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Dar es Salaam, February 24, 2001
Mr. Horst Köhler
Managing Director
International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20431
Dear Mr. Köhler:
1. Tanzania's ongoing program for poverty reduction and growth, which covers
the period 2000-02, is being supported by an arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and
Growth Facility (PRGF) that was approved by the Executive Board of the IMF on March 31,
2000. The first review of the program for 2000 was concluded by the Executive Board of the
IMF on August 1, 2000. This letter discusses progress in implementing the program during the
second half of 2000 and our policies for 2001. We expect the third review, which will discuss
progress in the first half of 2001, to be completed by July 31, 2001 and the fourth review to be
completed by not later than January 31, 2002.
I. Recent Economic Performance and Policy
2. Recent macroeconomic developments have been broadly in line with the
program objectives and targets. Real growth is estimated to have reached 5.1 percent in
2000 (compared with the target of 5.2 percent). The year-on-year inflation rate of
5.5 percent at end-December 2000 was above the target of 5.0 percent, mainly
because of a sharp increase in the prices of petroleum products and, in the final months of the
year, the high costs to industry of producing electricity from own generators to offset the cuts in
the electricity supply. An improvement in the current account (before grants) and higher program
grants than projected contributed to a much higher increase in international reserves than
targeted; at US$553 million, net international reserves exceeded the target (adjusted for an
estimated excess in net foreign financing of US$14 million) of US$466 million. The quantitative
performance criteria for net domestic assets, net international reserves of the Bank of Tanzania
(BoT), and net domestic financing of the government for end-September 2000 were met with
wide margins, as was the benchmark for government revenue (Table 1). Most structural benchmarks were also met (Table 2).
3. In the first four months of the fiscal year 2000/01 (July-June), the overall
fiscal position was stronger than targeted. Revenues were T Sh 32 billion
(12 percent) higher than expected, reflecting, inter alia, the effects of the withdrawal of the
value-added tax (VAT) exemption on petroleum products and, for the government, of all tax
exemptions on petroleum products, as of July 1, 2000. Privatization receipts--mainly from the
sale of shares in two previously privatized companies--exceeded the budgeted amount by
T Sh 25 billion for the period; net foreign financing was about as projected. With
tight cash budgeting, current expenditures and domestically financed development expenditures
were about T Sh 28 billion (9 percent) less than projected. However,
unforeseen expenses and transfers were necessitated by the elections and there was a
deterioration in the financial situation of Zanzibar; also, the expenditure on some essential goods
and services was underfunded in the budget. These factors, as well as weaknesses in the cash
budgeting system, led to some delays in the implementation of priority programs and to the
emergence of about T Sh 12 billion in new expenditure arrears. However, the
budget repaid T Sh 26 billion in arrears from previous fiscal years
(T Sh 12 billion more than budgeted for the entire year), of which
T Sh 8 billion was paid from the accounts of the Parastatal Sector Reform
Commission (PSRC), mainly to clear arrears to maize suppliers.
4. In the absence of signs of a worsening of underlying inflationary pressures,
monetary policy focused on avoiding a nominal appreciation of the exchange rate in the second
half of 2000. Faced with considerable excess supply in the interbank foreign exchange market,
the BoT strengthened its foreign reserves; as a result, the exchange rate remained stable at
around T Sh 800 per U.S. dollar. The year-on-year increase in broad money
(excluding foreign currency deposits) at end-November 2000 (16.0 percent) was well
above the program target (11 percent), reflecting a strong demand for money. The BoT's
net domestic assets remained considerably below the program benchmark for end-December, on
account of larger government deposits. Credit to the private sector was sluggish, reflecting
foreign borrowing by some larger companies and a reluctance of banks to lend to high-risk
smaller local enterprises. The unsterilized liquidity from the foreign exchange intervention
resulted in a continuing decline in yields on treasury bills and bonds; yields on 91-day bills fell
further to about 4.5 percent by mid-December 2000. Interest rates in the banking sector
also declined, although the spread between deposit and lending rates remained large. The BoT
has made considerable progress in monitoring the interest rate structure that the banks effectively
apply by compiling and reporting weighted-average lending rates.
5. The external current account deficit improved in 2000 from a projected
15.9 percent of GDP (excluding official transfers) to an estimated 11.3 percent of
GDP. Exports performed well during most of 2000, especially in the case of gold, but tapered off
toward the end of the year as a result of delayed shipments and lower prices of cashew nuts.
Imports were much lower than projected, as an increase in consumer goods imports was more
than offset by a sharp decline in imports of capital goods following the completion of large
investment projects in the mining sector. In addition, official grants were higher than projected.
As a result of these factors, gross official reserves rose to US$974 million, equivalent to 5.5
months of imports of goods and nonfactor services, compared with the program target of 4.2
II. Policies for 2001
A. The Poverty Reduction Strategy
6. The policies for 2001 have been formulated in line with the government's
poverty reduction strategy (PRS) outlined in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) that
was approved by the government on August 31, 2000 and endorsed by the Boards of the
International Development Association (IDA) (on November 30) and the IMF (on December 1).
The PRSP emphasizes that the country's pervasive poverty is largely a rural phenomenon.
Accordingly, the PRS has two key objectives: reducing the proportion of the population below
the basic poverty line from 48 percent in 2000 to 42 percent in 2003, and reducing
the incidence of rural sector poverty from 57 percent to 49.5 percent over the same
period. It stresses the need to promote accelerated and equitable economic growth, notably
by preserving macroeconomic stability and structural reforms that promote growth in the
agricultural and export sectors and private sector development.
