East Asia


World Economic Outlook (October 2024) 15 indicators, 1980 - 2029

Real GDP growth

Annual percent change
East Asia

GDP, current prices

Billions of U.S. dollars
East Asia

GDP per capita, current prices

U.S. dollars per capita
East Asia

GDP, current prices

Purchasing power parity; billions of international dollars
East Asia

GDP per capita, current prices

Purchasing power parity; international dollars per capita
East Asia

GDP based on PPP, share of world

Percent of World
East Asia

Implied PPP conversion rate

National currency per international dollar
East Asia

Inflation rate, average consumer prices

Annual percent change
East Asia

Inflation rate, end of period consumer prices

Annual percent change
East Asia


Millions of people
East Asia

Unemployment rate

East Asia

Current account balance U.S. dollars

Billions of U.S. dollars
East Asia

Current account balance, percent of GDP

Percent of GDP
East Asia

General government net lending/borrowing

Percent of GDP
East Asia

General government gross debt

Percent of GDP
East Asia

Export Diversification and Quality (July 2017) 14 indicators, 1962 - 2014

Extensive Margin

East Asia

Intensive Margin

East Asia

Export Diversification Index

East Asia

Food and live animals

East Asia