Kyrgyz Republic—Enhanced Structural Adjustment
Facility Policy Framework Paper, 1998–2000
I. Introduction
A. Background
1. In the aftermath of the breakup of the U.S.S.R., the Kyrgyz government rapidly
adopted a strategy to transform the economy to a market system. During the initial stage of
reforms the government liberalized most prices, created a national currency, introduced a
liberal trade regime, eliminated most capital controls, and initiated the first structural reform
steps in the areas of privatization, banking, and the legal and regulatory framework. However,
output fell sharply, unemployment rose, and poverty increased, partly owing to the loss of
extensive financial support from the U.S.S.R. and the disruption of trade and payments links.
2. Following these steps, during the last three years the Kyrgyz government has
successfully implemented a comprehensive program of macroeconomic adjustment and
structural reforms. The reform program has been supported by the use of resources under the
Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF), structural adjustment credits from the
World Bank, credits from other multilateral agencies, especially the Asian Development Bank
(ADB), and contributions from bilateral donors.
B. Progress under the Previous ESAF
3. The main objective of the macroeconomic and structural adjustment program during
1994–97 was to create economic conditions supportive of sustained growth
based on an expanding and dynamic private sector. After a cumulative output decline of about
50 percent during 1991–95, real growth resumed at 7.1 percent in 1996 and may have
reached 10.4 percent in 1997, based on preliminary calculations by the National Statistical
Committee (NSC).1 In 1996, the recovery emanated from strong
growth in agricultural
output, while in 1997 growth was mainly based on the start of production of the Kumtor gold
mine, the only sizable foreign direct investment in the Kyrgyz Republic so far, and continued
growth of agricultural output.
4. Under the program, fiscal and monetary policies were tightened considerably,
pushing inflation below 15 percent by end-1997. Interest rates were
reduced and the exchange rate stabilized. The overall budget deficit was contained to 9.4
percent of GDP in 1997 from 17 percent of GDP in 1995 on account of expenditure restraint,
a modernization of the tax system, and a reform of budgetary procedures and
intergovernmental relations. During the same period, domestic financing of the budget was
curtailed from 8.2 percent of GDP to 1.2 percent of GDP, with an increasing share of
nonbank financing. This adjustment facilitated the conduct of monetary policy, which also
benefitted from a strengthening of the policy framework and instruments at the disposal of the
NBKR, such as the introduction of open market type operations. Improvements in monetary
instruments coincided with a successful reform of the financial sector, which was
instrumental in increasing the public’s confidence in the banking sector. Under the
reform, two remaining state banks were liquidated, and two other former state banks were
recapitalized, while a number of new private banks have started operations. At the same time,
prudential regulations in line with international standards were introduced, and supervision of
the banks by the NBKR was strengthened.
5. Considerable progress was achieved on the structural front. A comprehensive
privatization program was undertaken, and the main remaining task will be to
privatize about 100 large enterprises, including utilities. In agriculture, land use
rights were distributed for about 50 percent of arable land, while plans regarding the
remaining land are still under consideration. Structural reforms have also covered the legal
system, and a large number of laws conducive to the development of a free market have been
C. Remaining Tasks and Key
6. Despite the continued commitment of the Kyrgyz government to establish a
market-based economy, many reforms are still ongoing and the private sector has not yet fully
responded to the new market environment. The outlook for growth
remains positive but restrained, as domestic savings are low and investment
prospects appear limited over the medium term. Privatized enterprises have been slow to
restructure, and capacity utilization has not yet picked up. The share
of the shadow economy has increased over the last few years, possibly due to
existing levels of taxation. Government spending priorities do not yet fully support
the needed strengthening of health and education services or infrastructure investment.
The pension system continues to be a major and unsustainable burden on the budget,
while general governance issues affect various aspects of decision making. While
social assistance is now better targeted than before, structural poverty (especially in
rural areas) and unemployment continue to be a major concern.
7. Inflation appears less of a problem now than it was three years ago. However,
the authorities understand that the rapid accumulation of foreign debt during the last
few years has developed into a serious constraint on macroeconomic management. In
addition, the economy remains vulnerable to a number of external factors, including
rising costs for energy imports and possible further declines in the price of gold.
