| |
Encourage transactions in the interbank
market. |
1998 |
b. External debt
management |
Regularize Guinea’s financial position with all
its bilateral creditors. |
Finalize all bilateral agreements with Paris Club
creditors, including Russia. |
1998 |
IV. Structural reforms |
a. Judicial
reforms |
Increase transparency and efficiency of the judiciary
and application of the rule of law. |
Adopt an action plan to improve the working
conditions of members of the judiciary over the medium term. |
1998-2000 |
WB/France |
Increase transparency of judicial proceedings by
systematic monitoring of cases in litigation by the media, and publication of court
decisions. |
1998-2000 |
France |
Adopt an action plan to strengthen institutional
capacity in the legal area by improving training for legal professionals and
paralegals. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
Sensitize members of the executive branch on the
limits of their powers and the need for them to refrain from interfering in judicial
matters. |
1998-2000 |
Adopt an action plan to strengthen the functioning of
institutional mechanisms established to enforce the rules of conduct to be followed by members
the judiciary. |
1998-2000 |
b. Public enterprise sector
reform |
Reduce the size and economic burden of
the public
enterprise (PE) sector. |
Define a framework for public sector reform |
Comprehensive inventory of all public enterprises. |
1998 |
WB |
Define and implement a privatization plan for
commercial and industrial public enterprises. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
Reduce direct and indirect subsidies to public
enterprises. |
1998-2000 |
Reinforce financial management of PE to minizie its
budgetary cost. |
Update and reduce the stock of cross
debts. |
1998-2000 |
c. Administrative
reform |
Create a service-oriented public
administration. |
Initiate an institutional evaluation program to assess
civil service capabilities and bottlenecks. |
1998 |
WB |
Build local institutional and technical capacities
needed to improve the management of public finances and the delivery of public
services. |
Conduct a survey of government services.
Develop and implement an action plan to: (i) improve efficiency, effectiveness and quality of
service; (ii) create a "performance-based" environment; (iii) place effective human
resources management at the center of the reform process; (iv) promote a client-oriented
government; (v) introduce market-type mechanisms such as user fees and outsourcing; and (vi)
improve regulatory quality. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
V. Sectoral policies |
Agriculture |
Implement a focused and integrated rural development
strategy encompassing agriculture, infrastructure, management of natural resources and social
services. |
Adopt a new agricultural development policy letter
(LPDA 2) covering both livestock and natural resources management.
Implement the recommendations of the study on fertilizers. |
1998 |
WB |
Adopt an action plan to improve the competitiveness
of agricultural exports. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
Undertake a detailed sector institutional
assessment. |
1998 |
WB |
Adopt a plan for restructuring the Ministry of
Agriculture. |
1998 |
WB |
Complete the restructuring the Ministry of
Agriculture. |
1999-00 |
WB |
Strengthen decentralization mechanisms
(budgetary, institutional, and regulatory) to empower rural development communities (CRD) to
assume responsibility for economic and social infrastructures. |
Undertake a detailed examination of the legal and
regulatory framework governing property ownership. |
1998-99 |
WB |
Adopt a new land policy empowering local
governments to take decisions on soil use and launch pilot operations. |
1999 |
WB |
Examine the political, institutional, and regulatory
framework for managing forestry resources. |
1999 |
Finalize the mechanisms for maintaining the rural
roads network. |
1999 |
WB |
Adopt a five-year roads maintenance
program. |
1999-2000 |
WB |
Adopt a five year program for rural
roads. |
1999-2000 |
WB |
b. Mining
sector |
Strengthen the government’s role as
facilitator/regulator and reduce its role as owner/operator. |
Continue implementing cost reduction plans for CBG,
Friguia and SBK, including personnel reductions and relinquishment of certain
services. |
1998 |
WB |
Decide on further restructuring and privatization
SBK. |
1998 |
Reduce government ownership of CBG and
Friguia. |
1998 |
Redefine status of ANAIM and institutional
arrangements for reduced government participation in mining companies. |
1998 |
WB |
Enact implementation decrees to harmonize mining
code provisions with other relevant legislation. |
1998 |
Canada |
Introduce private management into geological services
(applied geology, drilling and laboratories). |
1998 |
Roads |
Extend roads and improve their
quality. |
Accelerate disbursements to pay for roads
maintenance. |
1998 |
WB |
Ensure the continuity of roads maintenance resources.