7. To support the targeted longer-term improvement in growth performance,
the 2001 program draws upon key sectoral programs in four strategic areas: rural development,
improvements in social services, private sector and infrastructure development, and public sector
reform and institution building. The World Bank and other donors are providing assistance in the
costing of these programs. This is expected, in the context of the annual Public Expenditure
Review (PER) and the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), to lead to further
increases in public spending for primary education, primary health care, water, agricultural
research and extension, rural roads, the judiciary and HIV/AIDS. Fiscal policy in 2001--which
straddles the two fiscal years 2000/01 and 2001/02--will reflect these priorities. In addition, the
government will give priority to improving governance and public accountability. In our reform
effort, we will pay special attention to safety nets. Support for retrenched workers of the public
sector will be provided from the resources of the PSRC or the budget. Support for rural
communities will be provided through the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) project, that is
supported by the World Bank.
8. While the PRSP is a major step forward in the design of a comprehensive
PRS, there are several important areas listed in the PRSP where further work is being carried out.
We have set out an ambitious schedule of activities for the remainder of the current fiscal year
that can provide a basis for an update of the PRSP. We intend to finalize the primary education
strategy and the agricultural strategies by June 2001, and the rural sector development strategy by
December 2001. In the context of the latter, as we stated in the PRSP, farmers will be encouraged
to organize themselves, on a voluntary basis, in groups or cooperatives, with a view to improving
their prospects for obtaining credit from financial institutions, as well as carrying out
crop-specific research and other initiatives to bolster output and raise the quality of their
products. To ensure the financial viability of the cooperatives and to avoid their dependence on
budgetary support, they will need to be operated on a commercial basis. With regard to the
poverty data, a new Household Budget Survey (the largest ever in Tanzania, covering 25,000
households) and a Labour Force Survey were started in May 2000, the results of which will be
included in the update of the PRSP (a flash report based on the first three months of data will be
prepared by end-February 2001). The resulting improvement in the statistical base, which will be
further enhanced by the population census scheduled for 2002, will be accompanied by
improvements in the monitoring and evaluation system. To this end, the government has started a
comprehensive needs assessment, with a view to providing the necessary funding in the 2001/02
budget for the strengthening of the concerned institutions, including for the Vice-President's
Office, which is entrusted with the overall responsibility for monitoring and evaluation. The
government has established a steering committee and four task groups, including a broad range
of stakeholders, to oversee the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation process. We
intend to submit a progress report on the first year of implementation of the PRSP to the Boards
of the IDA and the IMF by mid-2001.
9. The government will intensify efforts to assist vulnerable groups, including
persons who are adversely affected by ongoing reforms. Starting in 2001, assistance will be
provided in the context of demand-driven initiatives and public works programs under the
TASAF project. The government will also encourage similar interventions by international and
other development partners, and will provide some financial assistance starting in 2001/02 to
catalyze such "pro-poor" interventions, support demand-driven skills development,
and promote microprojects.
B. Macroeconomic Framework for 2001
10. In light of the sharp increase in petroleum prices and the shortfalls in
electricity supply, we have slightly revised the target for real GDP growth in 2000 downward
(from 5.6 percent in the PRSP to 5.4 percent) and for the inflation rate upward
(from 4 percent, year-on-year, to 4.5 percent by end-2001). Fiscal policy will be
formulated in line with the objectives outlined in the PRSP and the update of the PRSP that is
under preparation, with a view to increasing the resources allocated to poverty reduction
programs, promoting economic growth, avoiding inflationary pressures, and ensuring a
sustainable overall fiscal balance. Monetary policy will continue to be aimed at attaining the
targets for inflation and net international reserves. With regard to the latter, we have revised the
gross reserves target for end-2001 to US$950 million, taking into account the higher reserves at
end-December 2000 and the balance of payments outlook. The exchange rate will continue to be
market determined, with the BoT intervening only to smooth large seasonal fluctuations and to
meet the foreign reserves target.
C. Fiscal Policies
11. The budgetary outlook for the remainder of the current fiscal year remains
positive. Drought in the main cotton producing areas, low cashew nut producer prices, and the
extensive electric power problems are expected to weaken economic performance in the
remaining months of the fiscal year. Despite this, the actual revenue outturn is expected to be
T Sh 897 billion (11.7 percent of GDP), T Sh 36 billion above
the program target. Total annual recurrent expenditures are expected to be T Sh 36
billion above the budgeted amount of T Sh 943 billion. This increase mainly
reflects the already effected additional transfers to Zanzibar, cost overruns in the administration
of the elections, and an upward revision in the electricity bill. Some offsetting cost savings have
materialized from the postponement of the implementation of a health insurance scheme for
government workers (T Sh 9 billion). As a result, the deficit (before grants and
excluding foreign financed development projects and debt relief) will fall from a budgeted
T Sh 165 billion to T Sh 154 billion (2.0 percent of GDP).
Program grants are expected to be T Sh 48 billion higher, bringing total external
grants to T Sh 426 billion.
12. The budgetary surplus including grants (T Sh 22 billion) and
the expected inflows of net foreign financing (T Sh 17 billion) and privatization
receipts (T Sh 24.5 billion) provide room for clearing a substantial amount of the
government's domestic arrears during 2000/01. A first inventory of domestic arrears accumulated
up to end-December 2000, including those of the Ministry of Defense--a prior action for the
completion of the second review--was completed in January 2001. All arrears through June 2000
will be audited by an external auditing firm by March 31, 2001; this action constitutes a
performance criterion under the program. Current estimates suggest a total amount of
T Sh 71 billion in arrears through end-June 2000. During the current fiscal year, the
government intends to clear all verified arrears, as well as new arrears accumulated during the
fiscal year.
