JVI 20th Anniversary Essay and Video Contest
“Training, Transition, and Development: The Role of the JVI”

To celebrate its 20th Anniversary, the JVI is holding an Essay and Video Contest to illustrate the role that education and training in general, and the JVI in particular, have in helping countries manage their transition from planned to market-based economies.
The Challenge
We invite you to either write a short essay (max. 3,500 words) or produce a short video (max. 3 minutes long) that illustrates how training and education matter in successfully transitioning from planned to market-based economies, and for economic development in general. JVI Alumni are encouraged to also reflect on the JVI’s specific contribution in this process.
The Prize
A trip to Vienna, Austria, with travel costs, hotel accommodation and daily allowance provided.
An opportunity to participate in the Anniversary Conference, which is held on July 12-13, 2012.
Submissions must be received in Vienna, Austria, by February 29, 2012. (Current and former JVI staff members and their immediate family member as well as staff of the JVI stakeholders are ineligible.) All submitted essays and videos must be in English and will be judged by a special award committee. Qualifying essays and videos will be assessed based in part on relevance, creativity, originality, message content, and overall presentation. The competition winners will be announced on April 2, 2012 and notified by e-mail. The list of winners will also be posted on the JVI website. Detailed contest rules can be viewed at http://www.jvi.org/contest2012.
Submission Instructions
All submissions must contain your full name, and contact information, including a valid e-mail address, and a short CV.
Essays can be transmitted by e-mail to contest2012@jvi.org, with the essay attached as a MS Word or PDF document, or by either of the methods listed below.
Videos cannot be submitted by e-mail. One of the following two options must be chosen:
(1) By file transfer via the internet: using an online file transfer service (e.g., https://www.transferbigfiles.com/), e-mail a download link to contest2012@jvi.org. Please ensure that the e-mail with the link contains your name and contact information (this may require registering with the file transfer website).
(2) By regular mail—please copy your submission to a CD, DVD, or a flash drive and mail to:
Joint Vienna Institute
c/o Essay & Video Contest 2012
Mariahilfer Strasse 97
1060 Vienna