International Monetary Fund

IMFDiscussion Forums

WEO Data Forum > Investment as percent of GDP

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Tig Investment as percent of GDP
You have investment as percent of GDP data for country groups. Can you please provide the exact definition for investment? Is it Gross Capital Formation according to SNA, or some other aggregate? Also, do you publish investment-to-GDP ratio for individual countries?
4/24/2008 4:04:55 PM
WEOModerator Re : Investment as percent of GDP
Thank you for your question. Investment is indeed defined as "Gross capital formation at market prices," which is equal to the sum of fixed capital formation and changes in inventories. We do provide the data on a country-level basis but only for the G7 countries.

4/24/2008 4:38:11 PM
Tig Re : Investment as percent of GDP
Many thanks and best regards.

4/26/2008 2:44:53 AM