Mr. Horst Köhler
Managing Director
International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C. 20431
United States of America
Dear Mr. Köhler:
1. In cooperation with International Monetary Fund and World Bank staff, the
government of Niger recently finalized a medium-term adjustment program covering the period
October 2000-September 2003 and held the Article IV consultation
discussions for 2000. These talks focused on the economic and financial situation in 1999 and
2000, progress to date of the economic recovery since the end of the transition period in
December 1999, the economic outlook, and the 2001 budget. In addition, the Nigerien
authorities, together with International Monetary Fund and World Bank staff, discussed in detail
external debt sustainability in the context of the HIPC Initiative.
2. The objectives of the economic and financial program reflect the objectives
and guidelines of the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper drafted by the Nigerien
authorities in consultation with representatives of civil society, with support from the United
Nations Development Program (UNDP), and sent to you under separate cover.
3. The attached memorandum of economic and financial policies describes the
Nigerien government's objectives and policies for the program period, most particularly those for
the first year, from October 1, 2000-September 30, 2001. A technical
memorandum of understanding, providing definitions of performance criteria and benchmarks of
the program is also attached and is part of this Letter of Intent. To support its objectives, the
Nigerien government requests a three-year arrangement under the PRGF in the amount of
SDR 59.2 million (90 percent of quota).
4. The government of Niger will communicate to the International Monetary
Fund the information required to evaluate the country's progress in implementing its economic
and financial policies and in achieving the program objectives. The government authorizes the
International Monetary Fund to post this memorandum on its web site for maximum
dissemination of the program content.
5. The government considers that the reforms and measures described in this
letter are such as to permit achievement of the 2000/01 program objectives; it is prepared to take
any additional measures required for this purpose. During the period of the arrangement, the
government of Niger, on its own initiative or at the Managing Director's request, will consult
with the International Monetary Fund on the adoption of any measure deemed necessary.
Furthermore, at the end of the period covered by the third annual arrangement and as long as
Niger continues to have financial obligations toward the Fund resulting from loans obtained
under this arrangement, the government will consult periodically with the International Monetary
Fund on Niger's economic and financial policies, on the government's initiative or as requested
by the Managing Director.
6. Based on the conclusions of the updated debt sustainability analysis, which
seem to confirm Niger's eligibility for the enhanced Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor
Countries, the government also wishes to receive debt relief under this Initiative.
Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies
for 2000-03
November 21, 2000
I. Introduction
7. The discussions on the new three-year economic and financial program for
Niger took place in Niamey in August and September 2000. This program, which the
International Monetary Fund could support with an arrangement under the Poverty Reduction
and Growth Facility (PRGF), will enable Niger to successfully resume the structural adjustment
of its economy that was interrupted by the events of April 1999. It is set against a
backdrop of reconstruction of democratic institutions and restoration of political and social
stability in 2000. The aim of the program is to achieve sustainable economic growth and
medium-term financial viability in a stable macroeconomic environment, so that an effective
fight can be waged against poverty. This memorandum reflects the main focuses of the
medium-term strategy set out in the interim poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP), and the
government of Niger affirms its resolution to implement all the policies established under this
strategy, which will be completed and validated in 2001 in the context of a broadened and
enhanced participatory process.
II. Recent Developments: 1999-2000
A. Structural Adjustment Interrupted in 1999
8. The program of economic and financial structural adjustment policies
supported by the IMF since 1996 under the Enhanced Structural Adjustment
Facility and by the community of donors had resulted in substantial progress
in restoring the major macroeconomic and budgetary balances and introducing
structural reforms focusing on private sector development, privatization, and
the civil service. Achievements in the 1996-98 period remained fragile,
however, and suffered a number of setbacks caused by the political and social
instability that followed the political events of April 1999. The economic
consequences of this instability were aggravated by the almost total withdrawal
of external financial assistance from Niger during the transition period.
9. In addition to these difficulties, there was a decline in agricultural output
following an exceptional harvest in 1998 and a drop in uranium production, the effects of
which resulted in a slight economic downturn of about 1 percent in real GDP
in 1999 after a 10½ percent increase in 1998. However,
consumer prices benefited from the excellent agricultural output at end-1998, and
inflation was negative, at nearly -2 percent year-on-year, compared with the
3½ percent increase in 1998. As for the external sector, a
10 percent decline in the volume of exports was offset by a drop in the volume of imports
of more than 20 percent, reflecting, inter alia, a deterioration in the terms of trade,
estimated at close to 5 percent, and the economic downturn. Thus, notwithstanding the
increase in the prices of oil products, the external current account deficit (excluding official
transfers) narrowed from about 10 percent of GDP in 1998 to about
7½ percent in 1999, but the interruption in flows of external budgetary
assistance led to a new accumulation of external payments arrears and contributed to a decline in
the gross external assets of the central bank of CFAF 15 billion (or close to
0.6 month of imports). The political instability and slowdown in some public projects also
affected investment, which dropped from 11 percent of GDP in 1998 to
10 percent in 1999.
10. On the budget side, cash-flow difficulties resulting from the
of external budgetary assistance were exacerbated by a lack of budgetary discipline
and insufficient mobilization of domestic resources. This crisis situation
highlighted the weakness of the Nigerien public administration and its budgetary
system, and led to an accumulation of domestic and external payments arrears
equivalent to almost 5 percent of GDP. In particular, the regular payment
of civil service employees could not be maintained, and arrears amounting to
7 months of wages accumulated for 1999, bringing the total wage arrears
to 13 months of wages at end-1999, or close to 3½ percent of GDP.
The budget execution difficulties also affected all of the social sectors, whose
real share in total expenditure declined substantially. In addition, governance
problems arose, and the failure to respect budgetary procedures led to the accumulation
of irregular expenditures estimated at more than 1 percent of GDP at end-1999.
11. The overall budget deficit (on a commitment basis, excluding grants)
reached the equivalent of about 10 percent of GDP in 1999, increasing
by almost 2 percentage points over 1998. This reflects an increase
in primary expenditure (total expenditure, excluding interest on the debt) and
current expenditure by more than 1 percentage point, in terms of GDP, and
a decline in budgetary revenue by close to 0.5 percentage point.
12. On account of these budgetary developments and the decline in
financing, the monetary aggregates in 1999 reflected a deterioration in
the net government position of almost CFAF 8 billion, or almost 12 percent
compared with the December 1998 level. However, the increase in net
domestic assets was moderated by the 3 percent contraction in bank credit
to the nongovernment sector as activity stagnated, and despite a relaxation of
regional monetary policy in January 1999. Taking into account the drop in
net foreign assets, the money supply declined by 5½ percent in 1999
and the velocity of money, already high, increased by 8 percent.
13. In the area of structural reform, 1999 was marked by a
delay in the implementation of the privatization program and the planned reforms
of budget management, the civil service, and private sector development.
No new public enterprise was privatized in 1999, and the number of privatizations
remained at 3, out of 11 envisaged in the program established in 1996. Nevertheless,
some progress was made in establishing a new legislative and regulatory framework
for the water and telecommunications sectors. A multisectoral regulatory agency
was created in September 1999 to ensure compliance with the regulatory provisions
applicable to the various sectors concerned (water, electricity, telecommunications,
and petroleum products) and to monitor the quality of services provided, rates
applied, and performance of the contractual obligations of private investors
in the various sectors.
