen 182.636000 182.622000 183.818000 184.825000 184.025000 185.109000 184.491000 185.488000 186.161000 186.616000 185.579000
U.K. pound 1.071770 1.075380 1.075020 1.074840 1.073870 1.076930 1.077020 1.076440 1.075800 1.070830 1.073650
U.S. dollar 1.343410 1.338570 1.336570 1.335920 1.336910 1.333830 1.333030 1.330420 1.331620 1.330880 1.327460
Algerian dinar 182.521000 182.220000 182.073000 182.155000 182.116000 181.791000 181.705000 181.798000 181.915000 182.174000 181.778000
Australian dollar 2.012900 2.016230 2.010780 2.013750 2.013420 2.005760 2.020350 2.038340 2.043940 2.044670 2.043820
Botswana pula 18.154200 18.088800 NA 18.151100 18.238900 18.122700 18.087200 18.150400 18.316700 18.382300 18.309900
Brazilian real 6.598310 6.626860 6.634860 6.659830 6.640940 6.624890 6.594220 6.650000 6.672490 6.732510 6.763840
Brunei dollar 1.794660 1.795030 1.793940 1.801620 1.797340 1.794800 1.795050 1.799270 1.801420 1.802270 1.797260
Canadian dollar 1.807690 1.802120 1.804370 1.803890 NA 1.801200 1.810520 1.813100 1.814070 1.809730 1.805750
Chilean peso 1,052.360000 1,063.420000 1,065.570000 1,063.450000 1,065.520000 1,067.390000 1,068.700000 1,076.350000 1,077.600000 1,067.550000 1,067.200000
Czech koruna 29.229900 29.215700 29.256100 29.362200 29.247500 29.293600 29.257200 29.301300 29.283700 29.380500 29.495000
Danish krone 9.194130 9.206070 NA NA 9.200730 9.215830 9.205310 9.233270 9.226280 9.226710 9.254800
Indian rupee 110.527000 110.258000 110.238000 110.479000 110.694000 110.436000 110.269000 110.089000 110.150000 110.108000 109.751000
Israeli New Shekel 4.918210 4.885790 4.863770 4.869430 4.881050 4.897830 4.973520 4.962480 NA 4.936220 4.931530
Korean won 1,797.210000 1,788.330000 1,790.200000 1,780.380000 1,779.690000 1,759.460000 1,748.130000 1,752.830000 1,762.270000 1,764.210000 1,755.170000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.412159 0.410808 0.410393 NA 0.410497 0.409687 0.409438 0.408906 NA 0.409179 0.407997
Malaysian ringgit 6.043720 6.049680 6.048660 6.082470 6.067560 6.068920 6.110600 6.145900 6.171390 6.138660 6.128240
Mauritian rupee 61.161700 60.965600 61.005000 61.005000 61.163600 60.946300 60.828700 60.843200 60.842100 60.889800 60.918800
Mexican peso 23.465600 23.541800 23.703000 23.636500 23.887900 23.967200 23.753900 23.715100 23.532800 23.494300 23.551600
New Zealand dollar 2.149970 2.143950 2.139540 2.142960 2.130030 2.122250 2.150560 2.184780 2.191970 2.197620 2.206010
Norwegian krone 14.337800 NA NA 14.462900 14.548200 14.591900 14.606400 14.586400 14.642500 14.709100 14.916700
Omani rial 0.516540 0.514681 0.513912 NA 0.514041 0.512857 0.512547 0.511548 NA 0.511724 0.510410
Peruvian sol 4.941050 4.940660 4.942620 4.926890 4.927860 4.920510 4.909540 4.911930 4.888400 4.885650 4.878430
Philippine peso 75.191900 75.116800 75.069400 74.767500 74.476800 74.423600 74.211000 74.197700 74.459100 74.510700 74.683200
Polish zloty 5.538600 5.555620 5.604090 5.617950 5.599100 5.553270 5.541790 5.587000 5.613590 5.621890 5.649560
Qatari riyal 4.890000 4.872420 4.865110 NA 4.866350 4.855150 4.852230 4.842730 NA 4.844400 4.831970
Russian ruble 107.446000 108.109000 106.974000 106.753000 106.870000 106.929000 106.598000 106.413000 106.485000 107.385000 107.517000
Saudi Arabian riyal 5.037780 5.019650 5.012130 NA 5.013410 5.001880 4.998850 4.989100 NA 4.990790 4.978000
Singapore dollar 1.794660 1.795030 1.793940 1.801620 1.797340 1.794800 1.795050 1.799270 1.801420 1.802270 1.797260
South African rand 25.669600 25.688100 26.000500 25.848300 25.817300 25.674400 25.596100 25.681500 26.292400 26.321200 26.251100
Swedish krona 13.907900 13.957400 NA 14.098900 14.084200 14.102300 14.156200 14.233900 14.274200 14.341900 14.381600
Swiss franc 1.199600 1.203710 NA 1.205540 1.196670 1.202180 1.204250 1.205360 1.201990 1.200980 1.208720
Thai baht 45.536100 45.768500 45.736000 46.042600 46.063200 46.193200 46.061300 46.187000 46.135500 46.326500 46.120100
Trinidadian dollar 9.075400 9.026410 9.018760 9.032850 9.045270 9.036610 9.028040 8.985940 8.984480 NA 8.945100
U.A.E. dirham 4.933670 4.915910 4.908550 NA 4.909810 4.898500 4.895530 4.885990 NA 4.887660 4.875120
Uruguayan peso 52.319000 52.075700 52.011300 51.908700 NA 51.519300 51.552200 51.665700 51.665700 51.556800 51.477700
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
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