Honduras and the IMF
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Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs)
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The Government of Honduras
Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
April 13, 2000
Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (I-PRSPs), prepared by member countries, summarize the current knowledge and assessment of a country's poverty situation, describe the existing poverty reduction strategy, identifies gaps in poverty data, diagnotics, and monitoring capacity, and lay out the process for addressing these gaps and producing a fully developed Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper in a participatory fashion. This country document is being made available on the IMF website by agreement with the member country as a service to users of the IMF website. |
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Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Diagnostic Assessment
- Poverty: A Multidimensional Social Condition
- Poverty in Honduras: Magnitude and Trends
- Poverty Profile
- The Labor Market
- Labor Force Absorption and Utilization
- Wages
- Human Capital
- Quality of Jobs
- Work Done by Minors, Young People, and Women
- The Rural Labor Marke
- Effects of Hurricane Mitch on Poverty
- Poverty, Population, and the Environment
- Poverty and Democratic Participation
- The Determinants of Poverty
- Income per Capita
- Income Distribution
- Determinants of Low Economic Growth
- Social Spending and Development of Human Capital
- Social Spending: Importance and Trends
- Recent Trends in Social Spending
- Programs Targeting Social Investment
- Social Spending on Education and Health
- Trends in the Development of Human Capital
- Education Sector
- Health Sector
- Social Security and Welfare
- Water and Sanitation
- Housing
- Rural Sector Development and Assistance Programs
- Poverty, Growth, and Macroeconomic Framework
- Development of the Private Sector
- Savings and Investment Trends
- Productivity of Investment
- Factors Supporting Investment and Competitiveness
- Regional Integration
- Microenterprises and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
- Macroeconomic Stabilization and Adjustment Measures Adopted in the 1990s
- Stabilization Policies and Trends in the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- Structural Adjustment Measures
- Modernization of the State and Decentralization
- Reference Macroeconomic Framework for PRSP
- Strategy
- Overall Vision
- Targets for 2015
- Strategy Guidelines
- Balance Between Alleviation and Reduction of Poverty
- Targeted Access and Universal Access
- Rapid and Sustained Economic Growth
- Sustainable Rural Development
- Role of Municipalities, Communities, NGOs, and Private Enterprise
- Ethnic Groups, Gender, and Age
- Sustainability, Transparency, and Monitoring
- General Objectives
- Alleviation of Poverty and Promotion of Human Development
- Revitalization and Acceleration of Economic Growth
- Basis for Sustainability
- Matrix of Measures of the Poverty Reduction Strategy
- Democratic Participation in the Preparation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy in
- Methodology for Measuring Poverty
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the Strategy
- Macroeconomic Scenario, 1997-2002
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