All About Money Curriculum
5th-6th Grade Lesson Plans
Pre-Lesson (Part 1): Self To Country
Living in a global economy, it is important for students to understand the international
influences between countries. (or between the U.S. and countries.)
Pre-Lesson (Part 2): International
Living in a global economy, it is important for students to understand the international
influences among their own country and other countries.
The IMF, Money, International Trade and Cooperation
In a world that is increasingly interconnected by trade, technology and travel, it
is important for people to promote and practice cooperation. The mission of the IMF is to
work with countries from around the world to help foster economic growth.
The theme of cooperation is relevant to all aspects of life. Begin a conversation/dialogue about
the meaning and importance of cooperation.
Teacher's Aid
Concepts to discuss with students prior to visiting the Center
Download entire curriculum as PDF
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IMF Center
Attention: Lessons Plans
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700 19th Street NW
Washington DC 20431
(202) 623-6925
E-mail: imfcenter@imf.org
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