B. The Restoration of Democracy and
the Resumption of Structural Adjustment in 2000
14. The free and transparent legislative and presidential elections in
late 1999
restored a genuine democratic framework and eased political and social tensions,
conditions necessary for sustainable economic development. The new government
quickly established its social, economic, and political objectives in the General
Policy Statement approved by the National Assembly in April 2000. These
involve (1) on the macroeconomic front, resuming and expanding the structural
reforms to ensure economic recovery and diversification so as to effectively
combat poverty; (2) on the social front, consolidating the rule of law and peace
throughout the country by introducing a framework of ongoing dialogue among the
social partners; and (3) on the financial front, consolidating and improving
government finances in a context of restoration of good governance and strengthening
of government management capacities.
Budget situation in the first half of 2000
15. Pending the complete restoration of relations with the donor
as regards budgetary assistance, the government continued to face serious cash-flow
difficulties, leading to severe budget constraints. The priorities thus became
to ensure the regular payment of civil service wages, provide the minimum appropriations
needed for the government to operate, and limit external debt service to certain
multilateral international organizations. To this end, a number of measures were
taken, including (1) separation of the 1999 and 2000 fiscal years to
verify the regularity of expenditures committed at end-1999 before proceeding
with their payment; (2) introduction of a very strict cash-flow plan and management
system to ensure that priority expenditures were covered and to limit expenditure
commitment to resources actually available; and (3) compliance with the existing
budgetary procedures and rules. The 2000 budget introduced at end-1999 by
the transitional government was revised by a supplementary budget law in June 2000
to place the government revenue and expenditure projections on a more realistic
footing, taking account of Niger's actual potential for mobilizing domestic and
external resources and the concern to avoid accumulating new domestic payments
16. The Nigerien government's prudent financial management, and its
to improve budgetary transparency and good governance, have made it possible,
with the financial assistance of some bilateral donors, to achieve the priority
objectives of the government and maintain social and political stability.
At end-June 2000, the overall budget deficit (on a commitment basis, excluding
grants) was held at CFAF 42 billion (equivalent to 6.3 percent
of GDP), with budgetary revenues equivalent to 8.1 percent of GDP and total
expenditure limited to 14.4 percent of GDP (including an off-budget subsidy
of the prices for petroleum products equivalent to 0.7 percent of GDP).
Wages were paid on a regular basis, and one month of wage bill arrears was even
settled. Nevertheless, the strict respecting of budgetary financing constraints
and the priority given to some expenditure made normal budget execution difficult,
affecting services and the investment program. Based on actual external financing
at end-June, the government was able to reduce its debt to the Nigerien banking
system by about CFAF 1.8 billion. This improvement in the net government
position was made possible only by the skipping of payments of part of the external
debt service and a slight increase in domestic payments arrears, owing essentially
to the implicit subsidy on petroleum products.
Monetary and banking developments in the first half of 2000
17. Niger's net foreign assets continued to decline in the first half
of 2000,
reflecting the continued lack of sufficient external aid and the deterioration
in the external current account balance. The latter resulted from a significant
increase in the value of imports, mainly owing to the depreciation of the CFA
franc vis-à-vis the dollar. The drop in net external assets put downward
pressure on the money supply, which declined by almost 9 percent in the
first half of 2000 despite an increase in net domestic assets of the banking
system. Indeed, while the net government position improved slightly, in spite
of an increase in the statutory advance from the central bank of more than
CFAF 1 billion,
credit to the economy increased by 35 percent in the first six months of 2000
in response to the need to finance the rise in the nominal value of imports and
the cash-flow difficulties faced by many companies, including some public enterprises.
These difficulties resulted from the budgetary measures taken (the freeze on
payments relating to fiscal-year 1999 and the restrictive beginning-of-the-year
policy) and, in the case of the public enterprise responsible for petroleum imports
(SONIDEP), the failure to increase pump prices despite the rapidly rising import
prices for petroleum products. These trends were observed even though regional
monetary policy was tightened on two occasions, first via the expansion of the
base for required reserves and an increase in the reserve ratio from 1.5 percent
to 3 percent in March, and second by the raising of the central bank reference
rate by 75 basis points in June 2000. The latter measure was also aimed
at stemming the outflow of capital following the rise in European interest rates.
Implementation of structural reforms
18. The new government has affirmed its determination to resume the
of structural reform and to make it a cornerstone of Niger's poverty reduction
strategy. The authorities have endeavored to restart the government's privatization
program, specifically the divestment of four key public enterprises: NIGELEC
(electricity), SNE (water), SONITEL (telephone), and SONIDEP (petroleum products
import and storage). After some delays, the terms and conditions for the privatization
of NIGELEC were finalized, consisting in a concession arrangement for the production,
import, and distribution of electricity. Potential buyers for SONITEL were invited
to come forward in May, and a data room was held in July. At the same time, the
call for bids for the two cellular telephone licenses was launched in May. Finally,
the strategy for the privatization of SONIDEP was adopted in July. The strategy
calls for the sale of a majority of the shares in this company to professional
private investors in the sector and the signing of a concession contract between
the government and the new SONIDEP for the management of fuel depots. In this
new context, oil imports will remain under the privatized SONIDEP's control and
subject to public bidding procedures approved by the World Bank.
19. As part of the civil service reform, a new law on the retirement
rules for government workers and civil servants was implemented in March 2000, and
will result in the early retirement of 2,384 government auxiliary workers and civil servants. The
savings are approximately CFAF 0.6 billion in 2000, and the full-year effect
is estimated at the equivalent of 0.2 percent of GDP. Under this legislation, the age limit
for auxiliary workers was reduced from 60 to 58, and the maximum years of service for civil
servants was reduced to 30 years, while their age limit for public employment was maintained at
55. Likewise, the consolidation of the various payroll and personnel records in a single database
was completed in July 2000 and led to the identification of almost 300 irregular cases. The
resolution of these cases has begun and should be completed by the end of the year.
20. Beyond the strict control of expenditure described above, the government
has resumed implementation of the budget management reform program introduced
in 1997 and 1998. This program includes a number of modules covering budget
preparation, execution, and tracking. The program also aims to improve the entry and processing
of budgetary data across the board. The measures adopted in the early part of 2000 focus
mainly on better control of certain government expenditure items. In particular, government
consumption of water, electricity, and telephone services was reduced through the
implementation of provisions that had been generally ignored. Coverage under the budget of the
private consumption of several categories of senior civil servants was eliminated, in compliance
with the prevailing laws and regulations, while access to the long-distance (domestic and
international) telephone network was severely restricted. Finally, the government encouraged the
companies to cut off service to departments that did not pay their bills, with the exception of
some key sectors, such as health centers. Payroll management was also made easier and more
transparent with the use of the new single database for the civil service to prepare the pay slips as
of July 2000.
21. In the area of management and use of budgetary data, regular
reconciliations have been done among the central revenue collection offices since the beginning
of 2000. Likewise, the Treasury has introduced an information system for the weekly
collection of not yet recorded or classified revenue data through the internal network. The
improvement in the quality of budgetary data made it possible to prepare more realistic cash-flow
plans than in the past. The recording of government operations was also improved, as the
restoration of the bookkeeping day and more rigorous allocation of transactions to the
appropriate accounts led to a reduction in suspense accounts balances and a more readily
understandable general balance sheet for the Treasury. Finally, it was possible to close the annual
accounts for fiscal-year 1997. The 1997 budget review law was submitted to the Office of
the National Assembly, and the corresponding revenue and expenditure accounts were reviewed
and audited by the Accounting Office of the Supreme Court.
