International Monetary Fund

Currency units per SDR for April 2022

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This rate, which is not used in Fund transactions, is the reciprocal of the SDR per currency unit rate, rounded to six significant digits.

Currency units per SDR for April 2022
Currency April 01,
April 04,
April 05,
April 06,
April 07,
April 08,
April 11,
April 12,
April 13,
April 14,
April 15,
Chinese yuan 8.777550 NA NA 8.736600 8.730120 8.724330 8.733010 8.718170 8.701480 8.735530 8.707690
Euro 1.248990 1.251230 1.254570 1.256770 1.256960 1.262510 1.257720 1.260350 1.262710 1.260870 NA
Japanese yen 168.683000 168.583000 168.645000 170.224000 169.647000 170.030000 171.364000 171.834000 171.697000 171.858000 172.713000
U.K. pound 1.050440 1.051410 1.048160 1.049320 1.049650 1.051380 1.050830 1.051760 1.051260 1.044530 NA
U.S. dollar 1.380380 1.376970 1.376130 1.372770 1.372100 1.371210 1.370910 1.368870 1.367010 1.371570 1.366400
Algerian dinar 197.117000 196.790000 196.972000 196.557000 NA 196.515000 196.197000 196.255000 196.028000 196.091000 196.068000
Australian dollar 1.846170 1.832550 1.807140 1.812960 1.833620 1.832440 1.840640 1.841610 1.834670 1.839060 NA
Botswana pula 15.848300 15.827300 15.799500 15.870200 15.807600 15.870500 15.830400 15.770300 15.712800 15.765200 NA
Brazilian real 6.484750 6.357360 6.384430 6.446660 6.505930 6.514230 6.445870 NA 6.398320 6.467260 NA
Brunei dollar 1.872630 NA 1.867000 1.867790 1.866330 1.869240 1.872390 1.868910 1.864200 1.855600 NA
Canadian dollar 1.727140 1.719840 1.713430 1.717200 1.726650 NA 1.730230 1.727100 1.723390 1.728320 NA
Chilean peso 1,087.720000 1,078.790000 1,072.460000 1,075.270000 1,090.240000 1,107.780000 1,116.310000 1,120.460000 1,102.810000 1,103.820000 NA
Czech koruna 30.444400 30.429700 30.537800 30.715700 30.813200 30.915300 30.731700 30.820000 30.874000 30.793200 NA
Danish krone 9.290920 9.307260 9.331140 NA 9.349110 9.389500 9.354270 9.374440 9.391610 NA NA
Indian rupee 104.643000 NA 103.747000 103.784000 104.009000 103.912000 104.138000 104.188000 104.200000 NA NA
Israeli New Shekel 4.421370 4.418720 4.410510 4.427190 4.429130 4.422160 4.401990 4.400900 4.384000 4.387660 NA
Korean won 1,671.230000 1,674.540000 1,674.340000 1,664.620000 1,672.730000 1,670.820000 1,678.000000 1,686.440000 1,690.450000 1,683.880000 1,672.750000
Kuwaiti dinar NA 0.418806 0.418896 0.418421 0.418010 NA 0.418058 0.417435 0.417075 0.418057 NA
Malaysian ringgit 5.810040 5.808750 5.803860 5.790350 5.787940 5.787200 5.794580 5.794410 5.777680 5.799690 5.786030
Mauritian rupee 61.445100 61.266300 61.336900 61.242200 61.338000 61.416400 60.593900 59.929000 59.491600 59.341900 58.924400
Mexican peso 27.391300 27.187400 27.386800 27.546800 27.662200 27.588800 27.431000 27.159200 27.062400 NA NA
New Zealand dollar 1.993620 1.988990 1.981190 1.978060 1.986820 1.991890 2.008960 2.007130 1.985490 2.011400 NA