13. The government will implement a number of measures to improve
expenditure planning, execution, and control, and to prevent the emergence of new arrears.
Unfortunately, although we reported in our letter to you of July 18, 2000 that the Integrated
Financial Management System (IFMS) included all budgetary votes, concerns arose about
safeguarding the confidentiality of sensitive information, and two of the smaller votes in the
Ministry of Defense and the vote of the State House remained outside the system. These concerns
have been addressed and all central government votes (excluding the votes for the regions) were
included from January 2001; this action constituted a prior action for the completion of the
second review. Furthermore, some local purchase orders (LPOs) are written outside the IFMS by
local spending units, complicating commitment control. To remedy the situation, we will
strengthen expenditure control through the newly established Financial Control Unit in the
Accountant General's Department. In addition, we will also work toward strengthening the
capability of the ministries and subtreasury offices. Once this is done, we will issue a circular
requiring that effective July 1, 2001 all local spending units need to request from their respective
subtreasuries the issuance of an LPO generated by the IFMS. At the same time, the public will
again be notified that the government will not honor any LPOs dated after July 1, 2001 that are
not generated by the IFMS. In addition, the government has taken steps to provide training and
direct access to the IFMS for the Policy Analysis and other departments in the Ministry of
Finance to facilitate monitoring of expenditures and analysis. Work has started to include the
revenues collected by the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) at 12 collection points within Dar
es Salaam in the IFMS on an on-line basis; this work is expected to be completed by June 2001.
The government will ensure that privatization proceeds not transferred to the budget are used
only for costs related to the privatization process, such as retrenchment and payment of parastatal
14. Parliament enacted a new Public Finance Act in February 2001, and new
regulations based on this Act will be drafted and issued in March 2001. These regulations will
require the proper prioritization of expenditures by line ministries. The internal audit functions in
ministries and regions will also be strengthened. A systematic reconciliation of the balances of all
government bank accounts as at June 30, 2000 will be completed by March 2001 for those at the
BoT, and by June 2001 for those at commercial banks; these undertakings are structural
performance criteria under the program. The number of government bank accounts will be
reduced progressively, and, starting January 2001, bank accounts with large-volume transactions
are reconciled on a weekly basis.
15. To enhance the predictability of cash disbursements to implementing
ministries, the government will progressively reduce its reliance on the cash-budgeting system,
and move toward a cash-planning and management system. As part of this process, effective
January 2001, the government introduced quarterly indicative cash-allocation targets for
nonwage expenditure for all budgetary votes, while continuing to provide monthly cash releases.
The Ministry of Finance has strengthened the treasury function of the Accountant-General's
office and the Policy Analysis Department is being supported by technical assistance from the
IMF and bilateral donors.
16. The government has made good progress in implementing the reforms of
the revenue system envisaged under the program. The Unified Tax Appeal mechanism was
established by law in July 2000, and is expected to receive and consider the first claims by March
2001. The head of the Large-Taxpayer Unit in the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was
appointed, and the unit will start operations in July 2001. In order to bring the financial
relationships between the Union Government and Zanzibar onto a more systematic footing, steps
are being taken to activate the Joint Finance Commission (JFC).
17. The budget for 2001/02 will aim at increasing expenditures to the priority
sectors within the resource envelope, avoiding inflationary domestic financing and, thus,
additional interest costs, and allowing sufficient room under the monetary program for growth in
credit to the private sector. Against the background of a forecast of an increase in donor support
for our poverty reduction efforts, a key challenge for the future will be to ensure the
medium-term sustainability of the fiscal position.
18. Based on revised estimates of the likely revenue outturn in 2000/01, the
revenues for 2001/02 are forecast to reach T Sh 990 billion (11.7 percent of
GDP). This projection excludes the impact of a number of measures that we already undertook to
implement under the program, including the withdrawal of the withholding tax on goods and
services for taxpayers with a taxpayer identification number by July 2001. In addition, we intend
to examine the feasibility of abolishing the housing levy in 2001/02, subject to a favorable
revenue assessment; and to eliminate the remaining tax exemptions for the government and its
organizations (except those that constitute contractual obligations). The Budget Guidelines for
2001/02, which were issued in December, included directives to all spending ministries,
department and agencies (MDAs) to include the effect of the withdrawal of the exemptions in
their budget requests. Following a careful review of tax exemptions for nongovernmental,
religious, and charitable organizations, the government has decided to continue to provide
the exemptions, but under revised guidelines aimed at curbing tax evasion and abuse of tax
privileges. Specifically, revised notices will be issued by end-March 2001 (to replace Notices 146
and 147 of 1996), with a view to clarifying organizations' operations and items entitled to tax
exemptions. These exemptions, which will be confined to donor-funded projects and relief
assistance, as well as interventions aimed at supporting ongoing poverty alleviation efforts, will
be vetted by the respective MDAs and enforced by the TRA. We will also take the first steps
toward reform of the nontax revenue system, with a view to improving its efficiency.
19. In addition to the projected increase in revenues, budget support from
donors is also expected to increase substantially, raising total resources for recurrent and locally
financed development projects to 14.3 percent of GDP in 2001/02. On the expenditure
side, subject to the availability of resources, we intend to resume the civil service pay reform,
emphasizing the need to further reduce the gap with market-pay levels for the middle and higher
levels of the pay scales. In addition, we will provide T Sh 24 billion for the
population census. The budget will also contain T Sh 11 billion in additional
transfers to local governments to compensate for the elimination of primary school fees.
