International Monetary Fund

IMFDiscussion Forums

WEO Data Forum > data source

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Joe Maz data source
Dear all,

I have a quick question, and I would sincerely appreciate your support.
I am just wondering about the source of data used in the WEO. Does the IMF compile and use official national data or does it use its own?

6/20/2008 12:27:14 PM
WEOModerator Re : data source
Thank you for your question, Joe.

The historical data and projections from the WEO database are based on the information gathered by the IMF country desk officers in the context of their missions to the countries and ongoing analysis of the evolving situation in member countries; projections are staff estimates. To know the specific source used for a given country and variable, please see the "Country-specific Notes" section appended to the end of a query. See here for an example of the notes we provide on the Real GDP series.

6/26/2008 9:33:58 AM