International Monetary Fund

Currency units per SDR for December 2024

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This rate, which is not used in Fund transactions, is the reciprocal of the SDR per currency unit rate, rounded to six significant digits.

Currency units per SDR for December 2024
Currency December 02,
December 03,
December 04,
December 05,
December 06,
December 09,
December 10,
December 11,
December 12,
December 13,
December 16,
Chinese yuan 9.556480 9.572770 9.553380 9.561050 9.564980 9.579830 9.529620 9.544350 9.537890 9.541530 9.545170
Euro 1.251280 1.250400 1.251990 1.248290 1.245370 1.246140 1.249230 1.250060 1.251720 1.246430 1.248550
Japanese yen 197.458000 197.032000 197.498000 197.802000 197.633000 197.288000 199.231000 199.380000 199.997000 200.451000 201.695000
U.K. pound 1.034360 1.037960 1.035710 1.033380 1.031850 1.031630 1.030650 1.031120 1.030830 1.036810 1.036440
U.S. dollar 1.314720 1.314420 1.313590 1.315700 1.317730 1.316920 1.315060 1.313440 1.313180 1.311000 1.310730
Algerian dinar 175.708000 175.645000 NA 175.613000 175.582000 175.670000 175.497000 175.537000 175.419000 175.457000 NA
Australian dollar 2.023900 2.031880 2.040370 2.045240 2.049350 2.063490 2.059610 2.060620 2.046400 2.059050 2.055410
Botswana pula 17.960700 17.956600 17.920800 17.974100 17.928300 17.917300 17.795100 17.797300 17.745700 17.788300 17.808800
Brazilian real 7.970920 7.978680 7.957100 7.873520 7.944200 7.975820 7.959120 7.921860 7.800560 7.917660 7.930470
Brunei dollar 1.768430 1.770400 1.769540 1.766460 1.764440 1.768890 1.761260 1.761460 1.764650 1.766430 1.768310
Canadian dollar 1.847970 1.847550 1.847700 1.846980 1.862740 1.860810 1.863040 1.859040 1.863140 1.865680 1.866350
Chilean peso 1,285.350000 1,286.950000 1,277.800000 1,281.980000 1,280.370000 1,279.550000 1,275.500000 1,277.230000 1,281.410000 1,279.100000 1,288.780000
Czech koruna 31.616500 31.534300 31.538100 31.380800 31.261800 31.284800 31.372100 31.391300 31.392800 31.186000 31.262200
Danish krone 9.332450 9.326620 9.336980 9.309600 9.288590 9.293510 9.316370 9.322270 9.335670 9.294720 9.312720
Indian rupee 111.332000 NA 111.246000 111.484000 111.556000 111.583000 111.587000 111.436000 111.454000 111.226000 111.184000
Israeli New Shekel 4.772450 4.776620 4.732880 4.740480 4.737250 4.694810 4.706590 4.707370 4.689350 4.710400 4.729120
Korean won 1,834.170000 1,842.820000 1,843.490000 1,859.090000 1,864.450000 1,869.240000 1,884.740000 1,875.730000 1,879.690000 1,876.690000 1,877.880000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.403949 0.403988 0.403732 0.404249 NA 0.404491 0.403921 0.403555 0.403605 NA 0.403115
Malaysian ringgit 5.866960 5.876130 5.867820 5.831860 5.823700 5.824080 5.823090 5.813280 5.822620 5.837850 5.846240
Mauritian rupee 61.588500 61.670500 61.716200 61.921800 61.564600 61.598400 61.689200 61.605200 61.784500 62.143500 61.830700
Mexican peso 26.867300 26.713400 26.643600 26.572300 26.654400 26.542200 26.628000 26.485200 NA 26.406100 26.404400
New Zealand dollar 2.228160 2.235030 2.237240 2.246760 2.241800 2.257710 2.247960 2.264750 2.264300 2.273270 2.272220
Norwegian krone 14.588700 14.540900 14.548800 14.555100 14.626300 14.634000 14.655300 14.640800 14.587600 14.553100 14.628000
Omani rial 0.505510 0.505395 0.505076 0.505886 NA 0.506357 0.505640 0.505017 0.504918 NA 0.503976
Peruvian sol 4.924940 4.912000 4.904970 4.903620 4.900640 NA 4.872300 4.878120 4.896850 NA 4.882480
Philippine peso 77.045200 77.214700 77.041000 76.809000 76.525700 76.091900 76.321900 76.124400 76.456100 76.442700 76.549200
Polish zloty 5.367630 5.363250 5.365380 5.335700 5.315840 5.306930 5.328360 5.336240 5.349880 5.340740 5.317760
Qatari riyal 4.785600 4.784510 4.781490 4.789160 NA 4.793590 4.786820 4.780910 4.779980 NA 4.771060
Russian ruble 140.907000 139.576000 136.924000 136.022000 131.011000 130.870000 131.548000 135.640000 136.505000 135.597000 134.891000
Saudi Arabian riyal 4.930210 4.929090 4.925960 4.933890 NA 4.938440 4.931480 4.925400 4.924410 NA 4.915240
Singapore dollar 1.768430 1.770400 1.769540 1.766460 1.764440 1.768890 1.761260 1.761460 1.764650 1.766430 1.768310
South African rand 23.872400 23.759500 23.852600 23.771900 23.770200 23.582100 23.458900 23.479200 23.204100 23.358800 NA
Swedish krona 14.423500 14.474000 14.458000 14.367200 14.350400 14.375500 14.407900 14.396300 14.394800 14.352700 14.301000
Swiss franc 1.164190 1.162480 1.163910 1.162220 1.156040 1.157570 1.156990 1.160290 1.164530 1.171770 1.169960
Thai baht 45.338300 45.249100 45.087700 NA 44.838400 44.672600 NA 44.352200 44.445800 44.608000 44.723500
Trinidadian dollar 8.862810 8.836190 8.864150 8.870600 8.890710 8.897670 8.881150 8.866900 8.872330 8.855750 8.855200
U.A.E. dirham NA NA 4.824160 4.831920 NA 4.836390 4.829560 4.823600 4.822650 NA 4.813660
Uruguayan peso 56.773700 56.750100 56.864100 57.167400 57.377900 57.583800 57.899500 58.360100 58.149000 58.415300 58.145300