Expenditure on (fully costed) poverty reduction programs, covering all priority sectors, will be in
line with the PRSP and the updated MTEF, which we expect to complete by April 2001, and is
initially estimated to amount to T Sh 410 billion. This reflects an increase of
T Sh 70 billion, compared with the budget for 2000/01, and substantially exceeds
the additional debt relief under the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative.
A separate contingency annex to the budget will contain the costings of additional poverty
reduction spending programs, which will be implemented when the remaining debt relief and
other external resources become available after reaching the completion point under the HIPC
20. The effective implementation of expenditure programs and the prevention
of expenditure arrears will need to be based on comprehensive budgeting and a thorough and
realistic costing of programs and contingencies. The government will be taking measures to
improve the budgeting process. The Budget Guidelines were issued in December 2000, compared
with in February 2000 for 2000/01, to allow more time for budget preparation. They require, inter
alia, that spending units present a monthly cash-flow plan along with their annual budget, that
conforms to the respective aggregate ceilings and clearly shows the estimated time pattern of
cash requirements. The budget will include contingency resources to reflect possible additional
budgetary costs, such as parastatal staff retrenchments and emergency assistance programs.
21. The role of local governments in the implementation of priority sector
programs will increase. There is an urgent need to reform the local revenue systems and to
strengthen their expenditure management and control capacities. To this end, the government
will, in collaboration with a forthcoming IMF technical assistance mission, develop a
comprehensive reform program, including the preparation of guidelines for a reform of local
revenue systems, and measures to enhance accounting, reporting, and auditing systems. The
IFMS has already been rolled out to 28 local authorities on a pilot basis. To ensure the operation
of the IFMS under the pilot program, the government will provide adequate supplies of
equipment, effective technical support, and adequate training of local operative staff.
D. Monetary Policy and Financial Sector
22. Monetary policy will continue to aim at reducing inflation. Following the
decline in underlying inflationary pressures in recent years, there is evidence of a stronger
demand for money than earlier estimated. In line with this, the monetary program for 2001 is
built around an increase in broad money (excluding foreign currency deposits) of about
10 percent. Nevertheless, in view of the uncertainties surrounding the estimate for the
demand for money, the BoT will review its monetary targets periodically if developments in
underlying inflation point to a need to adjust its monetary policy stance. Intervention through the
treasury bill auctions will remain the BoT's main monetary policy instrument, supplemented by
repurchase operations with the banks. Growth in credit to the private sector is expected to pick
up following the resumption of normal banking activities by the National Bank of Commerce
(NBC). In line with this, the monetary program allows for growth in credit to the private sector of
about 31 percent.
23. Although the financial sector reform has resulted in a welcome
improvement in the availability of modern banking services, the spread between (the
weighted-average) deposit and lending rates remains high. In order to reduce the risks in lending,
and thus allow smaller spreads, the BoT is encouraging the banks to accelerate the establishment
of a credit information bureau. In addition, the BoT and the Danish Government have supported
the commercial court through the financing of its premises and the Danish Government is also
financing the recruitment and training of additional judges. In the context of the Land Act, the
government will issue regulations by June 2001 which, among other things, will facilitate the use
of land and real estate as collateral. The BoT continues to strengthen banking supervision; the
remaining banking regulations (regarding capital adequacy, concentration of credit, and risk
management) were issued in January 2001. The complete set of updated prudential regulations,
which have been formulated in line with internationally accepted practices, is also an important
element of the capital account liberalization policy. The BoT has requested technical assistance
from the World Bank, with a view to further developing this policy by September 2001.
24. During the PRSP process, the poor indicated that the lack of access to
credit was an important obstacle to increasing production, especially in the rural sector. In order
to reach these generally small and high-risk borrowers, the government is attaching great
importance to developing microfinance. In addition to cooperatives or microfinance institutions
supported by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), the start of lending operations by the
National Microfinance Bank (NMB), initially on a pilot basis, is expected to considerably
improve access to credit by the poor. The government launched the national microfinance policy
in early February 2001, following its approval by the government in May 2000. With the
objective of providing a legal framework for microfinance operations, a steering committee is
expected to complete the formulation of microfinance legal and operational regulations by
mid-2001, by which time the government also expects to decide on the modalities of
incorporating the microfinance regulations into the existing financial sector regulatory
E. External Sector Issues
25. In the budget for 2000/01, we reduced the number of goods that had been
given split rates following the tariff reform in 1999/2000 from 25 to 19, on a net basis. We intend
to review the tariff structure further in the 2001/02 budget with the aim of reducing the number
of nonzero bands from the current four to three, and to rationalize the rates on inputs by, inter
alia, eliminating all the remaining split rates. Following improvement in TRA's import valuation
capacity, we implemented the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Agreement on Customs
Valuation on January 1, 2001. To this end, the contract under which TRA receives preshipment
inspection (PSI) services is being revised to reflect a new role of the PSI, particularly in training
and developing, maintaining, and making available price databases to TRA. Minimum dutiable
values have therefore been eliminated (except for sugar), effective January 2001. We expect to
have legislation on dumping, subsidies, and countervailing measures in place by June 2002, with
assistance from the WTO. Until then, as an interim measure, suspended duties are being imposed
in accordance with WTO rules, where it has been proved that dumping and subsidies are
undermining local industries.
