Republic of Madagascar and the IMF
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Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs)
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Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Prepared by the Republic of Madagascar
November 20, 2000
Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (I-PRSPs), prepared by member countries, summarize the current knowledge and assessment of a country's poverty situation, describe the existing poverty reduction strategy, identifies gaps in poverty data, diagnotics, and monitoring capacity, and lay out the process for addressing these gaps and producing a fully developed Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper in a participatory fashion. This country document is being made available on the IMF website by agreement with the member country as a service to users of the IMF website. |
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Table of Contents
Economic and Social Background
Pursuit and Improvement of the Current Actions.
Participatory Process and Organisational Provisions
- Characteristics of Poverty
Assessment of Economic Performances
Debt situation
Poverty Analysis
Monetary Poverty Analysis
Aspect of Poverty in the Education Sector
Aspect of Poverty in the Health Sector
Access to Drinking Water and other Welfare Services
Human Development Index
Cultivation Conditions and Environment Degradation
- Strategies for Poverty Reduction
Overall Objectives
Economic Objectives: Challenges in Growth and Investment
Life Quality Objectives
Strategy Axis
Axis No 1: To improve the economic performances with the
participation of the poor
Axis No 2: To develop the basic essential services (education,
health, and drinking water...) and to widen the
nets to
benefit the most layers of the population
Axis No 3: to implement an institutional framework favourable
economic and poverty reduction, and to build
in order
to improve the governance the relations between
administration and administered
- Strategy Implementation
Programmes Helping Reach the Objectives of Strategy Axis No. 1
Macro-economic Policy
Increase in the Offer
Agriculture and Environment
Economic Infrastructures
Legal Environment of the Business World and Social Laws
Trade and Regional Integration
Programmes Helping Reach the Objectives of Strategy Axis No. 2
Actions in the Education sector
Actions in the Health Sector
Drinking Water and other Welfare Services
Security Nets
Institutional Development and Capacity Building
The Development of Autonomous Province
Building Capacity of the Essential State Services
- Monitoring, Participatory Procedure, and Schedule
A Deeper Knowledge of Poverty
The Participatory process
Principles and Objectives
The Proceess Time Schedule
- Financing Needs and Absorption Capacity
Schedule for the Use of IHIPC Resources
Appendix 1. Economic and Financial Indicators
Appendix 2. Main Monitoring Indicators
Appendix 3. Matrix of Measures for Improving the
of Expenditures
Appendix 4. Social Programmes and Indicators: Education
Appendix 5. Health Sector Plan of Action (nutrition,
and youth)
Appendix 6. Table of Orientations, Strategic Axes and Rural
Development Programmes
Appendix 7. Synthesis of the Main Participatory
Appendix 8. Poverty Assessment and Monitoring Plan in the
Framework of the PRSP: Proposal of the National
Institute of
Statistics (INSTAT)
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