Portugal: Fast Facts
Last Updated: April 03, 2020

Oriente Station in Lisbon. Reforms are needed in the public sector, including in transportation enterprises (photo: John & Lisa Merrill/Newscom)
IMF Completes Fourth Review Under an EFF Arrangement with Portugal, Approves €1.48 Billion Disbursement
The Central Role of Structural Reforms in Portugal's Economic Program
January 21, 2012
Good Progress But Testing Times Ahead For Portugal
December 22, 2011
Transcript of a Conference Call on the Second Review of the IMF-Supported Program with Portugal
December 21, 2011
Portugal: Second Review Under the Extended Arrangement
December 20, 2011
IMF Completes Second Review Under an EFF with Portugal, Approves €2.9 Billion Disbursement
December 19, 2011
Interview with Poul Thomsen -- Expresso
November 19, 2011
Statement by the EC, ECB, and IMF on the Second Review Mission to Portugal
November 16, 2011
Webcast of the Joint EC/ECB/IMF (Troika) Press Conference
Country Report: First Review Under the Extended Arrangement
September 13, 2011
Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding
September 13, 2011
IMF Completes First Program Review and Approves €3.98 Billion Disbursement
September 12, 2011
Statement by the EC, ECB, and IMF on the First Review Mission to Portugal
August 12, 2011
Webcast of the Joint EC/ECB/IMF (Troika) Press Conference
TVI Interview with Poul Thomsen, IMF Mission Chief to Portugal
Country Report: Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility
June 7, 2011
Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding
June 1, 2011
Transcript of a Conference Call with IMF Mission Chief Poul Thomsen on the IMF Executive Board’s Approval of an Extended Fund Facility for Portugal
May 20, 2011
IMF Approves €26 Billion Loan for Portugal
May 20, 2011
IMF Outlines Joint Support Plan with EU for Portugal
May 6, 2011
Webcast: Joint EC / ECB / IMF (Troika) Press Conference
May 5, 2011
Statement on Portugal by IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn and European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn
May 5, 2011
IMF Reaches Staff-Level Agreement With Portugal on a €26 Billion Extended Fund Facility Arrangement
May 5, 2011
Podcast: IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn Interview with TVI
April 14, 2011
Transcript: IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn Interview with TVI
April 14, 2011
IMF Experts to Join EC and ECB Teams in Upcoming Technical Assessment on April 12
April 10, 2011
Statement by IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Portugal
April 8, 2011
Portugal in the IMF
- Member since March 29, 1961
- Quota: SDR1029.7 million (equivalent to €1144million, US$1,635 million at current exchange rates)
Each member country of the IMF is assigned a quota, based broadly on its relative position in the world economy. A member country's quota determines its maximum financial commitment to the IMF, its voting power, and has a bearing on its access to IMF financing. - Portugal is represented in the Executive Board of the IMF in a group of countries led by Italy and also includes Albania, Greece, Malta, San Marino, and Timor-Leste.
The Executive Board is responsible for conducting the day-to-day business of the IMF. It is composed of 24 Directors, who are appointed or elected by member countries or by groups of countries. The Managing Director serves as its Chairman. The Board usually meets several times each week. It carries out its work largely on the basis of papers prepared by IMF management and staff. - In addition to quota resources, Banco de Portugal has contributed to the New Arrangement to Borrow with a credit line of up to SDR 1542.13 million.
Latest Article IV Consultation
The IMF conducts regular assessments of its members’ economic policies called Article IV consultations. Portugal’s most recent Article IV was concluded on January 20, 2010. The staff report and the Executive Board assessment were published:
Financial Engagements with Fund
Portugal has had two economic programs that were supported financially by the IMF.
In 1977-78, Portugal requested assistance to mitigate deficits and sharp increases in unemployment, energy prices, and inflationary pressures, amidst political and social changes and a global recession. In 1977, it drew SDR42.4 million of its first credit tranche under a Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) and in 1978 requested a SBA in the second tranche for SDR 57.4 million. The amount of financing provided under these two arrangements totaled SDR 99.8 million (equivalent to €111 million and US$158 million at current exchange rates).
In 1983, Portugal requested IMF support to cope with a recession, high interest rates abroad, trade imbalances, and high deficits. Financial assistance totaled SDR499.6 million (SDR445 million provided through a SBA plus a drawing under the now defunct Compensatory Financing Facility of SDR54.6 million.) At current exchange rates, the total financing would amount to about €555 million or US$793 million.
The total amounts outstanding were paid back in full.