26. We will continue to reform the system of trade protection, including
through a further reduction of external tariffs in line with regional initiatives under the Southern
African Development Community (SADC) and the East African Community (EAC). A tariff
reduction schedule has already been agreed within SADC; Tanzania will begin implementing this
from July 2001. Negotiations with our partners on a protocol for the establishment of an EAC
Customs Union are ongoing and will be taken into account in formulating forthcoming tariff
27. Tanzania is current on its external debt obligations. Following the new
Paris Club debt-rescheduling agreement in April 2000, we have so far signed three bilateral
agreements, another four are ready to be signed, and negotiations with the remaining five
creditors have started. Also, some countries have indicated their intention to forgive the full
balance of official development assistance (ODA)-related debt. Apart from Canada and the
United Kingdom, which are already providing full relief, the forgiveness will be effective upon
reaching the completion point under the enhanced HIPC Initiative. We will continue to make
good faith efforts to negotiate rescheduling agreements with non-Paris Club official creditors. By
end-January 2001, we had received enough offers to proceed with the IDA-financed debt
buyback operation. We intend to keep the offer open with a view to completing the operation by
F. Structural Reforms
Promotion of the private sector
28. Structural reform, aimed at bolstering market efficiency and private
sector-led growth, is a main element of our poverty reduction strategy; many of these reforms are
supported by the World Bank--including under the Programmatic Structural Adjustment Credit,
approved in June 2000--and by other donors. The focus of the privatization program is on
restructuring and divesting the large utilities and monopolies.
29. In addition to the long-term reform of the electricity sector, the serious
financial difficulties of TANESCO, which were a main factor in the power cuts during
November-December 2000, do require immediate action. These problems reflect large arrears in
the collection of electricity bills, as well as large losses in TANESCO's operations. The total
outstanding amount of arrears owed to TANESCO was T Sh 58 billion as of
end-June 2000, which reflects the amounts owed by Zanzibar State Power (T Sh 17
billion), DAWASA (T Sh 7 billion), the central government (T Sh 20
billion), parastatals (T Sh 9 billion), and other consumers. The government has
taken a number of steps to resolve TANESCO's acute financial problems. First, it paid
TANESCO T Sh 9 billion between July 2000 and January 2001 to clear arrears from fiscal year
1999/2000. All remaining budgetary arrears to TANESCO were settled in a netting operation in
early-February 2001--a prior action for the completion of the second review--which took account
of T Sh 25 billion owed by TANESCO to the government for the servicing of
external debt. Second, the government undertook to pay in this fiscal year DAWASA's arrears to
TANESCO, which had increased to T Sh 10 billion by end-December 2000; T Sh 3 billion of this
amount was settled as part of the netting operation between the government and TANESCO. We
expect that DAWASA will henceforth remain current on its obligations to TANESCO. Third,
pending the installation of "pre-pay" meters in all government MDAs (scheduled to
start in March 2001), the Ministry of Finance will ensure that all MDAs receive sufficient funds
through the cash budgeting system to allow them to pay their bills and avoid new arrears;
TANESCO has the authority to disconnect power to MDAs that do not pay their bills. Fourth, the
government granted a temporary tax exemption on fuel purchases for the operation of gas
turbines. It is envisaged that this tax exemption will not be renewed when it lapses in June 2001.
Other steps to address TANESCO's problems to be taken by the government by March 2001
include reconstitution of the Board and a strengthening of the management of the company.
30. A further issue with implications for TANESCO's financial position is the
outcome of the arbitration on the contract with Independent Power Tanzania Ltd. (IPTL), which
was announced in early February 2001.. The ruling is currently under review by the parties to the
dispute. Financing of the monthly capacity payments arising from the ruling should ideally come
from identified cost-savings at TANESCO and/or from tariff measures. The government, with
the assistance of the World Bank, is in the process of reviewing the structure of electricity tariffs,
with the aim of putting TANESCO's finances on a sound footing. The review will take account
of the arbitration ruling as well as potential improvements in efficiency from the implementation
of specific measures identified in recent studies, such as reducing the costs of inventory holdings,
improved billing, and making a more aggressive collection effort. Pending the implementation
of these measures, and given Tanzania's relatively high cost of energy within the region, the
government may have to provide additional temporary budgetary support to TANESCO to cover
some of the initial payments to IPTL. This support will be derived from domestic fiscal
31. During the participatory process of the PRSP, the poor stressed the
importance of improving governance to help reduce their vulnerability and insecurity. The Public
Service Reform Programme, which was launched in July 2000 with support of the World Bank,
is an important part of the government's efforts to reduce corruption and improve the delivery of
government services. A key element is the concept of "performance improvement
monitoring," under which MDAs, in conjunction with their anticorruption plans, develop
strategic plans to improve their performance. The implementation of the latter is to be
subsequently monitored through annual Service Delivery Surveys (consultants recently
completed a baseline survey). Seven MDAs have already completed strategic plans, and an
additional two are expected to be completed by June 2001. By October 2001, the government
will submit a new Public Service Bill to the parliament, with a view to facilitating performance
monitoring, providing guidance on, and the use of, disciplinary action, and enhancing
accountability. Also, the government has provided funds to the Ministry of Justice to reduce the
shortfall in magistrates during 2000/01 and 2001/02. As stated in the PRSP, the government is
also preparing detailed actions plans to strengthen the justice system, and we expect to carry out
diagnostic surveys of corruption in MDAs during 2001. Furthermore, should there be evidence of
corrupt practices by public officials, including in the case of the IPTL contract, the government
will act promptly by bringing the corrupt officials to justice.