III. The Program for
October 2000–September 2003
22. During the coming three years, the government will implement a series
of policies that are in line with the objectives described in its General Policy
Statement of April 2000, described above. The program will give priority
to poverty reduction and revival of the Nigerien economy in a context of financial
stability, while emphasizing good governance and regional integration within
the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and the Economic Community
of West African States (ECOWAS). Specifically, the economic and financial program
forms part of the Solidarity, Growth, Stability and Convergence Pact among the
WAEMU member countries that came into effect in 1999, and aims to comply
with its key objectives.
23. The development of a new and comprehensive poverty reduction
is based on the work that led to the preparation of a national poverty reduction
program in 1997. A revision of this program involved taking a critical
look at past experience and the lack of real progress in reducing poverty. Progress
to date is reflected in the interim PRSP prepared by the government. This interim
paper provides current data on the profile of poverty in Niger, reviews the policies
implemented in recent years, presents the medium-term macroeconomic framework,
and indicates possible features and objectives of the new poverty reduction strategy.
It also presents the institutional framework for preparing this strategy and
the timetable for finalizing the paper, along with a matrix of strategies and
measures that the government intends to implement in the coming three years.
24. To finalize and validate this strategy, the government has created a
high-level interministerial committee under the auspices of the Office of the
Prime Minister. This committee will also be responsible for ensuring that
sectoral policies are consistent with the poverty reduction strategy and will
monitor the strategy's implementation. In addition, the government intends to
take the necessary measures to improve knowledge of the causes and dynamics of
poverty in Niger, and actively involve not only government and public agencies
working in this area, but also civil society and representatives of bilateral
and multilateral partners in development. Moreover, the government hopes to receive
technical and financial support from the international community in preparing
the programs and setting the objectives underlying this strategy. This process
will result in the preparation of a full PRSP by Niger within the coming 12 months.
Once the paper has been prepared, and with the expected benefits of the Initiative
for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC Initiative), the government would amend
some of the assumptions and objectives of the program supported by the PRGF.
25. The objective of reducing poverty can be met only in a context of
stability and high, sustainable growth. Consequently, the government intends
to continue to implement policies and reforms that will make it possible to achieve
a growth rate of at least 4½ percent by 2003, while gradually
increasing the investment rate to about 14 percent of GDP. As a result,
GDP per capita growth rate will be close to 1½ percent in 2003. Keeping
inflation under 3 percent is another program objective, while the external
current account deficit (including official transfers), estimated at 5 percent
of GDP in 2000, should decline progressively, reflecting improvements in
the economic situation.
26. In support of the macroeconomic objectives described above, the
will implement a fiscal policy aimed at improving the current and basic budgetary
balances (the basic balance is the overall balance, excluding foreign-financed
investment spending), and upgrading the quality of public spending. The program
(which does not yet incorporate the benefits of the HIPC Initiative debt reduction)
aims to balance the current budget by 2003, rebounding from a deficit of
approximately 4 percent of GDP in 1999. This improvement will make
it possible to achieve long-term budgetary viability by covering current expenditure
out of revenues and releasing domestic resources to finance the public investment
program. Budgetary savings will be restored by increasing budgetary revenues
from 8.2 percent of GDP in 2000 to more than 10 percent in 2003,
and by implementing a prudent current expenditure policy. The planned increased
in revenue reflects a strengthening of tax and customs agencies (especially at
the local level) and the adoption of legislative provisions to reform the tax
system, with the main objective of widening the tax base and eliminating exemptions.
As to current expenditure (excluding interest on the debt), it should decline
from 8½ percent of GDP in 2000 to approximately 8 percent
in 2003, based on a moderate wage policy, control of transfers, and savings
on the consumption of goods and services, particularly telephone, water, and
electricity. In contrast, capital expenditure should increase from 5 percent
of GDP to 7 percent during the program period, taking into account the important
growth in the domestic contribution to the public investment program (from 1 percent
of GDP to 1½ percent of GDP) and the capacity to implement the program.
The basic primary budget (excluding interest on the debt and foreign-financed
spending on a commitment basis, and excluding grants) would thus be balanced
in 2003, compared with a deficit of about 1½ percent of GDP
in 2000.
The overall budget deficit (on a commitment basis and excluding grants) would
increase from 7½ percent of GDP in 2000 to 8 percent in 2001, reflecting
mainly the higher capital expenditure, before declining to 7 percent in 2003.
27. A key element of the program for 2000-03 is the projected settlement
of all external and most domestic payments arrears (CFAF 219 billion
in net terms, including wage arrears). These payments arrears have impaired the
proper functioning of the budget and effectiveness of the civil service, affected
relations with Niger's development partners, and penalized economic activity.
The clearance of payments arrears would thus contribute substantially to restoring
a sound economic environment for growth and poverty reduction. Taking into account
this clearance of payments arrears, the external financing of the investment
program (CFAF 284 billion), projected debt amortization payments
(CFAF 158 billion),
a stabilization in domestic bank financing (which takes into account projected
Fund disbursements), the budgetary financing gaps stand at close to
CFAF 497 billion
for 2000-03, or about 8½ percent of GDP for the period. Niger's
external needs are expected to be covered through debt relief for CFAF 229 billion
(including traditional rescheduling of debt servicing for bilateral creditors
and rescheduling of external payments arrears for all creditors), and through
budgetary assistance from the donors' community, especially the World Bank, the
European Union, and some bilateral donors.
28. The debt relief that will result from the implementation of the HIPC
Initiative in Niger will bring additional resources to Niger to support the poverty
reduction strategy and will benefit mainly the social sectors and basic infrastructure.
The current program will be amended to take account of this debt relief, once
it is in place, and the revised program incorporated into upcoming budget laws,
starting with a supplementary budget law for 2001. Nevertheless, this important
contribution to the poverty reduction and development program in Niger will not
cause the government to deviate from its commitment to fiscal adjustment.
29. Another government priority in the implementation of the poverty
strategy and enhancement of good governance in Niger is to improve the quality
of public spending. Expenditure preparation, programming, budgeting, and
execution will be improved by the introduction of an expenditure tracking system
that will make it possible to ensure more efficient and more effective public
spending, including public investment. Public expenditure reviews will also ensure
a better geographic and functional distribution of expenditure, including reallocations
to reduce nonproductive spending and to support greater devolution and decentralization
of the government.
30. The government's budgetary policy, particularly the reduction in the
direct advances of the central bank to the government, will support the prudent
monetary policy that the regional monetary authorities are conducting to control
inflation and strengthen the pegging of the CFA franc. The restructuring
of the Nigerien banking system will be completed during the program period, and
the monetary authorities will continue to monitor compliance with the prudential
regulations to ensure the viability and liquidity of the banking and financial
system, including the mutual credit and microfinance institutions, which should
develop considerably in the coming years.
31. To improve the macroeconomic outlook, the government will
a program of structural reforms that will focus on reviving the economy and reducing
poverty. The budgetary measures already described will be accompanied by
actions to develop the rural sector and financial system, and reforms of social
sectors. The liberalization of the economy will be continued by further lifting
controls on prices, privatizing public enterprises, continuing to endeavor to
open all sectors of the economy to competition, and strengthening the regulatory
and legal framework governing economic activity.
