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WEO Data Forum > Cyprus GDP per capita PPP - Adjustment?

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ntaoussanis Cyprus GDP per capita PPP - Adjustment?
In the space of a few weeks, I twice downloaded data for Cyprus and have two very different numbers.

GDP per capita PPP:
I was initially given a figure of 46,864.62 (around 26 May 2008)
Now when I download the data I get a figure of 27,428.64 (10 June 2008)

Was there a change made to the data?

Thank you.
6/10/2008 9:35:21 AM
WEOModerator Re : Cyprus GDP per capita PPP - Adjustment?
Thank you for your question.

We did have adjustments to our PPP rates for some countries, including Cyprus, on June 3rd. Malta is another country where the data were revised (see here).

We apologize for the incovenience.

6/10/2008 10:27:41 AM