Why do we need the IMF?
Smoothing the bumps in the flow of foreign exchange

Buy Fighter Planes to Protect Your Border with Sans Fil

These babies sure cost a lot to keep in the air! You may feel that a powerful military will earn you international respect and make Yak a strong country. But this was a poor decision. Sans Fil is one of your potential trading partners. Military tensions will cut your exports to that country in half. The purchase of military equipment does not increase overall exports. It doesn't bring in hard currency from other countries, either. Now you have no way to pay back your loan.

Yak's economy worsens. You and the President are thrown out of power. The new government has nowhere to turn and has no experience in reforming their new economy.

Would you like another chance? If you could do it over again, would you use your loan:

To buy agricultural supplies to grow decaf mocha beans? In a factory to manufacture hydrogen-powered cell phones?
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