IV. The Program for
October 2000–September 2001
32. In the context of the three-year program described above and the
poverty reduction strategy, the aim of the program for the first year is to stabilize
the economic situation and restore the foundations for sound and harmonious growth.
In confirmation of its commitment to change, the government has taken the following
prior actions: adoption of a supplementary budget law for 2000 by the National
Assembly; elimination of the implicit subsidy on petroleum products through increases
in the prices of petroleum products, revisions of the pricing formula, and liberalization
of the transport of petroleum products (see paragraph 38); transmission
of the draft budget review law for 1997 to the National Assembly, and
of the corresponding treasury accounts to the Supreme Court's Chamber of Accounts
for auditing purposes; verification of the conformity of expenditure effected
at end-1999; and closing of the accounts for fiscal years 1998 and 1999.
At the same time, the government has resumed its contacts with the international
donor community to secure for 2000/01 the budgetary assistance needed to cover
a residual financing gap estimated at CFAF 291.5 billion, or 10.6 percent
of GDP. To avoid any budgetary slippage, the government intends to maintain its
policy of respecting budgetary procedures and the cash-flow management system,
which makes it possible to adjust expenditure commitment to available resources.
A. Macroeconomic Framework
33. For 2000, despite the climatic uncertainties affecting this year's
agricultural harvest, the government estimates that the outlook remains good,
with economic growth in the range of 2½ percent to 3½ percent.
In 2001, growth should accelerate to nearly 4 percent, resulting in
an increase in GDP per capita of about 1 percent. These growth rates
take account of increased output by all sectors of the economy, after the pause
in 1999, and restoration of normal government finance functions. The investment
rate should remain stable in 2000, with the increase in private investment
offsetting a slight contraction in capital spending by the public sector, and
then should increase by 1½ percentage points (of which 1 point
for the public sector) to close to 12 percent of GDP in 2001. National
savings, which have deteriorated in 2000, should turn around in 2001.
The consumer price index is projected to increase by an average of 3 percent
in 2000 and then by 3½ percent in 2001, compared with a decline
of 2½ percent in 1999, owing to the rise in oil prices and the
impact on prices of the appreciation of the U.S. dollar against the CFA
34. The external current account deficit (excluding official transfers)
is projected to increase by close to 3 percentage points to stabilize at
close to 10½ percent of GDP in 2000-01, mainly owing to the oil situation
and the slow growth of exports due to the decline in the uranium sector.
Oil price trends are expected to lead to a deterioration in the terms of trade
of approximately 15 percent in 2000 and an increase in the value of
oil products imports of approximately CFAF 11 billion ( 0.8 percent
of GDP, or US$16 million) from 1999. In 2001, with the acceleration
of activity, the real growth rate of imports will pick up, but the impact will
be offset by a reduction in the oil bill. Niger could thus record overall balance
of payments deficits equivalent to 5 percent in 2000 and 8 percent
in 2001, as compared with 3.5 percent of GDP in 1999.
B. Fiscal Policy
35. The objective of the 2000 and 2001 fiscal policy is to
the financial position of the government, allow for the normal functioning and
regular execution of the budget, initiate a program for the clearance of domestic
payments arrears, and, in the context of renewed financial relations with the
donor community, settle all external payments arrears with bilateral and multilateral
creditors. The introduction of a strict cash-flow management system, the
measures adopted since the beginning of 2000 (particularly the 2000
supplementary budget law, the increase in oil prices and revision of the pricing
formula, and the program of early retirements from the civil service), and understandings
on the settlement of external arrears with development partners will make it
possible to achieve these objectives in 2000. These results will be consolidated
in 2001 as the government continues to pursue a fiscal policy aimed at increasing
the mobilization of domestic resources, limiting the growth of expenditure while
improving its quality, and implementing a program to settle domestic payments
Fiscal policy for the end of 2000
36. In 2000, the overall budget deficit (on a commitment basis,
grants) should be reduced to the equivalent of 7.3 percent of GDP, a reduction
of more than 2 percentage points as compared with 1999. The basic
balance (which excludes externally financed capital expenditure) should improve
comparably, and the deficit should be narrowed to the equivalent of about 3 percent
of GDP. This budgetary adjustment reflects the measures taken by the government
to reduce noninterest basic spending and avoid the accumulation of new domestic
payments arrears, notwithstanding the decline in the revenue-to-GDP ratio resulting
from the introduction of the common external tariff by the WAEMU.
37. Despite new revenue measures introduced in the 2000
budget law, budget revenue is projected to decline from 8½ percent
of GDP in 1999 to about 8 percent in 2000 as a result of the
anticipated weak economic growth, the impact of smaller corporate profits in 1999
on corporate income tax paid in 2000, and the introduction of the new WAEMU
common external tariff (CET) effective January 1, 2000. The maximum
customs duty rate under the new CET has been lowered from 25 percent
to 20 percent,
and the number of rates set at four (0, 5, 10, and 20 percent). Niger
also had to reduce the statistical tax on foreign trade from 5 percent to
1 percent. The revenue losses resulting from the new foreign trade tax regime
have been estimated at approximately CFAF 10½ billion (or about
1 percent of GDP). They will be offset in part by transfers from the WAEMU
for the losses on intraregional trade and by a number of revenue-enhancing tax
measures included in the supplementary budget law, estimated at 0.6 percent
of GDP: (1) an increase in the value-added tax (VAT) rate from 17 percent
to 19 percent; (2) an increase in the excise rates on cigarettes
and tobacco from 20 percent to 30 percent; (3) an increase
in the advance payment on the tax on commercial and industrial profits from 4 percent
to 5 percent for the informal sector; (4) increases in stamp duties
and administrative charges; (5) introduction of a special 10 percent
short-term tax (TCI) on rice imports; and (6) introduction of excise taxes
on some products.
38. Budgetary expenditure for 2000 was revised downward in the
budget law and will be limited to 15½ percent of GDP (11½ percent
after exclusion of externally financed investment expenditure). The savings
are chiefly on the wage bill, with the early retirement of close to 2,400 civil
servants and the departure, owing to the privatization of road maintenance activities,
of almost 500 employees in the Equipment and Infrastructure Ministry. Expenditure
on goods and services has also benefited from savings measures applied to water,
electricity, and telephone consumption and has been revised downward, while a
minimum level of service has been guaranteed. The domestic contribution to the
public investment budget was limited to coverage in the budget of the duties
and taxes on externally financed projects and very small amounts needed to avoid
the interruption of projects. However, the increase in oil prices and appreciation
of the dollar were not reflected until late in the year in retail prices, and
an implicit subsidy had appeared through the oil price stabilization mechanism.
As prices of petroleum products were increased on May 8, 2000 by 40 CFAF
per liter, equivalent to a price increase in a range of 9-20 percent according
to the product, the price subsidy was reduced to about 0.5 percent of GDP
on an annual basis. The authorities have eliminated the price subsidy on new
sales of petroleum products by increasing all petroleum products prices (except
kerosene for social reasons) by 11 percent on September 15 and achieving
substantial savings in the supply cost structure of these products. These savings
amount to about 10 percent of the old price and result from lower operating
margins and the liberalization of petroleum products transport. Transportation
quotas and authorizations have been eliminated, and competitive bidding procedures
will be used for the transportation of petroleum products.