Norwegian krone 12.068700 11.947900 11.968400 NA 12.015900 12.004000 12.008400 12.023200 12.083300 NA NA
Omani rial NA 0.529448 0.529123 0.527830 0.527574 NA 0.527115 0.526330 0.525616 0.527371 NA
Peruvian sol 5.025980 4.994280 NA 5.092970 5.086370 NA 5.084710 5.062060 5.096220 NA NA
Philippine peso 71.650200 71.139900 70.802000 70.371000 70.506900 70.459700 70.640400 71.063100 71.324100 NA NA
Polish zloty 5.794580 5.793340 5.811820 5.848840 5.862560 5.855490 5.838150 5.875990 5.860670 5.840300 NA
Qatari riyal NA 5.012180 5.009140 4.996900 4.994430 NA 4.990120 4.982660 4.975920 4.992540 NA
Russian ruble 115.163000 115.106000 114.704000 NA 104.629000 102.635000 108.521000 108.999000 109.152000 111.493000 109.372000
Saudi Arabian riyal NA 5.163660 5.160520 5.147900 5.145380 NA 5.140910 5.133230 5.126290 5.143400 NA
Singapore dollar 1.872630 1.868830 1.867000 1.867790 1.866330 1.869240 1.872390 1.868910 1.864200 1.855600 NA
South African rand 20.210600 20.147400 20.014000 NA NA 20.195800 20.017200 19.971200 19.816800 20.087100 NA
Swedish krona 12.965500 12.914800 12.935500 12.950500 12.989500 12.992900 12.949600 13.032000 13.032400 12.951600 NA
Swiss franc 1.275610 NA 1.274230 1.281410 1.280510 1.281600 1.280500 1.276670 1.276240 1.282080 NA
Thai baht 46.080000 46.120400 46.042600 NA 45.972200 46.035900 46.117400 46.103300 NA NA NA
Trinidadian dollar 9.314800 9.229600 9.287550 9.252230 9.270420 9.270070 9.274370 NA 9.228840 9.258400 NA
U.A.E. dirham NA 5.056940 5.053850 5.041520 5.039030 NA 5.034660 5.027150 5.020360 5.037100 NA
Uruguayan peso 56.760100 56.983300 57.010600 57.299400 57.709100 57.087700 56.828500 56.539700 56.385000 NA NA

Currency units per SDR for April 2022 (Continued)
Currency April 18,
April 19,
April 20,
April 21,
April 22,
April 25,
April 26,
April 27,
April 28,
April 29,
Chinese yuan 8.702990 8.694970 8.762940 8.808940 8.804680 8.865560 8.870120 8.845020 8.853000 8.854420
Euro NA 1.262120 1.261060 1.255140 1.257360 1.259420 1.267880 1.274370 1.277960 1.275430
Japanese yen 172.960000 173.624000 176.725000 175.291000 174.921000 174.287000 172.685000 172.117000 174.058000 174.625000
U.K. pound NA 1.046610 1.045850 1.045860 1.053640 1.064770 1.064360 1.071480 1.074870 1.069500
U.S. dollar 1.365760 1.363470 1.365720 1.366470 1.360090 1.353370 1.353330 1.348670 1.339940 1.344300
Algerian dinar 196.181000 195.827000 NA 195.579000 195.447000 195.100000 195.162000 NA 193.700000 195.094000
Australian dollar NA 1.849270 1.839110 1.835670 1.854240 NA 1.874420 1.878630 1.888300 1.880670
Botswana pula NA 15.799200 15.973400 16.000800 16.153000 16.208100 16.227000 16.268700 16.261400 16.294600
Brazilian real 6.383540 6.361690 6.335730 NA 6.435920 6.606070 6.720660 6.765080 6.713620 6.611960
Brunei dollar 1.856610 NA 1.864350 1.866330 1.855430 1.859670 1.856230 1.857120 1.855280 1.861590
Canadian dollar 1.723310 1.721240 1.707430 1.712050 1.727580 1.726630 1.731860 1.730070 1.719010 1.719630