8. In short, despite the achievements of the past, the authorities are aware that the reform
agenda is still unfinished, and they intend to continue their efforts both on the stabilization
front and in the structural area under the programs to be supported under the successor ESAF
II. Policy Objectives and Strategies,
9. The main aim of the government’s program for 1998–2000 is to
consolidate the progress already achieved and create a sustainable environment for continued
growth based on a dynamic private sector. The key macroeconomic objectives for
1998–2000 will be to (a) achieve a real GDP growth of at least 4½ percent a year;
(b) reduce inflation to 5–6 percent by 2000; and (c) lower the external current account
deficit to about 5 percent of GDP by 2000 from about 8 percent in 1997 (Table 2). To this
end, the program will rely on appropriately tight fiscal and monetary policies and a wide array
of structural reform measures. The government will also take the necessary steps to improve
transparency and good governance in all aspects of economic and political decision-making.
The following sections describe the general directions of macroeconomic policy and structural
reforms. Table 1 lists specific measures and corresponding
A. Fiscal Policy
10. Fiscal policy aims at further strengthening budgetary procedures and reducing the
overall fiscal deficit to about 5½ percent of GDP by the year 2000. With
respect to revenues, the government will take the necessary steps to broaden the tax
base in order to eventually allow lower tax rates while preserving the objective of raising tax
revenues to above 14 percent of GDP. To this end, the government will ensure that existing
discretionary tax exemptions be removed, and no new tax exemptions, exceptions, or tax
holidays be granted in the tax code or on a discretionary basis. In addition, the government
will ensure that the net effects of any new amendments to the tax code proposed by the
government be revenue neutral. All dividends and other payments related to the Kumtor gold
mine will be transferred directly to the budget. In order to avoid an uneven demand for urban
land versus rural land, the land tax will be extended to urban areas, and the criteria for the land
tax rates will be reassessed. Amendments to the tax code will be submitted to parliament to
include excise and customs payments into the base for the calculation of the VAT, to be
implemented in 1999. With a view to preventing fraudulent refunds, the tax authorities will
conduct annual audits of enterprises that receive VAT refunds.
11. To improve tax administration further, the State Tax Inspectorate (STI) will
be strengthened to make it independent from local political authorities. To enhance the
collection of custom duties, the State Customs Committee (SCC) will be placed under the
authority of the Ministry of Finance by end-2000, and the monitoring of border posts will be
improved. An independent Large Taxpayer division will be established in Bishkek and special
service desks will be set up at local STI offices, with a view to improving taxpayer service and
moving to a system of self-assessment.
12. The government recognizes the need to further curtail budgetary
expenditures and improve their management and efficiency. Expenditures will be
kept at a level that can be financed by revenues, grants, external concessional borrowing,
privatization receipts and sales of treasury bills. Within this framework, non-interest current
expenditures of the state government will be reduced from 20 percent of GDP in 1997 to
under 17 percent of GDP in 2000. The wage bill will be targeted to decline from 7.1 percent
of GDP in 1997 to about 6.7 percent of GDP in 2000.
13. Increases in the minimum wage will be strictly limited and real wages of civil servants
will only be increased in tandem with a comprehensive civil service reform, which
the government intends to undertake during the program period, supported by EU TACIS.
The civil service reform will include reviewing and categorizing every civil service position,
eliminating all redundant positions, reorganizing ministries, modernizing management
techniques, including the rewards system, and strengthening civil servants’
14. The government will reduce transfers and subsidies to public enterprises and the
Social Fund, and it will curtail nonpriority public spending. To avoid the accumulation of
expenditure arrears, the government will develop a system of commitment accounting at the
treasury. To help arrest the deterioration of social indicators and strengthen the prerequisites
for durable and sustainable growth, budgetary allocations for health and education will be as a
minimum maintained in real terms and further improvements in their targeting and efficiency
will be made (see paragraphs 36 and 37). Similarly, capital expenditures are targeted to rise
from 4 percent in 1997 to 5.7 percent of GDP in 2000. To improve coordination and
effectively prioritize Public Investment Projects (PIP), the government will strengthen the PIP
coordination between the Ministry of Finance and the line ministries, following World Bank
15. The government is aware of the need for a comprehensive pension reform in
order to establish a pension system which, while fiscally affordable, will provide for the needs
of the various population groups. In the short run, the government will take further steps to
balance the budget of the Social Fund, at the same time as budget subsidies are reduced to
zero by 2001. Over the medium term, the government, based on the analytical work to be
undertaken with the help of the World Bank, will implement a comprehensive pension reform
that will lead to a sustainable pension system. This reform will include measures to: (a)
increase the ratio of contributors to beneficiaries; (b) decrease the replacement rate; (c)
strengthen the link between contributions and benefits, and (d) gradually increase the number
of minimum years required for full benefits.