39. Taking into account a slight reduction in domestic payments arrears
and the settlement of external debt-service payments arrears (CFAF 163 billion
in gross terms), the budget deficit (on a cash basis, excluding grants) should
stand at about CFAF 227 billion, or 17 percent of GDP
in 2000.
With the projected amortization of the external debt (CFAF 40 billion)
and reduction of net domestic financing (CFAF 4 billion, including
expected Fund disbursements), as well as the project-related external financing
(CFAF 54 billion) and assistance already disbursed
(CFAF 40 billion,
including a World Bank public finance recovery credit in the amount of
CFAF 26 billion),
the financing gap is projected at CFAF 177 billion. Of this amount,
CFAF 12 billion would be covered by already secured grants from the
European Union and assistance from various bilateral donors, and the remainder
provided through debt relief understandings and agreements with multilateral
and bilateral creditors. The total amount of budgetary assistance (excluding
debt relief) should reach the equivalent of 5 percent of GDP and will be
disbursed mainly during the last quarter of 2000, significantly easing the
government's cash-flow difficulties and enabling it to begin 2001 on a sounder
financial basis. In this context, to protect against the risk of delays in the
disbursement of expected budgetary assistance, the authorities have decided to
build a cash reserve by end-2000 to cover any eventuality during the first part
of 2001.
40. The government has taken the necessary steps to settle its payments
arrears with regard to its development partners. Payments arrears in the
process of being settled amount to CFAF 163 billion, of which
CFAF 101 billion
vis-à-vis bilateral creditors, and CFAF 61 billion vis-à-vis
multilateral creditors. At end-1999, arrears of US$83 million were owed to multilateral
creditors, of which US$36 million have since been cleared through rescheduling
agreements in 1999 with the WAEMU (which has bought back the stock of debt of
Niger to the West African Development Bank - BOAD) and the Arab Bank for Economic
Development in Africa (BADEA) in the context of the HIPC Initiative. Of the remaining
US$47 million, 48 percent is owed to the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB),
19 percent to the OPEC Fund, and 17 percent to the European Union (EU)
and European Investment Bank (EIB). Niger agreed on an interim
arrangement with the IsDB in 2000 and has reached understandings to clear payments
arrears vis-à-vis the African Development Bank/Fund (AfDB/F) and the International
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) by year-end. On October 31, 2000,
the Nigerien authorities also held a meeting with their multilateral creditors
in Paris and agreed to work with the Multilateral Development Institutions (MDIs)
to arrive at an appropriate solution to outstanding arrears, including the new
arrears accumulated in 2000. In line with the understandings reached in
this meeting, Niger has approached the relevant MDIs (including the Conseil de
l'Entente and ECOWAS) to conclude agreements on the debt relief of these payments
arrears shortly. These agreements will take into account the levels of assistance
anticipated in the context of the HIPC Initiative, as the concessionality granted
in arrears clearance operations by MDIs would count toward assistance required
under the HIPC Initiative in line with a methodology agreed with MDIs. With regard
to bilateral creditors, the government is seeking debt relief on eligible external
payments arrears and debt service due to the Paris Club and will initiate procedures
to obtain at least as favorable debt-relief conditions from other bilateral creditors.
Given Niger's limited resources for debt servicing, the authorities have also
requested from Paris Club and non Paris Club creditors deferral of non-eligible
payments arrears on appropriate terms (10-year maturity and 3-year grace period).
Fiscal policy for 2001
41. The objectives set out in the draft 2001 budget law, which was
submitted to the National Assembly on October 1, 2000, confirm the
authorities' commitment to restore public finances to an even keel. The basic
balance (on a commitment basis, excluding grants) would stabilize at its 2000
level (about 3½ percent of GDP), while the current deficit would be
reduced from the equivalent of 2 percent of GDP in 2000 to less than
2 percent of GDP in 2001. This improvement is predicated on a combination
of efforts to mobilize additional domestic resources in the amount of
CFAF 10 billion,
pursue a prudent expenditure management policy, and eliminate all net subsidies
on petroleum products.
42. On the revenue side, the level of 9 percent of GDP projected
for 2001
reflects the impact of additional specific revenue measures taken in the 2001
budget law and a number of administrative measures. The specific measures
relate to increases in excises on basic consumer goods, such as tea, edible oils,
and cola nuts, as well as luxury goods, particularly perfumes, and to a review
of the taxation of real estate capital gains. Administrative measures include,
inter alia, enhanced direct tax collection procedures involving a self-assessment
system for the corporate income tax (BIC) and an increase in the advance payment
paid on this tax from 40 percent to 60 percent. Other administrative
measures aimed at increasing the productivity of departments and the yield on
certain taxes include computerizing revenue collection and introducing a policy
for the audit of VAT receipts, increasing the resources available to staff, and
on the customs side, introducing a program to computerize offices. These measures
are part of a program for the strengthening of the tax and customs administrations
(particularly at the local level) that will be finalized in the first half of
2001 and will identify technical assistance needs to address the specific problems
of Niger, i.e., a small formal sector and a predominantly agricultural economy
in a large landlocked country surrounded by 7 nations The additional revenues
anticipated from these legislative and administrative measures are estimated
at close to CFAF 4.5 billion for 2001. Further additional revenues
of about CFAF 5.5 billion will result from the revisions of the prices
and price structures for petroleum products undertaken in September 2000.
Given domestic prices, the projected decline in the import price of these products
should create a positive margin in excess of the support required for kerosene
and the nationwide single price system, which should be transferred to the budget.
In this context, the government has decided to revise the taxation of petroleum
products in the second half of the year and to introduce an automatic, transparent,
and flexible quarterly system for setting prices on the basis of international
price trends. Petroleum products will be assessed on the basis of their real
import values and no longer on the basis of administrative prices, and ad valorem
excise taxes will be converted to specific taxes.
43. Current expenditure (excluding interest payments) is set at
8½ percent
of GDP in the 2001 budget law, the same level as for 2000. Achieving
this target is made possible by the complete elimination of all subsidies on
petroleum products in 2001, and by an effort to reduce other budgetary transfers
and subsidies in real terms and to control the wage bill, while restoring allocations
for goods and services to a level commensurate with a normal functioning of public
services, particularly in the social sectors. The wage bill should decline by
almost 3½ percent in nominal terms, owing to the wage freeze and the
full impact, estimated at CFAF 2.4 billion, of the efforts to
reduce staffing levels in 2000 and to stabilize them in 2001. Needed
recruitment for key vacant positions, particularly owing to the early retirements,
will be effected through, first, the redeployment of existing staff and, additionally,
the reallocation of positions made available by cleaning up the consolidated
civil service payroll and personnel database. In addition, staff will be redeployed
to the extent necessary to prevent an impediment of existing public services,
especially in the health and education sectors, despite the freeze on net recruitment.
In addition, the program of volunteer teachers recruited under local contracts,
which has helped increase the school attendance rate significantly, will be continued
with World Bank support. The priority that the government will continue to place
on the regular payment of wages should also ensure that departments run smoothly.
The expenditure program also includes a strengthening of the social safety net
through higher budgetary allocations for this budget line item (which includes,
inter alia, spending on generic drugs and food security stocks) and continuing
support of the early warning system regarding national food supplies.
