Mali and the IMF
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Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs)
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Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Prepared by the Government of Mali
July 19, 2000
Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (I-PRSPs), prepared by member countries, summarize the current knowledge and assessment of a country's poverty situation, describe the existing poverty reduction strategy, identifies gaps in poverty data, diagnotics, and monitoring capacity, and lay out the process for addressing these gaps and producing a fully developed Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper in a participatory fashion. This country document is being made available on the IMF website by agreement with the member country as a service to users of the IMF website. |
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Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
Government Statement
- Poverty in Mali
Poverty determinants, characteristics, and profile
Trends in poverty and inequality
Other standard of living and quality of life indicators
- Growth and Poverty Reduction: Major Constraints and
Primary structural constraints
A rapidly changing country: opportunities available
- Poverty Reduction Policies and Strategies
Analysis of growth trends
Economic growth objectives and strategies
Macroeconomic strategy
Sectoral strategy
- PRSP Monitoring System
Proposed indicators
Research methods and instruments
Institutional framework
Targeting and preparation of the poverty map
- Participatory Process
Mali: A tradition of participatory development
Stages in the process of preparing the final PRSP
- Institutional Framework of the PRSP
- Assessment of Costs
- Timetable
Annex 1. |
Methodology Used to Update the Poverty Line |
Annex 2. |
Indicators for Monitoring Poverty Reduction |
Annex 3. |
List of Key Monitoring Indicators and Targets to 2002 |
Annex 4. |
Participatory Approach Used to Develop the National Strategy of the Fight Against Poverty
(SNLP) |
Annex 5. |
Participatory Approach Used in the National Outlook Study: Mali 2025
| Annex 6. |
Methodological Approach to Assessing PRSP Costs |
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