Statistical issues
32. In support of our macroeconomic and poverty reduction policies, we intend
to improve the macroeconomic and sociodemographic statistical databases. In this respect, and in
line with the recommendations of a recent IMF multi-topic technical assistance mission, we
intend to (i) establish regular meetings of the recently formed interministerial committee on
statistics to address major issues identified in measuring GDP, including the reconciliation of
figures on tourism; (ii) organize a new industrial production survey; (iii) prepare and submit a
new Statistics Law to the parliament by October 2001; and (iv) clarify the cooperation between
the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the statistical authorities in Zanzibar. The
government will ensure adequate funding for the preparation of a core set of macroeconomic
statistics by the NBS, which has been indicated as a priority item in the MTEF, as well as for the
population census. With regard to sociodemographic surveys, we intend to finalize field
interviews for the Household Budget Survey and the Labour Force Survey by May 2001.
Preliminary estimates for poverty indicators based on interviews for the initial three months from
the two surveys will be out by end-February 2001. We announced our participation in the
General Data Dissemination System to the IMF in December 2000.
G. Concluding Remarks
33. The government of Tanzania will continue to provide the IMF with such
information as the IMF requires to assess Tanzania's progress in implementing the policies
described in this letter, which updates and complements the memorandum of economic and
financial policies for 2000-02 attached to the letter of the Minister for Finance of March 9, 2000,
and the letter to Mr. Köhler of July 18, 2000. Moreover, we will continue to consult with
the IMF on Tanzania's economic and financial policies in accordance with the IMF's policies on
such consultations.
34. Performance criteria and benchmarks are set out in Tables 3 and 4. The Government of Tanzania remains fully committed
to the implementation of the economic and financial program supported by the PRGF
arrangement, and we trust that we can count on the continued support of the IMF.
Sincerely yours,
/ s /
Basil Mramba (MP)
Minister for Finance
Technical Memorandum of Understanding Between
the Government of Tanzania and the International Monetary Fund
February 24, 2001
1. This memorandum contains the definitions of the quantitative benchmarks
and performance criteria of Tanzania's program supported under the Poverty Reduction and
Growth Facility (PRGF) for 2001 and the reporting requirements. It is an integral part of the
documents and terms and conditions that govern the IMF's support for Tanzania's economic and
poverty reduction program supported by the PRGF for the period 2000-02.
I. Net International Reserves (NIR) and Net
Domestic Assets (NDA) of the Bank of Tanzania (BoT)
2. For the purpose of the program, the BoT's NIR is defined as its usable
foreign assets minus its foreign liabilities excluding medium-and long-term foreign liabilities,
and converted in U.S. dollars at the end-period exchange rates.1 The NIR is defined consistent with the definition of the
Special Data Dissemination Standard template as external assets readily available to, or
controlled by, the BoT. It includes the reserve position with the Fund net of outstanding use of
Fund credit, but excludes any pledged or otherwise encumbered reserve assets, including, but not
limited to, reserve assets used as collateral or guarantee for third-party external liabilities.
3. For the calculation of the NIR, the balances in the accounts of the
Multilateral Debt Fund (MDF) and the Poverty Reduction Budget Support Fund (PRBS) will be
deducted from foreign liabilities and added to government deposits. Similarly, the balance
in the account of the European Union (EU) for the clearance of domestic arrears will be added to
foreign liabilities (and subtracted from other domestic liabilities). At end-December 2000, the
BoT's NIR under the program definition amounted to US$553.1 million. Net foreign assets
(NFA) of the BoT consists of its foreign assets minus its foreign liabilities, corrected for the
balances in the MDF and the EU arrears account as mentioned above, excluding medium-and
long-term foreign liabilities, and converted into Tanzania shillings (T Sh) at the end-period
exchange rate. At end-December 2000, the BoT's NFA amounted to T Sh 477.1
4. Net domestic assets (NDA) of the BoT are calculated as the BoT's reserve
money plus medium- and long-term liabilities minus its NFA, in billions of Tanzania shillings.
At end-December 2000, the BoT's net domestic assets amounted to T Sh 173.4
5. Reserve money is defined as the sum of currency issued by the BoT,
consisting of currency in the hands of the public and cash in vault held by the commercial banks,
and the deposits of the commercial banks with the BoT. At end-December 2000, reserve money
was T Sh 556.1 billion.
6. Medium- and long-term foreign liabilities of the BoT consist of the sum of
blocked foreign liability accounts, counterpart funds for foreign currency liabilities, and the
External Payments Arrears/National Bank of Commerce (NBC) deposits. At end-December
2000, medium and long-term liabilities amounted to T Sh 43.3 billion.
7. The program includes end-of-quarter quantitative benchmarks/performance
criteria on the minimum level of NIR, and on the maximum level of NDA.
II. Net Domestic Financing (ndf) of the Government
of Tanzania
8. NDF includes financing by the banking system (BoT and commercial banks)
and the nonbank public of the budget of the central (Union) government of Tanzania. NDF
consists of treasury bills (excluding liquidity paper issued by the BoT for monetary policy
purposes and included as such in the BoT's balance sheet), government stocks and bonds,
promissory notes and other domestic debt instruments issued by the government and loans and
advances net of government deposits with the BoT and the banks.2 For the purposes of the program,
NDF excludes privatization proceeds and government debt issued for the recapitalization of the
NBC and the National Microfinance Bank (NMB), debt from parastatal companies assumed by
the government, and bonds issued to the BoT for the clearance of external payments arrears of
the NBC.
9. NDF is calculated as the cumulative change since June 30, 2000 in the sum
of (i) loans and advances to the government by the BoT minus all government deposits
with the BoT (including the balances in the accounts of the MDF and the PRBS), from the
balance sheet of the BoT; (ii) loans and advances to the government by the commercial banks
minus all government deposits held with the banks, from the balance sheet of the commercial
banks; and (iii) the outstanding stock of domestic debt as identified in the Monthly Domestic
Debt Report issued by the Ministry of Finance, excluding principal arrears but including interest
arrears, minus (iv) government debt instruments issued for the recapitalization of the NBC and
the NMB, and minus (v) parastatal debt assumed by the government. The balances and items
constituting NDF as of June 30, 2000 and through end-December 2000 are provided in Table 1a.