44. The public investment budget for 2001 was prepared in
with donors, particularly the World Bank. In line with the government's concern
to promote growth and reduce poverty, the budget calls for a relatively sizable
increase in the investment budget of about 6 percent of GDP. The domestic
contribution to the public investment program will also increase to close to
1½ percent of GDP, equivalent to more than 20 percent of
the program.
45. In the context of the settlement of the stock of domestic arrears, the
government will complete the validation process under way and establish a multiyear
program by end-2000 to clear validated domestic arrears. To this end, the 2001
budget calls for payments on domestic arrears in the amount of CFAF 25 billion.
In particular, the government intends to reach an agreement shortly on the settlement
of wages arrears relating to fiscal years 1996-99, which are equivalent to 12 months
of civil service wages. Given its financial constraints, and based on the negotiations
under way with civil service union representatives, the government intends to
limit payments of wage arrears to a maximum of 6 months of salary during
the 2000/01-2002/03 program period, or CFAF 7½ billion per
year. Other payments arrears to be cleared in 2000/01 will be determined
in the context of an overall program to clear government payments arrears based
on uniform criteria and clearly defined priorities. This program will be prepared
under the authority of the agency created in March 2000 for the full settlement
of all government payments arrears (CAADIE).
46. If trends in the prices of imports of petroleum products make it
to achieve the projected revenue targets, the government will take the necessary
compensatory measures to ensure that the targets for the budgetary balances are
met. The government also intends to maintain its cash management system in 2001
to prevent budgetary slippages. The contingency measures that could be triggered
in the event of budgetary pressures in 2001 include on the expenditure side,
inter alia, a reduction of the budgetary reserve, a scaling down of the investment
program financed by domestic resources, a lower pace of spending on goods and
services, and a reduced clearance of domestic payments arrears.
47. Taking into account the reduction of domestic payments arrears, the
overall budget deficit (on a cash basis and excluding grants) is targeted to
reach CFAF 138 billion or close to 10 percent of GDP in 2001,
compared with 17 percent in 2000. The government will reduce substantially
the level of statutory advances extended by the central bank, in line with regional
monetary objectives, but the projected financing of the Fund will allow the government
not to make any recourse to net credit to the government and domestic financing.
Thus, with expected project financing amounting to CFAF 66 billion
and debt amortization due of CFAF 42 billion, the remaining financing
gap is estimated at CFAF 114 billion. This gap is expected to be covered
in part by traditional debt relief (CFAF 27 billion) and the remainder
(CFAF 87 billion) by grants from the European Union, lending from the
World Bank and other multilateral institutions, and funds from various bilateral
donors. The authorities intend to ask their development partners to organize
a roundtable early next year to confirm their preliminary commitments to the
financing of the gaps identified for the 2001-03 period.
C. Monetary Policy
48. The regional monetary authorities raised the reserve requirement ratio
again in August 2000, from 3 percent to 5 percent, clearly indicating
their intention of maintaining a relatively restrictive monetary policy to reduce
the risk of inflationary pressures related to the demand for credit and increase
in import prices. In Niger, measures taken since March 2000 should result
in a reduction in the demand for credit during the last six months of the year,
bringing the growth in credit to the economy down to 21 percent for the
year as a whole. Government debt to the banking system should decline by
CFAF 2½ billion
in the second half of 2000 and would stay at this level of CFAF 67 billion
(equivalent to 4.7 percent of GDP) at end-2001; recourse to the central
bank statutory advance should gradually decrease to about CFAF 19 billion
(or 1½ percent of GDP) at the end of 2001. The money supply should
increase by 6.8 percent in 2001, after increasing by 4.2 percent
in 2000.
D. Structural Reforms
49. Besides the strengthening of tax and customs administration
above, the structural reform program will focus on improving budget management,
continuing the privatization program in coordination with the World Bank, introducing
a plan to reform the oil sector, liberalizing prices of goods and services still
subject to controls, and finalizing a strategy for rehabilitating and expanding
the financial sector.
50. In a development policy letter, the government has made a commitment to
deepen the budget management reforms in the coming months. In particular, efforts
will focus on modernizing the chain of expenditure, in terms of both management procedures and
the information system used. Computerization, which is currently limited to entry of payment
orders, will be expanded upstream (appropriation managers and financial controllers) and
downstream (Treasury) to cover all stages of the chain. At the same time, execution procedures
will be reviewed so that the new information system may be used to full advantage, especially as
regards reducing delays in processing expenditures and strengthening control mechanisms.
Particular attention will be paid to reforming the execution of decentralized expenditure
(delegation of appropriations) in order to improve tracking and shorten the time needed for
recording such expenditure in the budget and the accounts. The evaluation of public spending
will focus, in particular, on surveys of recipients and other expenditure-tracking methods, so as to
measure the impact of public programs on poverty reduction and social development.
51. Efforts will also be made to modernize budget preparation, both
centrally (consistency of medium-term expenditure) and for the spending ministries
(improvement of financial programming). In this regard, work to harmonize the budget and
accounting nomenclatures will be undertaken in 2001 for possible application in
the 2002 budget law. In addition, the procedures for the allocation of subsidies to public
institutions will be reviewed and a harmonized accounting framework adopted for their
operations. The process of restoring ex post controls on budget execution will be stepped up with
the forthcoming submission of the budget review laws and revenue and expenditure accounts for
fiscal years 1998 and 1999. The medium-term objective is to restore a budget
timetable that is in compliance with the legislation, under which the documents reporting on
budget execution for the year just ended are submitted to the legislative and judicial authorities
before presentation of the budget law for the subsequent year.
52. In the context of regional cooperation, the government will
implement, according to the timetable set within WAEMU, the set of regional reforms on
government finance, particularly the draft organic law on the harmonization of government
finance laws, the new regional regulations on public accounting, and the new regional
government chart of accounts. As part of the WAEMU convergence pact, the government will
submit its medium-term convergence program to the commission. The government will endeavor
to respect the convergence criteria. In addition, the government will continue its efforts to
produce final government accounts by the end of each year and have them audited by the
Accounting Office of the Supreme Court, as well as submitted to the National Assembly (budget
review law).
53. The government is determined to pursue the privatization
program. The next stages in the privatization of the four largest government enterprises
have been established in agreement with the World Bank. They involve, for the
telecommunications sector, the enactment of decrees implementing the framework law for the
sector and the selection of the strategic buyer for SONITEL by end-2000. The sale of two cellular
telephone licenses was effective in October 2000. In the water sector, the new operator
could be selected by March 2001. It is anticipated that the sale of the shares in SONIDEP
and the choice of a strategic investor for NIGELEC will be completed by
end-September 2001. The issue of the clearance of the cross debts between the
government and the public enterprises that are being privatized will be dealt with first. To ensure
the transparency of the privatization program, its revenues and costs will be covered in detailed
half-yearly reports and internal and external annual audits that will be subject to the approval of
the National Assembly. A system for incorporating these financial operations into the budget will
be put in place by the end of 2000, and the government will undertake to use any net
proceeds from these privatization operations to reduce Niger's domestic debt. In connection with
the development of the private sector, the government will also conduct a study of the business
environment and investment conditions in Niger in 2001.
