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WEO Data Forum > WEO Database - National Accounts Western Hemisphere Data

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Fabio WEO Database - National Accounts Western Hemisphere Data
Dear all,

I have a question regarding the National Accounts Western Hemisphere Data in the WEO Database and more specifically about the various GDP per capita datasets available. In the GDP per capita datasets, for quite a few countries, the last figures not being "IMF staff estimates" are as old as 4 or more years.

I was now wondering what the reason for the lack of data beyond "IMF staff estimates" is, i.e. is it data quality/availability issues in the countries concerned?


4/13/2008 7:45:54 PM
WEOmoderator Re : WEO Database - National Accounts Western Hemisphere Data
The estimates of GDP per capita data go back several years for some countries due to infrequent releases of official population data (GDP per capita is derived from GDP and population data). So if GDP data is available through 2007 but the latest official population data only through 2000, the estimates of GDP per capita start in 2001.

Brazil's data are a good example.
4/14/2008 4:13:23 PM