III. Adjuster to the Performance Criteria and
Benchmarks for NIR and NDA of the BoT and NDF of the Budget for a Shortfall/Excess in Net
Foreign Financing
10. For the purposes of the program, the benchmarks and performance criteria
for NIR and NDA of the BoT and NDF of the budget will be adjusted for a shortfall in net
foreign financing of the budget compared with the projected level. The benchmarks and
performance criteria for NIR will be adjusted downward and the benchmarks and performance
criteria for NDA and NDF will be adjusted upward for the full amount of the shortfall. However,
with the objective of safeguarding a minimum level of NIR, the adjustment of the benchmarks
and performance criteria will be limited to a maximum amount of US$60 million (in the case of
NIR) or the equivalent amount in Tanzania shillings at the end-period exchange rate (in
the case of NDA and NDF).
11. Under the program, for the adjustment to NIR, net foreign financing of the
budget is calculated as the cumulative sum since June 30, 2000 of the receipts from (i) program
loans (financing for the budget provided by multilateral institutions); (ii) program grants
(financing for the budget provided by bilateral donors (including the EU)); and (iii) grants
provided for debt relief by the IMF, the World Bank, and the African Development Bank; minus
(iv) interest on external debt paid from the budget; and (v) amortization of external debt
paid from the budget. For NDA and NDF, the amounts of (i)-(v) above are converted into
Tanzania shillings at the average quarterly exchange rate. The calculation of the
adjuster for the shortfall in net foreign financing for the period June 2000-December 2000 is
provided in Table 1b.
IV. Other Adjusters
12. For the purposes of the program, NDA will be adjusted for changes in the
reserve requirement in an amount equal to the change in percentage points in the reserve
requirement times the amount of deposits held by the public with the commercial banks.
13. For the purposes of the program, actual NDA and net foreign assets (NFA)
of the BoT will be adjusted for the effect of the difference between the actual and the
programmed exchange rate. The total of (i) the sum of actual net foreign assets in U.S. dollar
terms times the actual exchange rate of the Tanzania shillings against the U.S.
dollar; minus (ii) the sum of actual net foreign assets in U.S. dollar terms times the programmed
exchange rate of the T Sh against the U.S. dollar will be added to NDA.
V. External Payments Arrears
14. External payments arrears consist of the total amount of external
debt-service obligations (interest and principal) of the government and the BoT that have not
been paid at the time they are due, excluding arrears on external debt-service obligations pending
the conclusion of debt-rescheduling arrangements. Under the program, the avoidance of external
payments arrears is a continuous performance criterion.
VI. Nonconcessional External Debt
15. Under the program, the avoidance of nonconcessional external debt
contracted or guaranteed by the government or the BoT is a continuous performance criterion.
Nonconcessional external debt is all debt with a concessionality level of less than
35 percent. For loans with a maturity of at least 15 years, the 10-year average
"commercial interest rate reference rate" (CIRR), published by the OECD, should be
used to calculate the level of concessionality. For loans with shorter maturities, the 6-month
average CIRR should be used. For the purposes of the program through December 31, 2001, the
6-month and 10-year CIRRs published by the OECD in December 2000 will be used. To both the
10-year and 6-month averages, the following margins for differing repayment periods should be
added: 0.75 percent for repayment periods of less than 15 years; 1 percent for
15-19 years; 1.15 percent for 20-29 years; and 1.25 percent for 30 years or
16. This performance criterion applies not only to debt as defined in point No.
9 of the Guidelines on Performance Criteria with Respect to Foreign Debt adopted on August 24,
2000 (Executive Board Decision No. 12274 (00/85)) but also to commitments contracted or
guaranteed for which value has not been received. The definition of debt set forth in No. 9 of the
guidelines is as follows:
"(a) For the purpose of this guideline, the term "debt"
will be understood to mean a current, i.e., not contingent, liability, created under a contractual
arrangement through the provision of value in the form of assets (including currency) or services,
and which requires the obligor to make one or more payments in the form of assets (including
currency) or services, at some future point(s) in time; these payments will discharge the principal
and/or interest liabilities incurred under the contract. Debts can take a number of forms, the
primary ones being as follows: (i) loans, i.e., advances of money to obligor by the lender made on
the basis of an undertaking that the obligor will repay the funds in the future (including deposits,
bonds, debentures, commercial loans and buyers' credits) and temporary exchanges of assets that
are equivalent to fully collateralized loans under which the obligor is required to repay the funds,
and usually pay interest, by repurchasing the collateral from the buyer in the future (such as
repurchase agreements and official swap arrangements); (ii) suppliers' credits, i.e., contracts
where the supplier permits the obligor to defer payments until some time after the date on which
the goods are delivered or services are provided; and (iii) leases, i.e., arrangements under which
property is provided which the lessee has the right to use for one or more specified period(s) of
time that are usually shorter than the total expected service life of the property, while the lessor
retains the title to the property. For the purpose of the guideline, the debt is the present value (at
the inception of the lease) of all lease payments expected to be made during the period of the
agreement excluding those payments that cover the operation, repair or maintenance of the
property. (b) Under the definition of debt set out in point 9(a) above, arrears, penalties, and
judicially awarded damages arising from the failure to make payment under a contractual
obligation that constitutes debt are debt. Failure to make payment on an obligation that is not
considered debt under this definition (e.g., payment on delivery) will not give rise to
17. Excluded from this performance criterion are (i) debt
contracted in the context of rescheduling agreements; and (ii) leases of office space and
equipment and housing contracted by representatives of Tanzania abroad.