54. With regard to the liberalization of prices, priority will be given
to defining a flexible rate policy for public utilities. The specifications prepared in the context of
the government's privatization program will describe in detail the new price policy applicable to
telecommunications, water, and electricity. For petroleum products, the automatic adjustment
mechanism described above will supplement the price increases and the significant revision of
the cost structure for petroleum products in 2000.
55. The government also plans to reform the financial system, based
on the detailed analysis of the sector carried out in 2000 with the help of the World Bank.
A financial system development and reform strategy, covering banks, microfinance, postal
savings, insurance, and the social security fund, will be defined by end-March 2001 with
the help of the World Bank. In this context, particular attention will be paid to the financial
regulations and difficulties in applying them, especially in the insurance sector (CIMA Code).
Recommendations will also be made to improve the management of financial institutions. For
the banks, the monetary authorities will continue to monitor compliance with the prudential
regulations. The government also intends to support the implementation of the measures
provided in the banking regulations for banks in difficulty. In the case of two insolvent public
banks, Crédit du Niger (CDN) and Caisse des prêts aux collectivités
territoriales (CPCT), the decision of the Banking Commission, expected in
December 2000 in response to the report of the temporary administrator, will be applied
without delay. As part of the effort to mobilize savings across the country, an audit of the Office
national des postes et de l'épargne (ONPE) will be carried out in 2001 with the
assistance of the World Bank in order to revitalize the postal checking account system (CCP) and
the national savings bank (CNE).
56. The government, assisted by donors, intends to strengthen and
professionalize the decentralized financing structures (mutual credit and microfinance
institutions). A strategy to be finalized by end-2000 provides in particular for
(1) increased supervision of all microfinance institutions; (2) implementation of
subregional regulatory provisions in the mutual credit sector and changes to the regulations on a
number of points (e.g., liberalization of interest rates); (3) definition of a regulatory
framework for the nonmutual sector; and (4) enhancement of the professional
competencies of those working in the microfinance sector.
E. Poverty Reduction
57. Niger remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with real GDP
per capita estimated to have declined by more than 40 percent over the past twenty
years due to economic stagnation and a population growing at about 3.3 percent
per annum. According to the 2000 Human Development Index (HDI) of the United
Nations Development Program (UNDP), Niger ranks 173rd out of 174 countries
listed, and its social development indicators are among the weakest of sub-Saharan
Africa, illustrated by a low life expectancy (46 years), high adult illiteracy
(over 90 percent), low primary enrollment rates (26 percent overall,
and 21 percent for girls), high infant mortality (118 per thousand
live births), and severe deficiencies in basic health and nutrition (see Annex 2
for selected poverty and social development indicators). The burden of poverty
and low social development falls disproportionately on women, whose access to
land, credit, technology and social services remains limited. Widespread unemployment
and low labor productivity are major constraints to development.
58. As part of its policy for reducing poverty and improving the living
conditions of the population, the government will undertake a series of measures
in the fields of education, health, rural development, and transportation in
line with the preliminary strategy developed in the interim PRSP. These measures
and strategies for reforming the sectors concerned are reflected in the 2001
budget law and will be strengthened, with the help of donors, in the context
of finalization of the PRSP.
59. In the education sector, efforts will continue to focus on increasing
the resources allocated to the primary sector while reducing operating costs.
The key measures will include construction and repair of classrooms and redeployment
of human and physical resources to better respond to the needs of rural communities.
In addition, new measures will focus in particular on (1) continuation of
the program to recruit volunteer teachers in primary and secondary schools; (2) revision
of the system for awarding and monitoring scholarships; (3) specific measures
to promote school attendance by girls; and (4) the giving of priority to the
distribution of schoolbooks and supplies in rural areas.
60. In the health sector, the actions taken will be based directly on the
strategy adopted in 1994, which set out the major policy directions and
objectives for development of the sector. Efforts will thus continue to focus
on (1) extension of health coverage (which increased from 32 percent
to 45 percent between 1994 and 2000); (2) reorganization
of the health system; (3) an increase in the budgetary resources allocated
to the sector; (4) redeployment and training of personnel; (5) improvement
of the supply and availability of generic essential drugs; and (6) dissemination
of information and promotion of communication and education on health. In addition,
a pilot project for the decentralization of budget items will be undertaken,
and the government will finalize and adopt its AIDS strategy and strengthen epidemiological
61. In the rural sector, the highest priority is expanding irrigated land,
especially by restructuring the national irrigation company (ONAHA) and transferring
management of the irrigation systems to producers' associations. The government
will also prepare a code governing grazing lands and present it to the National
Assembly, ensure that the property rights of producers are respected in the application
of rural law, and continue to liberalize trade in agricultural products.
62. To improve the efficiency of the transportation sector, the government
will complete the liberalization of passenger transportation and put in place
an adequate road maintenance system, in accordance with its commitments to
its partners in development.
V. External Policies and Financing
63. The overall balance of payments should show a deficit of approximately
CFAF 62 billion in 2000 (including already disbursed budgetary
assistance of CFAF 40 billion) and CFAF 115 billion
in 2001,
before declining to CFAF 97 billion in 2003. The external current account
deficit (excluding official transfers) should widen by almost 3 percentage
points in 2000 to 10.3 percent of GDP, owing to the decline in uranium
exports (the main export commodity of Niger accounting for about 40 percent
of total exports in 1999) and the deterioration of the terms of trade resulting
from the increase in the cost of imported petroleum products. The current account
deficit is then projected to gradually narrow to slightly less than 10 percent
of GDP in 2003, following the anticipated improvement in the terms of trade.
In the meantime, the volume of exports is projected to increase by 4 percent
annually (reflecting the weak prospects of uranium exports and their weight in
total exports), while the volume of imports is expected to increase by more than
5.5 percent per year (reflecting in part higher capital spending). Niger
will continue to benefit from considerable external assistance in support of
investment projects and sectoral restructuring programs, particularly in the
education, health, and infrastructure sectors. In 2000, exceptional financing
needs were estimated at CFAF 224.8 billion, including
CFAF 164.5 billion
of debt relief. Of the remaining CFAF 60.3 billion, CFAF 14 billion
has already been provided by bilateral donors and CFAF 26 billion by
the World Bank. It is expected that the balance of CFAF 20.3 billion
will be provided by the Fund (CFAF 7.8 billion or SDR 8.5 million)
and secured commitments from other multilateral agencies and bilateral donors.
In 2001, exceptional financial needs, after expected disbursements of
CFAF 15.8 billion
from the IMF (SDR 16.9 million), amount to CFAF 114.5 billion,
of which CFAF 26.7 billion is expected from traditional debt relief
on debt-service and CFAF 87.8 billion from multilateral and bilateral
lenders. Program implementation remains subject to risks, however, because of
such factors as delays in the disbursement of foreign aid and a deterioration
of the terms of trade.