Chilean peso 1,112.720000 1,114.910000 1,117.410000 1,115.440000 1,112.350000 1,129.320000 1,151.480000 1,143.090000 1,135.520000 1,151.500000
Czech koruna NA 30.832100 30.791600 30.600800 30.581500 30.755400 30.969700 31.281100 31.345200 31.381400
Danish krone NA 9.388970 9.382980 9.338640 9.354970 9.369000 9.432180 9.482630 9.510770 9.491090
Indian rupee 104.308000 104.005000 104.366000 104.137000 103.812000 103.853000 103.613000 103.364000 102.662000 102.737000
Israeli New Shekel NA 4.412190 4.418110 4.395930 NA 4.453950 4.455180 4.484330 4.448600 4.459050
Korean won 1,680.020000 1,680.880000 1,686.530000 1,690.460000 1,681.610000 1,680.480000 1,687.740000 1,683.540000 1,692.480000 1,706.460000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.416898 0.416608 0.417298 0.417115 NA 0.413794 0.413782 0.412827 0.410892 0.412230
Malaysian ringgit 5.802150 NA 5.826180 5.858060 5.858570 5.883770 5.884290 5.875480 5.844130 5.859810
Mauritian rupee 58.801000 58.808700 58.995300 59.061200 58.734400 58.301600 58.200800 58.093300 57.825900 58.073400
Mexican peso 27.230100 27.330300 27.366800 27.575600 27.634600 NA 27.548400 27.608200 27.558500 27.387200
New Zealand dollar NA 2.025360 2.019700 2.015440 2.025140 NA 2.044310 2.052460 2.051660 2.066880
Norwegian krone NA 12.019000 12.035900 12.022800 12.102700 12.218700 12.417900 12.468200 12.650500 12.438600
Omani rial 0.525133 NA 0.525122 0.525409 NA 0.520373 0.520356 0.518565 0.515206 0.516884
Peruvian sol 5.094270 5.078930 5.055920 5.087380 5.111190 5.152280 5.157560 5.157320 5.153390 5.148670
Philippine peso 70.985400 71.215400 71.537900 71.675300 71.261600 70.831600 70.952700 70.474600 70.026500 70.116400
Polish zloty NA 5.847510 5.832740 5.820620 5.839520 5.844950 5.882800 5.995240 5.977860 5.924630
Qatari riyal 4.971360 4.963030 4.971240 4.973960 NA 4.926280 4.926130 4.909160 4.877380 4.893250
Russian ruble 108.513000 107.753000 105.271000 102.484000 99.973000 99.285100 98.399000 98.285900 96.871100 95.477200
Saudi Arabian riyal 5.121590 5.113020 5.121460 5.124260 NA 5.075140 5.075010 NA NA 5.041140
Singapore dollar 1.856610 1.860050 1.864350 1.866330 1.855430 1.859670 1.856230 1.857120 1.855280 1.861590
South African rand NA 20.250500 20.545900 20.815600 21.162700 21.172800 21.248500 NA 21.394100 21.279400
Swedish krona NA 13.057900 12.965000 12.835400 12.970100 12.994300 13.191800 13.305600 13.128600 13.129300
Swiss franc NA 1.293460 1.293960 1.295480 1.298880 1.297410 1.296430 1.300660 1.303560 1.304710
Thai baht 45.975500 45.976200 46.183400 46.221000 46.132700 46.015900 46.208200 46.340300 46.144800 46.160600
Trinidadian dollar NA 9.212680 9.217010 9.243600 9.216340 9.152730 9.176920 9.124170 9.050180 9.084630
U.A.E. dirham 5.015750 5.007340 5.015620 5.018370 NA 4.970250 4.970130 4.953000 4.920920 4.936960
Uruguayan peso NA 56.076800 55.716200 54.830900 54.470100 55.083700 55.364900 55.894300 55.386300 54.883800
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
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