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An Approach to the Poverty Reduction Action Plan for
Rwanda The Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Prepared by the Rwanda Authorities
November 30, 2000
Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (I-PRSPs), prepared by member countries, summarize the current knowledge and assessment of a country's poverty situation, describe the existing poverty reduction strategy, identifies gaps in poverty data, diagnotics, and monitoring capacity, and lay out the process for addressing these gaps and producing a fully developed Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper in a participatory fashion. This country document is being made available on the IMF website by agreement with the member country as a service to users of the IMF website. |
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Our long-term vision
The special case for Rwanda
Issues of land, demography and environmental sustainability
Famine and Hunger:
Proposed approach to Poverty Reduction and sustainable growth
Economic Growth and transformation for poverty reduction
Sources of growth in the Rwandan Economy
Non -traditional exports
Diversifying the economy
Sectoral policies for growth and poverty reduction
Frontloading priority actions
The participatory process and preparing the full-fledged PRSP
Follow-up and Monitoring
Statistics for the monitoring of poverty and social development
Internationally agreed Objectives for poverty and social outcomes
Policy Matrix and Timeline for Full-fledged PRSP
- Introduction and Context
- Poverty in Rwanda: Characteristics and constraints
Characteristics and extent of poverty in Rwanda
Poverty trends and scope
Characteristics of the Poor
The context of poverty reduction in Rwanda
Existing approaches to Poverty Reduction
Lessons learned from existing poverty reduction initiatives
- Building an Enabling Environment
Legal and prudential framework: property rights and contracts
Physical security; Law and Order
Economic Policy framework
Civil Service Reform
Restoring and protecting the environment
Promoting gender equity
- Economic Growth and Transformation for Poverty Reduction
Trade Liberalisation and Regional Integration
Encouraging Investment, Competitiveness and Enterprise development
Strengthening the financial sector
Sources of growth in the Rwandan economy
Promoting exports
Food Crops
Non-traditional exports
Diversifying the economy
Building a competitive skilled labour force
- Sectoral Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction
Enabling poor households to increase their incomes
Land use and ownership
Recapitalising rural households; savings, micro finance and restocking
Natural assets and environmental degradation
Investing in rural transport and market infrastructure
Rural and low-income urban energy
Research and extension services for agriculture and livestock
Food security
Promoting off-farm employment
Improving the quality of life
Housing and resettlement
Functional adult literacy
Water and Sanitation
Reproductive health and population issues
Security: policing and the judicial system
Addressing the special needs of vulnerable or disadvantaged groups
Victims of genocide
Widows, orphans, disabled and prisonersÕ families
- Costing and Prioritising Actions for Poverty Reduction
Prioritisation and sequencing of programmes
Using the MTEF to prioritise expenditures
Prioritisation at central and local levels
Development expenditures
Mobilising community and civil society resources
Mechanisms for channelling donor resources to priority programmes
Costing the needs for poverty -reduction
- Institutional Framework for Preparing and Implementing the PRSP
Institutional framework
Role of decentralised and local authorities
How the I-PRSP has been prepared
Preparation of the Full-Fledged PRSP
The participation task force
Outputs of the Participation Task Force (PTF)
Consultations with Donors
Further Technical analysis for preparation of PRSP
- Follow-up and Monitoring
Institutions for follow-up
Monitoring performance
Statistics for the monitoring of poverty and social development
Internationally agreed objectives for poverty and social outcomes
National outcome indicators for poverty reduction
- Policy Matrix and Timeline for Full-fledged PRSP
Table 1: Rwanda: Social and Poverty Indicators
Table 2: Provisional List of priority areas
Table 3: Indicative timetable for the participatory process
Table 4: The structure of the monitoring system
Table 5: International development targets
Annex 1: Policy Matrix section 1: the overall framework of governance
Table 1: Selected economic and financial indicators, 1994–2002
Table 2: Macroeconomic Framework and Implications for Public spending 1998–2004
Table 3: Education performance indicators 1997–99
Table 4: Health Sector Performance Indicators 1997–1999
Table 5: Provisional list of Priority Programmes for 2001
Table 6: Outcome indicators for poverty reduction in Rwanda
Annex 2: Timeline for the full PRSP
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