International Monetary Fund

Currency units per SDR for September 2022

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This rate, which is not used in Fund transactions, is the reciprocal of the SDR per currency unit rate, rounded to six significant digits.

Currency units per SDR for September 2022
Currency September 01,
September 02,
September 06,
September 07,
September 08,
September 09,
September 12,
September 13,
September 14,
September 15,
September 16,
Chinese yuan 8.987470 8.973680 8.993860 8.993530 9.033020 9.012420 NA 9.048050 9.036360 9.027960 9.084470
Euro 1.301390 1.301090 1.304730 1.305900 1.296100 1.296010 1.284850 1.284310 1.298710 1.295940 1.300150
Japanese yen 181.616000 182.090000 182.642000 186.041000 187.326000 187.227000 186.321000 186.321000 187.412000 185.495000 185.092000
U.K. pound 1.126320 1.124040 1.119130 1.127800 1.123760 1.121370 1.116810 1.114050 1.121990 1.125420 1.134540
U.S. dollar 1.301910 1.300180 1.295330 1.290880 1.297270 1.302360 1.304770 1.306780 1.297410 1.294910 1.294170
Algerian dinar 182.502000 182.442000 181.689000 181.133000 181.950000 182.596000 182.949000 183.488000 182.393000 182.000000 181.660000
Australian dollar 1.905040 1.914850 1.904900 1.923530 1.924450 1.907380 1.906720 1.901050 1.929530 1.918950 1.931020
Botswana pula 16.798800 16.841700 16.714000 16.786500 16.804000 16.913700 16.879300 16.796700 16.915400 16.904800 16.939400
Brazilian real 6.770070 6.744320 6.764480 NA 6.765120 6.723680 6.677400 6.767590 6.716460 6.760050 6.843030
Brunei dollar 1.824100 1.822590 1.817870 1.820530 1.823570 1.822260 1.825370 1.824660 1.824170 1.820770 1.823230
Canadian dollar 1.714090 1.705970 1.701940 1.699310 1.701500 1.697620 1.693590 1.713190 1.708180 1.709280 NA
Chilean peso 1,169.160000 1,167.870000 1,122.120000 1,146.960000 1,149.820000 1,147.430000 1,154.910000 1,174.390000 1,181.000000 1,187.570000 NA
Czech koruna 31.870700 31.870100 32.034900 32.164800 31.809000 31.803600 31.549300 31.526100 31.841200 31.779600 31.844400
Danish krone 9.678670 9.676230 9.702520 9.711280 9.638460 9.637720 9.554840 9.550920 9.657920 9.637440 9.668750
Indian rupee 103.368000 103.740000 103.483000 103.170000 103.355000 103.714000 103.961000 103.320000 103.253000 103.053000 103.298000
Israeli New Shekel 4.379610 4.388100 4.424860 4.432880 4.443160 4.450160 4.425780 4.382950 4.457920 4.457060 4.457120
Korean won 1,751.190000 1,757.060000 1,774.220000 1,768.890000 1,797.110000 NA NA 1,804.930000 1,783.690000 1,802.120000 1,804.330000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.400922 NA 0.399286 0.398624 0.400272 NA 0.402130 0.402359 0.400317 0.399543 NA
Malaysian ringgit 5.835800 5.830020 5.817980 5.813480 5.837710 5.856070 5.876680 5.890320 5.872090 5.869160 NA
Mauritian rupee NA 58.110100 57.771100 57.611000 57.672800 57.785100 58.007300 58.335200 58.080800 58.110800 58.007000
Mexican peso 26.360100 25.971500 26.085400 25.855900 25.971700 25.920400 25.828800 26.207600 25.918200 25.966100 NA
New Zealand dollar 2.135680 2.142330 2.115170 2.146100 2.144960 2.140630 2.133020 2.128140 2.161270 2.151720 2.171610
