International Monetary Fund

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WEO Data Forum > Wages (unit labour cost) growth projections

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EPA Wages (unit labour cost) growth projections
I am looking for wages (unit labour cost) projections (2008 -2011) For: Italy, Romania, Moldova, Turkey, Tunisia, China, India and Korea. Are they avaiable? where can I find them?

Tank you for answering...

7/2/2008 1:20:23 PM
WEOModerator Re : Wages (unit labour cost) growth projections
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, all of the data that can be released to the public are already incorporated into the WEO online database. For labor statistics, you may want to check the United Nations' International Labour Organization's website to see if they provide projections for this series.

7/2/2008 3:53:27 PM