16. The government understands the importance of smooth relations with sub-national
units and of efficient budgetary procedures. To that effect, existing
revenue sharing arrangements will be enforced and an early preparation of the
budget will be institutionalized. These procedures will include the use of medium-term
financial forecasts and the integration of the externally financed PIP and the State Property
Fund into the budget. The state budget and the budget of the Social Fund will be presented to
parliament simultaneously.
B. Money, Credit and Exchange Rate
17. The NBKR will continue to conduct monetary policy consistent with its inflation
target, while developing better liquidity forecasting techniques and policy instruments and
improving accounting practices in line with international standards. The NBKR will expand
its data base on banks’ interest rates and further enhance the flexibility, marketability
and effectiveness of open market instruments. In order to make monetary policy instruments
more effective, the penalty rate for noncompliance with reserve requirements will be
increased, while the surcharge for the repeated use of the Lombard facility will be removed.
18. With the aim of strengthening the banking sector further, the NBKR will
ensure the observance of prudential norms by improving its capacity to conduct on-site
inspections. Similarly, the clearing and settlement system and the system for liquidity
management will be improved. The remaining legal steps in the liquidation process of
Agroprom and Elbank will be completed and the Debt Resolution Agency (DEBRA) will be
19. In order to facilitate the development of nonbanking financial institutions,
appropriate legislation, formulated jointly with the NBKR, will be enacted and
implemented, including laws on investment funds, insurance companies, private pension funds,
and leasing. The government will continue its efforts, with the support of USAID and the
World Bank, to create a framework for the orderly development of the Kyrgyz Stock
Exchange in order to increase the listing and trade in privatized enterprises.
20. The NBKR will maintain the current exchange rate policy. Intervention will
be limited to smoothing seasonal pressures while strengthening international reserves. Market
pressures on the som will be met through tightening credit policies, and allowing a gradual
depreciation if pressures persist. To the extent that unexpected capital inflows are associated
with an increase in the demand for money, the NBKR will build international reserves above
target levels. Otherwise, the NBKR will allow the som to appreciate in order to preserve the
inflation target. The foreign exchange auctions have already been reduced to once per week
and will gradually be replaced by dealings in the interbank market.
C. External Policies
21. The government will maintain the Kyrgyz Republic’s liberal trade
regime. It will continue its efforts to obtain full membership in the WTO and is prepared
to remove any obstacles that may hinder this endeavor. Furthermore, it will phase out
economically nonviable Free Economic Zones and strengthen control of the remaining ones.
Also, in order to initiate the elimination of state trading monopolies, the government will
submit to parliament the privatization plans for the gas and electricity companies.
22. The government recognizes the need to improve external debt management,
given the already high level of external debt and the projected increase in key debt ratios over
the medium term. To this end, the government will restrict all external borrowing to loans on
concessional terms; nonconcessional loans will be allowed only as specified under the program
and only in areas of high priority, such as the energy sector or infrastructure. In compliance
with the Law on the Treasury, the role of the Minister of Finance as the sole signatory of
external borrowing agreements or guarantor of such contracts will be strengthened. The
government will continue to enhance the external debt management unit at the Ministry of
Finance that will comprehensively analyze the feasibility of each proposed project. The unit
will incorporate in its recommendation the analysis of the NBKR and report directly to the
D. Structural Policies
23. The government attaches great importance to governance issues, in both the
public and the private sector. To improve governance in the public sector, the State Property
Fund will be incorporated in the budget and government-wide procurement and audit reforms
will be initiated. A comprehensive government strategy will be developed to emphasize the
concept of individual accountability and define sanctions and penalties for abuse. A similar
program to improve corporate governance is being implemented with the support of the ADB.
Within this framework, guidelines in line with international standards for accounting and
disclosure and the statutory mechanisms for the enforcement thereof will be developed.
24. The government is committed to accelerating the development of a land
market by ensuring that the right to use land is legally safeguarded and transformed into
a property right that can be used as a basis for collateral. In this respect, the Law on Land
Registration, the Mortgage Law and the revision to the Land Code will be enacted, all firmly
based on market principles. Steps will be taken, with the assistance of the World Bank and
USAID, to consolidate and complete the introduction of an immovable property registration
system, and to develop a framework for auctioning the holdings of the Land Redistribution
Fund and other land still in state hands.