Norwegian krone 13.030800 13.015500 12.909700 12.991400 13.040800 12.938800 12.812300 12.841500 13.133200 13.115300 13.259600
Omani rial 0.500583 NA 0.498055 0.496342 0.498800 NA 0.501683 0.502460 0.498855 0.497891 NA
Peruvian sol 5.024070 5.026490 5.041440 5.022800 5.023030 5.047930 5.025960 5.041570 5.020990 5.028130 5.014920
Philippine peso 73.129400 NA 73.757700 73.515400 74.224700 74.416900 74.265000 74.402000 73.767000 74.017100 73.862300
Polish zloty 6.113630 6.146730 6.135610 6.142510 6.131920 6.068840 6.031290 6.058660 6.128090 6.112210 6.132300
Qatari riyal 4.738930 NA 4.715000 4.698810 4.722060 NA 4.749350 4.756700 4.722590 4.713470 NA
Russian ruble 78.422800 78.493600 78.826400 78.977700 78.875600 78.753200 78.881800 78.495400 77.553000 77.262400 77.691000
Saudi Arabian riyal 4.882150 NA 4.857510 4.840790 4.864760 NA 4.892870 4.900450 4.865300 4.855900 NA
Singapore dollar 1.824100 1.822590 1.817870 1.820530 1.823570 1.822260 1.825370 1.824660 1.824170 1.820770 1.823230
South African rand 22.299600 22.489000 22.299500 22.528900 22.526100 NA 22.251000 22.234700 22.626600 22.722800 22.709900
Swedish krona 13.920800 13.972100 13.908000 13.949200 13.905400 13.773100 13.658600 13.670100 13.847700 13.877400 13.912600
Swiss franc 1.274570 1.277300 1.271110 1.271640 1.262250 1.249290 1.244230 1.239620 1.246300 1.238060 1.244340
Thai baht 47.785200 47.851900 47.227700 47.443700 47.281500 47.282200 47.538000 47.425700 47.595700 47.541200 47.898500
Trinidadian dollar 8.768240 8.735530 8.732480 8.728900 8.769310 8.799490 8.806380 8.821450 8.766090 8.742560 NA
U.A.E. dirham 4.781260 NA 4.757100 4.740750 4.764220 NA 4.791750 4.799160 4.764760 4.755540 NA
Uruguayan peso 53.110100 53.155300 52.824800 52.830400 52.905300 53.009900 53.050700 53.271100 52.765700 52.798600 53.037700

Currency units per SDR for September 2022 (Continued)
Currency September 19,
September 20,
September 21,
September 22,
September 23,
September 26,
September 27,
September 28,
September 29,
September 30,
Chinese yuan 9.082650 9.076720 9.098270 9.135920 9.096620 9.098520 9.096620 9.171110 9.193970 9.081740
Euro 1.295410 1.296840 1.302300 1.303240 1.312230 1.318670 1.318830 1.324470 1.314530 1.312970
Japanese yen NA 185.487000 185.382000 186.069000 NA 183.166000 183.723000 183.263000 184.174000 185.250000
U.K. pound NA 1.132070 1.137420 1.140440 1.160320 1.186060 1.177390 1.189090 1.177830 1.156590
U.S. dollar 1.294120 1.295030 1.290060 1.288120 1.279950 1.271990 1.271880 1.266860 1.275880 1.279880
Algerian dinar NA NA 181.478000 180.899000 179.874000 178.849000 180.445000 180.434000 179.472000 180.111000
Australian dollar 1.933250 1.927120 1.934990 NA 1.932290 1.957810 1.956430 1.983800 1.973220 1.968440
Botswana pula 16.983200 16.972800 16.974500 17.016200 16.841500 16.736700 16.958400 17.004800 17.057200 NA
Brazilian real 6.776120 6.695140 6.667820 6.655880 6.687890 6.810460 6.804800 6.788820 6.878290 6.919030
Brunei dollar 1.821210 1.821580 1.821050 1.830040 1.817790 1.826060 1.825650 1.833270 1.835610 1.835350