VII. Central Government Recurrent
18. Under the program, central government revenue consists of tax revenue
and nontax revenue, cumulative since the start of the fiscal year, excluding privatization proceeds
and the excess of dividends received from the BoT over the programmed amount. For 2000/01
(July-June), the programmed amount of dividend receipts from the BoT is T Sh 4.5
billion. Tax revenue consists of all revenue collected by the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA)
minus nontax revenue collected by the TRA, as per the monthly TRA revenue report. Nontax
revenue consists of nontax revenue collected by the TRA, dividends, revenue collections by the
Ministry of Finance and the Ministries and Regions, and appropriations in aid.
VIII. Extrabudgetary Expenditure
19. The avoidance of extrabudgetary expenditure is a continuous benchmark
under the program. For the purposes of the program, extrabudgetary expenditure is defined as
expenditure paid from accounts outside the regular budgetary (paymaster-general) accounts,
including from the accounts of nonbudgetary government entities such as the Presidential Public
Sector Reform Commission or the TRA. This benchmark implies that under the program all
recorded fiscal transactions by the government of Tanzania and its agencies, whether authorized
in the budget, in any other law, or unauthorized, have to occur within the general framework of
accounts that are reported to the IMF on a monthly basis and presented to parliament at least
once a year.
IX. Accumulation of Budgetary Arrears
20. The avoidance of new budgetary arrears constitutes a benchmark under the
program. New budgetary arrears are defined as arrears accumulated during the fiscal year on
wages, domestic interest, goods and services, and tax refunds. Payments on salaries, wages, and
pensions are deemed in arrears when they remain unpaid more than 30 days beyond the due
payment date. Interest payments are in arrears when the payment is not made on the due date.
Payments to suppliers are deemed to be in arrears if they have not been made within the normal
grace period of 30 days or such other period as has been contractually agreed after the verified
delivery of the concerned goods or services, unless the amount or the timing of the payment is
subject to good faith negotiations between the government and the creditor. In the case of tax
refunds, a refund is in arrears if the refund has not been made within 30 days after receipt of the
claim, unless the claimant has been notified in writing of the nonacceptance of the claim by the
X. Data Reporting Requirements
21. For purposes of monitoring the program, the government of Tanzania will
provide the data listed below. This memorandum distinguishes two different reporting
requirements: (i) for the purpose of monitoring performance in relation to the program's
benchmarks and performance criteria; and (ii) for the monitoring of general macroeconomic and
financial developments. The data will be collected by the BoT and transmitted through the office
of the Resident Representative, no later than one month after the date to which the data refer.
A. Reporting of Developments in Relation to the
Program's Benchmarks and Performance Criteria (to be provided monthly)
22. Table of financial performance criteria and benchmarks under the
program under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) for 2001 (Table 1 attached). Although this table only identifies quarterly
ceilings or floors for NDA of the BoT, NDF of the government and NIR of the BoT, for the
purpose of program monitoring the relevant actual data will be provided on a monthly basis for
all benchmarks and performance criteria. In case the government incurred external payments
arrears, contracted or guaranteed external debt on nonconcessional terms, made extrabudgetary
expenditures or accumulated budgetary arrears, details of the arrears or transaction(s), including
amounts and reasons for the noncompliance with the performance criterion/benchmark will be
provided in an annex to this table.
23. Table with the calculation of net domestic financing of the budget
(Table 1a attached).
24. Table with the calculation of the program adjuster for the shortfall
(excess) of net foreign financing of the budget (Table 1b attached).
25. Table with the structural benchmarks and performance criteria for the
program under the PRGF (Table 2 attached). The
fourth column of this table, labeled "Status," will be updated on a monthly basis with
a view to monitor progress with the structural benchmarks and performance criteria.
26. Table on priority sector expenditure targets and performance (Table 3 attached).
27. The lists of all government accounts with the BoT and with the commercial
banks, indicating their status with regard to the reconciliation process.
28. An overview of the transactions in and out of the accounts of the Parastatal
Sector Reform Commission.
B. Reporting of Developments in Relation to the
Monitoring of General Macroeconomic and Financial Developments
The following will be provided monthly (data for the latest month):
- the balance sheet of the BoT;
- the consolidated balance sheet of the commercial banks;
- the monetary survey;
- commercial banks--interest rate structure;
- the flash report on revenues and expenditures;
- the Monthly Domestic Debt Report;
- the TRA revenue report;
- the external cash flow statement, including details on payments of interest and principal
on government external debt;
- exports and imports;
- the published consumer price index report of the National Bureau of Statistics
The following will be provided quarterly:
- balance of payments (current account).
The following will be provided when available:
- The half-yearly and yearly national accounts statistics in constant and current prices as
prepared by the NBS.
1. | Financial Performance Criteria and
Benchmarks Under the Program Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility for
2001. |
1a. | Calculation of Net Domestic
Financing of the Budget, June 2000-December 2001. |
1b. | Calculation of the Program Adjuster
for the Shortfall of Net Foreign Financing of the Budget. |
2. | Structural Benchmarks and
Performance Criteria for the Program Under the PRGF Arrangement for 2001. |
3. | Priority Sector Expenditure Targets
and Performance. |
1The BoT's gold holdings are valued at historical costs
in U.S. dollars. The BoT will inform the Fund in case of a change in this valuation method.
2The terms
"stocks" and "bonds" refer to the definitions used in the Monthly
Domestic Debt Report, issued by the Ministry of Finance.