25. In the area of privatization and private sector development, the
government intends to complete by 2000 the privatization or liquidation of large state
enterprises and the remaining enterprises in the service and social sectors. It will also privatize
three of the remaining ERRA-enterprises.2 The government is
also committed to help accelerating the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises by
identifying and removing the remaining impediments to their growth in the areas of taxation,
external and internal trade and in the national and local regulatory framework.
26. Emphasis will be given to improving corporate governance with
the support of ADB. In particular, the government will enforce hard budget constraint by
phasing out budget loans to all enterprises, and strictly limiting rolling-over and rescheduling
arrears to the tax authorities, the budget or the employees. Liquidation procedures will be
initiated for those enterprises unable to meet arrears within a specific time frame.
Simultaneously, the government will facilitate restructuring of enterprises by adopting new
labor legislation to decrease the cost of hiring and firing employees.
27. The government will give priority to private agricultural development by
facilitating competition in the markets for inputs and outputs, supported by the World Bank
and the ADB. Funds will be provided from the budget to secure inter-farm irrigation
infrastructure, but efforts will be made to increasingly cover operation and maintenance costs
from user fees. To help the newly created private farms undertake profitable farming, the
government will establish a network of farm advisory services which will make available
knowledge with regard to small scale farming, accessing credit and input supply, and output
markets. Advice will also be provided regarding techniques of farming.
28. With respect to financing of the agricultural sector, the government will take
steps to improve financial intermediation in rural areas, while phasing out direct budgetary
support. This will in part be done by increasing the activity of the Kyrgyz Agricultural Finance
Corporation (KAFC) at interest rates that will gradually become market based. Also, in order
to develop community-based financial intermediaries, the establishment of credit unions will
be supported in all oblasts, with the support of the ADB, and a small credit outreach program
will be implemented by KAFC.
29. The legal and regulatory framework requires further strengthening. To this
end, the government will enact the remaining outstanding laws needed for a well-functioning
market economy. Furthermore, efforts will be made to build a judiciary system capable of
implementing legislation in a transparent and predictable manner throughout the country. In
this respect, adequate resources will be dedicated to the judiciary, court procedures will be
streamlined, and judges and other legal experts will undergo training regarding specific laws,
with the support of the World Bank, the ADB and USAID. Finally, the government intends to
take the necessary steps to make the public more aware of its rights and obligations under the
new legislative framework.
30. The government intends to rationalize domestic energy use and explore new
energy sources. In this respect, increasing utility tariffs, introducing a new rate structure, and
improving billing and collection performance are key elements in the efforts to recover costs.
Collection performance will be raised gradually by replacing KyrgyzEnergo subsidies to low
income households with direct budget transfers and by ensuring payment compliance of all
budgetary institutions. In addition, the government will implement the already designed
restructuring and privatization strategy for the energy sector with a view to attracting private
31. In the area of environmental protection, the government will focus on a
sustainable use of natural resources by reversing the deterioration of water infrastructure that
is responsible for significant water losses. This will be done through a community-based
rehabilitation in the areas of water supply, sanitation, and mini-hydro-power plants,
supported by the ADB.
32. A comprehensive reform of the communication sector is being undertaken
with the support of the EBRD and the World Bank. The government is committed to
implementing the necessary regulatory and policy framework aimed at ensuring the
sector’s orderly development and attracting foreign investors. This includes establishing
a regulatory agency which will oversee the adjustment of tariffs to eventually cover 100
percent of operational and maintenance costs. The Kyrgyz Telecom will cease all direct and
indirect transfers to the postal service, and, before any new investments are undertaken, will
prepare sound evaluations of the future demand.
33. As regards urban transportation, the government will strive to meet the
demand of the urban population. In this respect, the government, supported by the World
Bank, will formulate and implement a reform strategy for the urban transport sector.
34. The government recognizes the importance of further improving the quality of
statistics, with a view to laying the basis for sound economic decision making. The
government has approved and will implement a comprehensive plan with the General Data
Dissemination System (GDDS) as the guiding standard. Implementation of this plan will be
supported by the IMF, the World Bank, and other donors. In this context, the publication of a
Kyrgyz page in the Fund’s IFS will be given high priority. Also the compilation of an
export price index will be completed and work will continue to finish the implementation of
the new chart of accounts in the banking sector. The NSC will move from universal to
sample-based data collection for all sectors of economic activity, including the informal sector,
and the NSC will be reorganized to accommodate the roles of regions in data flows.