Canadian dollar 1.719630 1.728210 1.728290 1.736390 1.736890 1.744660 1.745780 1.730530 1.748850 NA
Chilean peso NA 1,194.790000 1,197.500000 1,209.320000 1,207.080000 1,227.700000 1,255.430000 1,245.100000 1,239.060000 1,236.360000
Czech koruna 31.731700 31.849900 32.083800 32.131000 32.349500 32.478900 32.515600 NA 32.458500 32.228600
Danish krone 9.634280 9.644320 9.684480 9.691610 9.758480 9.806230 9.807580 9.849790 9.775550 9.763810
Indian rupee 103.097000 103.185000 103.105000 103.983000 103.569000 103.762000 103.495000 103.756000 104.448000 104.377000
Israeli New Shekel 4.463410 4.453590 4.468770 4.474930 4.465740 NA NA 4.479600 4.511520 4.534610
Korean won 1,804.260000 1,800.220000 1,792.020000 1,795.130000 1,802.170000 1,791.470000 1,818.400000 1,808.060000 1,832.800000 1,836.370000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.399364 0.399516 0.398370 0.398738 NA 0.395015 0.394981 0.393738 NA NA
Malaysian ringgit 5.882420 5.897550 5.890430 5.886090 5.849390 5.848600 5.865240 5.851610 5.927750 5.939940
Mauritian rupee 58.190300 58.129700 57.590700 57.193500 56.717600 56.557200 56.683600 56.684200 57.137000 57.417500
Mexican peso 25.875000 25.900500 25.804700 25.712000 25.807300 25.887100 25.891600 25.724500 25.763500 25.716000
New Zealand dollar 2.164080 2.180180 2.188390 2.211560 2.189640 NA 2.236270 2.252990 2.237410 2.232480
Norwegian krone 13.320200 13.322500 13.395200 13.338700 13.428700 13.659400 13.646300 13.850800 13.739200 13.896200
Omani rial 0.497589 0.497939 0.496027 0.495282 NA 0.489079 0.489036 NA 0.490576 0.492114
Peruvian sol 4.997880 5.020810 5.023480 5.027550 4.999500 4.996350 5.015020 5.000280 5.058860 5.091360
Philippine peso 74.234600 74.286500 74.075200 74.569500 74.756900 NA 74.212600 74.623000 75.264400 75.397700
Polish zloty 6.115350 6.101910 6.181850 6.227190 6.245670 6.247110 6.292750 6.382560 6.421250 6.339630
Qatari riyal 4.710580 4.713890 4.695830 4.688760 NA 4.630040 4.629630 4.611360 4.644210 NA
Russian ruble 77.862200 77.721800 78.523800 77.070700 74.366000 73.774100 73.992400 74.045600 NA 70.775900
Saudi Arabian riyal 4.852930 4.856350 4.837720 4.830470 NA 4.769950 4.769540 4.750710 4.784550 NA
Singapore dollar 1.821210 1.821580 1.821050 1.830040 1.817790 1.826060 1.825650 1.833270 1.835610 1.835350
South African rand 22.873500 NA 22.774300 22.612000 22.816400 22.994200 22.753200 NA NA 23.017600
Swedish krona 13.998200 13.915300 14.159800 14.266000 14.258400 14.361900 14.295100 14.483700 14.486200 14.235700
Swiss franc 1.249730 1.250350 1.243550 1.263520 1.257810 1.259650 1.255410 1.253490 1.249210 1.253640
Thai baht 47.800900 47.822600 47.919300 48.121800 47.787000 48.059400 48.233400 48.345800 48.637900 48.526700
Trinidadian dollar 8.752510 8.773700 8.744160 8.729130 8.675360 8.632970 8.612750 8.565750 8.610670 8.617420
U.A.E. dirham 4.752650 4.755990 4.737740 4.730640 NA 4.671370 4.670980 4.652530 NA NA
Uruguayan peso 53.036900 53.019700 52.683400 52.331400 52.305100 52.375200 52.466200 52.362900 53.063900 53.417100
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
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