
IMF Seminars, Conferences, and Workshops

Economic forums are free of charge and open to the public; no registration is needed. The forums are accessed through the entrance to the IMF Center at 720 19th Street N.W., Washington D.C., a half block north of the IMF building's main entrance. For further information, please contact John Starrels of the IMF's Public Affairs Division (telephone number: 202-623-8722, E-mail

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How Much is ‘Enough’?
Wednesday, December 19, 2001, 2:30 p.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Multipurpose Room, B-702 (Enter via the IMF Center)
International Monetary Fund
720 19th Street N.W., Washington D.C.

IMF lending is conditional on strong and effective economic policies: the borrowing country must adopt polices that promise to correct its balance of payments problems without resorting to measures destructive of national or international prosperity. The conditionality associated with IMF lending helps to ensure that by borrowing from the IMF, a country does not just postpone hard choices and accumulate more debt, but is able to strengthen its economy and repay the loan. And having expanded over the past decade to include “structural” conditions, IMF conditionality is now being streamlined and refocused to help ensure greater country ownership of policies. How much, and what kind, of refocusing is appropriate, and how might the new emphasis affect the IMF’s relations with its members? These questions will be addressed by the following panelists:

Masood Ahmed, Deputy Director, IMF Policy Development and
Review Department

James Boughton, Assistant Director, IMF Policy Development and Review Department

Joanne Salop, Vice President, Operations Policy and Country Services, World Bank

John Williamson, Senior Fellow, Institute for International Economics

For reference, please refer to the following documents:

Conditionality in Fund-Supported Programs-An Overview

Speeches List

Economic Forum Series are hosted by the IMF on a regular basis to promote informed public discussion on major issues confronting the organization and the international community more broadly.