E. Social Protection, Health and
35. The government is committed to arresting and reversing the deterioration of key
social indicators. It will continue to improve the targeting, efficiency, and reliability of
essential social assistance in order to ensure that the most vulnerable
groups receive at least 60 percent of benefits. The safety net for the poor will be maintained,
with emphasis on means tested targeting of resources and programs that promote a quick
re-entry into the labor market. To monitor developments in social indicators, the annual
household surveys will be continued.
36. A healthy and well-educated population is a key prerequisite for sustainable growth.
The government will keep spending on health services at least constant in real terms
over the medium term. To improve the quality of the health services to the population, the
government will continue to take the steps needed to increase the effectiveness of health care,
with a special focus on restructuring health facilities and primary and preventive health care.
In this respect, pharmaceutical management and health financing will be reformed, and special
focus will be given to the rural population, people living in remote areas, and the most
vulnerable. The medical care provided payment system, which changes the way health care
providers are paid, will be extended from Issyk-Kul to Bishkek and Chui. On the financial
side, the compulsory medical insurance will be strengthened and its revenue devoted towards
the provision of a basic package that is universally guaranteed.
37. The government will keep spending on education at least constant in real
terms over the medium term. In order to improve the quality of education, the government has
been implementing its educational reform with support from the ADB. This reform preserves
the high enrollment rates for primary and secondary education, but updates the curriculum to
reflect the changes that the country has undergone. Based on ADB recommendations, the
reform will also ensure that funding be based on the number of students rather than teaching
38. The government will continue its efforts to reduce rigidities in the labor
market. This will be achieved by revising the labor law and ensuring that revenues
collected by the Employment Fund are spent solely on labor market programs. The
effectiveness of the unemployment benefit system will be improved by tightening eligibility to
avoid participation in multiple periods, and by adjusting benefit levels to avoid arrears
III. External Financing
39. The government’s program will need to be supported by considerable
assistance on concessional terms from the international donor community. Such assistance is
essential in the government’s efforts to create and maintain a market-based economic
recovery with sustainable real growth. To that effect, a Consultative Group (CG) meeting was
held in May 1998 to elicit donor pledges for the medium term. Under the program's
medium-term projections, the non-interest current account deficit (before grants) is estimated
to be reduced from about US$149 million (8.8 percent of GDP) in 1997 to about US$120
million (5.6 percent of GDP) in 2000. With a targeted increase of foreign exchange reserves
and scheduled amortization of foreign debt, it is estimated that the gross financing
requirement will be about US$921 million for 1998–2000 (Table 4). This is
expected to be mainly covered from international financial institutions in terms of BOP
support and from bilateral donors in the form of grants. After identified concessional
assistance and projected official grants, but before prospective IMF disbursements, the
financing gap over the program period is expected to be about US$134 million. Over the
medium term, the debt-to-GDP ratio is expected to stabilize at around 64 percent (Table 2).
However, as most of this debt is at concessional terms, the net present value (NPV) of the
debt will be less than 50 percent of GDP. The NPV-of-debt/exports ratio and the debt service
ratio will peak in 2000 at about 129 percent and 14 percent, respectively, before beginning to
gradually decline. Based on these projections, and provided that sound policies continue, the
Kyrgyz Republic should not experience problems in servicing its external obligations.
IV. Technical Assistance
40. The World Bank and the IMF will continue to provide technical assistance to the
Kyrgyz authorities during the programs supported by a successor three-year ESAF
arrangement, including the resident representatives of the IMF and the World Bank, as well as
long-term resident advisors in a number of areas. In addition, both the IMF and the World
Bank have offered technical assistance in a variety of areas, and government officials have
been invited to participate in Fund training courses.
V. Conclusion
41. The Kyrgyz authorities are firmly committed to continuing the transformation of the
Kyrgyz economy to a market economy. Under the successor ESAF arrangement, the
government and the NBKR will vigorously pursue the necessary reforms to consolidate the
significant progress that has been achieved so far and to create an environment for sustainable
growth driven by the private sector. This commitment to macroeconomic and structural
reforms is pivotal to improve the living conditions for the growing population. Under the
program, reforms will be targeted in such a way that the poorest segment of the population
will be protected during the transition period so that the reform agenda will continue to carry
the approval of the general public.
1While these estimates are being finalized, all ratios in the
program are calculated on a 1997 growth assumption of 6.5 percent. The issue will be revisited at
the time of the mid-term review.
2Enterprises originally covered by the Enterprise
Reform and Resolution Program.