Carry out a study of the various types of road-user
fees. |
1998 |
WB |
Create and adopt a new Roads Maintenance Fund
based on the following: (i) legal and financial autonomy vis-à-vis the government; (ii)
resources based on the principle of user fees. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
Energy |
Ensure an increased, reliable, and
environmentally sound supply of energy across the country. |
Increase private sector participation in energy
production in the Conakry region and provincial centers. |
1998-99 |
WB |
Ensure that satisfactory progress is made in the
negotiation on new concession agreement relating to the privatization of the electricity
sector. |
1998 |
WB |
Enact enabling regulatory environment for private
power generation in the energy production sector. |
1998 |
Effective beginning of the village electrification pilot
program. |
1998 |
WB |
Implement electrification program for interior
cities. |
1998 |
WB |
Improve monitoring of safety, environment and
aspects of petroleum product distribution. |
1998-99 |
WB |
Promote the use of LPG in the Conakry/Kindia
area. |
1998-99 |
Prepare a strategy for rural electrification and for
sustainable management/use of woodfuel resources. |
1998 |
WB |
Improve financial situation and pursue reform of
power sector. |
Adjust the level and structure of electricity tariffs.
1998 |
WB |
Execute signed concession contracts to operate and
develop power production systems. |
1998 |
WB |
Liquidate Enelgui and create a small entity for sector
regulation. |
1998 |
WB |
Increase fiscal revenues. |
Eliminate fraudulent importation and distribution of
petroleum products. |
1998-99 |
e. Education
Give increased priority to medium-term objectives of
the education policy and access to the education system. |
Implement a medium-term expenditure framework
(MTEF) for education. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
Increase enrollment and completion rates for basic
education (primary and lower secondary). |
Commit and disburse adequate budgetary resources
for basic education including, in particular: (a) additional recuritment of at least 1,600 primary
school teachers and (b) $5 and $8 per student in educational materials, for primary and secondary
students, respectively. |
1998-2000 (materials)
WB/France |
Develop and institutionalize decentralized recruitment
and posting system for contract teachers. |
1998-99 |
WB |
Recruit at least 1,600 new teachers (staff and
contractual) per year. |
1999-2000 |
WB |
Decentralize management of a certain percentage of
nonwage operating budgets to regional education directorates. |
1999 |
WB |
Increase quality and efficiency of higher
education. |
Restructure and streamline higher education to
respond to changing employment priorities and tighter budgets. |
1998-99 |
Maintain student enrollments in higher education
between 8,500 and 9,000. |
1998-2000 |
Reduce the cost of social transfers in the government
budget by about 5% annually. |
1998-2000 |
f. Health and
population |
Improve quality and accessibility of health
care. |
Strengthen quality and accessibility of basic health
care by focusing on remote areas. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
Pursue decentralization and improve budget
allocations for districts. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
Increase budget allocations for nonwage recurrent
expenditure in the sector and improve budget execution. |
1998-99 |
WB |
Increase expenditure on primary health care services
to at least 30% of total public sector expenditure. |
1998-99 |
Reduce fertility rate to alleviate pressure on resources
and services. |
Expand family planning activities and other
cost-effective programs such as mother and child care, control of communicable diseases,
particularly STDs/AIDS, and health and nutrition education. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
Take legislative measures to eliminate obstacles to the
promotion and use of modern contraceptive methods to change behavior. |
1998-99 |
Launch information, education, and communications
campaigns to increase demand for modern contraceptive products and modify
behaviors. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
VI. Social development |
Improve living conditions of the
population. |
Promote community-based self-help projects
(particularly in the areas of social and economic infrastructure). |
1998-99 |
Improve food security. |
1998-99 |
Continue to carry out the Human Development
Initiative. |
1998-99 |
Public policy on poverty reduction. |
Build consensus on policy choices through
participatory process. |
1998-99 |
Continue development of poverty monitoring system,
including both qualitative and quantitative surveys. |
1998-99 |
VII. Rural water & sanitation |
Provide basic water and sanitation services to
communities. |
Ensure cost-effectiveness of these facilities through
community management, private sector provision of goods and services, and public sector
support. |
1998-2000 |
Maximize health benefits by integrating water,
sanitation and hygiene education interventions. |
1998-2000 |
VIII. Urban development |
Provide basic urban services at the request
of the population and develop municipal capabilities to program and finance urban services and
amenities. |
Establish different levels of service and amenities
according to popular request and ability to pay. |
1998-2000 |
WB |
Have users of services and amenities finance recurrent
costs. |
WB |
Ensure management and execution of services and
provision of amenities by the private sector. |
Increase municipalities’ regulatory
capacity. |
IX. Economic statistics |
Improve economic information
system |
Rehabilitate ASYCUDA with a view to producing
up-to-date foreign trade statistics |
September 1998 |
France |
Complete computerization of government expenditure
chain from commitment to payment, and rehabilitate the treasury accounting system to produce
reliable and consistent public finance statistics. |
1998 |
France |
Prepare preliminary national accounts for
1995-96. |
1998 |
Coordinate preparation of balance of payments
statistics between Ministry of Planning and the Central Bank. |
1998 |