International Monetary Fund

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WEO Data Forum > GDP forecasts before 1999

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CAM1216 GDP forecasts before 1999
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am doing a small reseach and I want to know were I can find the databases and forecasts of real GDP (at least for U.S. and the G7 countries) made by the IMF before 1999. Could you please tell me where I can find them? thanks for your help
4/11/2008 6:24:31 AM
WEOModerator RE: GDP forecasts before 1999
Thank you for your interest in the WEO database. Unfortunately, we do not have the forecasts data prior to 1999 available on line. But, you might find the published paper, An Evaluation of the World Economic Outlook Forecasts, by Mr. Allan Timmermann useful. Consensus Forecast is another source we have used in some of our research projects.

Hope this helps,

4/11/2008 1:05:48 PM