Currency units per SDR for December 2024 (Continued)
Currency December 17,
December 18,
December 19,
December 20,
December 23,
Chinese yuan 9.550190 9.556570 9.525990 9.517560 9.519100
Euro 1.249160 1.249770 1.255450 1.255080 1.254820
Japanese yen 202.246000 201.669000 202.086000 205.840000 204.293000
U.K. pound 1.032390 1.031210 1.035790 1.042470 1.039520
U.S. dollar 1.311240 1.311760 1.305040 1.304020 1.304130
Algerian dinar 175.408000 175.537000 175.116000 175.470000 175.814000
Australian dollar 2.063000 2.077870 2.096120 2.094480 2.083620
Botswana pula 17.840000 17.920200 17.951100 18.011400 17.963300
Brazilian real 8.087600 8.082770 8.069720 7.925060 8.034260
Brunei dollar 1.770830 1.772050 1.776810 1.773990 1.766320
Canadian dollar 1.875730 1.881450 1.875350 NA NA
Chilean peso 1,298.040000 1,299.780000 1,289.950000 1,299.260000 1,292.630000
Czech koruna 31.301900 31.407300 31.516700 31.515600 31.583500
Danish krone 9.317410 NA 9.367330 9.364610 9.359620
Indian rupee 111.359000 111.417000 111.025000 110.957000 110.944000
Israeli New Shekel 4.721770 4.702650 4.721640 4.759680 4.758780
Korean won 1,881.500000 1,884.470000 1,875.090000 1,890.440000 1,891.390000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.403271 0.403431 0.402018 NA 0.401608
Malaysian ringgit 5.832400 5.860260 5.875300 5.884400 5.854250
Mauritian rupee 61.229900 61.333100 61.861700 61.698300 61.529800
Mexican peso 26.534600 26.418100 26.675300 26.215400 26.336700
New Zealand dollar 2.267210 2.278740 2.320070 2.320940 2.309840
Norwegian krone 14.694400 14.699800 14.832300 14.895800 14.815600
Omani rial 0.504172 0.504370 0.501789 NA 0.501439
Peruvian sol 4.901410 4.892850 4.873030 NA NA
Philippine peso 76.950300 77.112900 76.978100 76.934900 76.779600
Polish zloty 5.326660 5.328470 5.343360 5.346760 5.340430
Qatari riyal 4.772910 NA 4.750350 NA 4.747050
Russian ruble 135.055000 NA 134.968000 133.459000 132.519000
Saudi Arabian riyal 4.917150 4.919080 4.893900 NA NA
Singapore dollar 1.770830 1.772050 1.776810 1.773990 1.766320
South African rand 23.543000 23.719200 23.853900 23.917600 23.977000
Swedish krona 14.330300 NA 14.390600 14.403200 14.410400
Swiss franc 1.175720 1.172640 1.169450 1.165930 1.169290
Thai baht 44.776200 44.914600 45.162200 45.085300 44.679600
Trinidadian dollar 8.875950 8.880360 8.821300 NA 8.810180
U.A.E. dirham 4.815520 NA 4.792760 NA 4.789430
Uruguayan peso 58.444700 58.493900 58.372000 NA 57.586800
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
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