Issues Briefs List 2002

These briefs are prepared by IMF staff for public information and as a contribution to debate on issues of topical interest.

Reforming the IMF: Progress Since Prague 2000  The IMF has been engaged in a process of reform over the past several years. The changes are to a large extent motivated by the need to adapt to the challenges of the global economy. This issues brief looks specifically at what has been achieved over the past two years. December 05, 2002
Improving Market Access: Toward Greater Coherence Between Aid and Trade -- An IMF Issues Brief  A coherent approach to development and trade calls for trade policies that create market opportunities for developing countries, and for development policies that enable them to respond to these opportunities.March 21, 2002
Globalization: A Framework for IMF Involvement -- An IMF Issues Brief  This note offers a conceptual framework for the IMF's involvement in the global economy.March 15, 2002
The Role of Capacity-Building in Poverty Reduction -- An IMF Issues Brief  This brief looks at some key issues and the role of the IMF in the international effort at capacity building.March 15, 2002