VI. Program Monitoring
64. The prior actions taken by the government in the context of its economic
programs are mentioned in paragraph 26. Program monitoring will involve
the use of quarterly quantitative benchmarks, reference indicators, and structural
benchmarks established for the period October 1, 2000 to
September 30, 2001,
as well as a review. Definitions of quantitative and structural performance criteria
and benchmarks for the first annual arrangement are spelled out in the attached
Technical Memorandum of Understanding. The quantitative benchmarks for
end-December 2000
and end-June 2001 are indicators for program monitoring purposes; those
for end-March 2001 are program performance criteria, and drawing of the
second loan under the program is conditional on the respecting of these criteria
(see Attachment I, Table 1). The quantitative indicators
and performance criteria include (1) a ceiling on net bank credit to the government
(subject to adjustments); (2) a reduction in the stock of domestic payments arrears
by the government and a prohibition on accumulation of new arrears; (3) a prohibition
on accumulation of new external payments arrears by the government; (4) a limit
on contracting or guaranteeing of new nonconcessional external debt with maturity
of one year and greater by the government; and (5) a limit on contracting or
guaranteeing of new short-term external debt by the government, with the exception
of short-term import related trade credits. The quarterly ceilings on net bank
credit to the government will be adjusted on the basis of the difference between
anticipated net exceptional external assistance and that actually received, up
to the limits indicated in Attachment I, Table 1. The implementation
of an automatic, transparent, and flexible pricing system for petroleum products
(as presented in paragraph 18 of the Technical Memorandum of Understanding) as
of end-June 2001 will be a structural performance criterion for September 2001.
Establishing provisional opening balances for the 2001 treasury accounts, preparing
a revised budget nomenclature (clear and transparent, consistent with the WAEMU
directives), and recording all expenditure operations of the central government
(from commitment to payment) are structural benchmarks for end-March, end-June,
and end-September 2001, respectively (see Attachment I, Table 2).
Technical Memorandum of Understanding
November 21, 2000
65. This memorandum provides the definitions of the performance criteria and
benchmarks of the three-year program expected to be supported under the Poverty Reduction and
Growth Facility (PRGF). It also sets out the data-reporting requirements for monitoring the
I. Definition of terms
66. For the purpose of this memorandum, the following definitions of
"debt," "government," "payment arrears," and
"government obligations" will be used:
(a) As specified in point 9 of the Guidelines on Performance Criteria with Respect to
Foreign Debt adopted by the Executive Board of the IMF on August 24, 2000,
debt will be understood to mean a current, i.e., not contingent, liability, created under a
contractual arrangement through the provision of value in the form of assets (including currency)
or services, and which requires the obligor to make one or more payments in the form of assets
(including currency) or services, at some future point(s) in time; these payments will discharge
the principal and/or interest liabilities incurred under the contract. Debts can take a number of
forms, the primary ones being as follows: (i) loans, i.e., advances of money to obligor by the
lender made on the basis of an undertaking that the obligor will repay the funds in the future
(including deposits, bonds, debentures, commercial loans and buyers' credits) and temporary
exchanges of assets that are equivalent to fully collateralized loans under which the obligor is
required to repay the funds, and usually pay interest, by repurchasing the collateral from the
buyer in the future (such as repurchase agreements and official swap arrangements); (ii)
suppliers' credits, i.e., contracts where the supplier permits the obligor to defer payments until
some time after the date on which the goods are delivered or services are provided; and (iii)
leases, i.e., arrangements under which property is provided which the lessee has the right to use
for one or more specified period(s) of time that are usually shorter than the total expected service
life of the property, while the lessor retains the title to the property. For the purpose of the
guideline, the debt is the present value (at the inception of the lease) of all lease payments
expected to be made during the period of the agreement excluding those payments that cover the
operation, repair or maintenance of the property. Under the definition of debt set out
above, arrears, penalties, and judicially awarded damages arising from the failure to make
payment under a contractual obligation that constitutes debt are debt. Failure to make payment on
an obligation that is not considered debt under this definition (e.g., payment on delivery) will not
give rise to debt.
(b) Government is the Republic of Niger, and does not include any political
subdivision, the central bank, or any government-owned entity with separate legal
(c) External payments arrears are external payments due but
unpaid. Domestic payment arrears are domestic payments due
(following the expiration of a grace period of 60 days except where the obligation provides for a
specific grace period, in which case that grace period will apply) but unpaid.
(d) Government obligation is any financial obligation of the government
verified as such by the government (including any government debt).
II. Quantitative Performance criteria
A. Net Bank Credit to Government
67. The net bank credit to government is defined as the balance of
the government's claims and debts vis-à-vis national banking institutions. Government
claims include the cash holdings of the Nigerien Treasury, deposits with the central bank,
deposits with commercial banks, and secured obligations. Government debt to the banking
system includes funding from the central bank (essentially IMF lending and refinancing of
secured obligations), government securities held by the central bank, funding from commercial
banks (including government securities held by commercial banks), and deposits with the postal
checking system.
68. Government securities held outside the Nigerien banking system are not
included in the net bank credit to government.
69. The net bank credit to government is calculated by the Central Bank of
West African States (BCEAO), whose figures are those deemed valid within the context of the
program. The scope of the net bank credit to government as defined by the BCEAO includes all
central government administrations.
70. At end-June 2000, the net government position thus defined was
CFAF 69.8 billion.
Performance criterion/benchmark
71. The ceiling on net bank credit to the government is set as follows:
CFAF 67.2 billion as at end-December 2000,
CFAF 69.8 billion as at end-March 2001, CFAF 71.3 billion
as at end-June 2001, and CFAF 69.8 billion as at
end-September 2001. The ceiling is a performance criterion for end-March and
end-September 2001, and a benchmark for end-December 2000 and
end-June 2001.
Adjustments to performance criteria/benchmarks
72. The ceiling on the net bank credit to government will be subject
to adjustment if disbursements of external budgetary assistance, including traditional debt relief
but excluding the interim assistance to be provided under the Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPC Initiative), net of debt-service obligations and payments of external arrears,
exceed or fall short of program forecasts. In the event of excess disbursements at the end of each
quarter (end-December 2000, end-March 2001, end-June 2001, and end-September 2001), the
ceiling will be adjusted downward pro tanto by the amount of the excess disbursements, unless
they are used to absorb domestic payments arrears. In contrast, if at the end of each quarter
disbursements are less than the programmed amounts, the ceiling will be raised pro tanto by the
amount of the shortfalls up to the limits (on a noncumulative basis) of
CFAF 7.5 billion at end-December 2000 and at end-March 2001, and of
CFAF 15.0 billion at end-June and end-September 2001. If HIPC Initiative
assistance is granted to Niger, the debt-service savings will be transferred to a central bank
account until a revised budget law for 2001 is prepared, in consultation with the staff of
the Fund and the World Bank, to provide allocations for new poverty reduction programs in line
with the interim poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP).
Reporting requirement
73. Detailed data on the net government position will be provided monthly
within six weeks following the end of each month.
B. Reduction of Domestic Payments Arrears on Government
74. Domestic payments arrears on government obligations are reduced
through the payment of these obligations as defined under 2c and 2d above. The
government undertakes not to accumulate any new domestic payments arrears on government
obligations on a net basis,. The Centre d'Amortissement de la Dette Intérieure de l'Etat
(government domestic debt amortization center) (CADDIE) keeps and updates the inventory of
domestic payments arrears on government obligations and maintains records of their
Performance criteria
75. The government undertakes to reduce domestic payments arrears on
government obligations by CFAF 14 billion for calendar-year 2000, and by
the following amounts in 2001(cumulative amounts since end-December 2000):
CFAF 3.7 billion as at end-March 2001, CFAF 10.0 billion as at
end-June 2001, and CFAF 16.2 billion as at end-September 2001. The
above targets are a performance criterion for end-March and end-September 2001, and a
benchmark for end-December 2000 and end-June 2001.
Reporting requirement
76. Data on the outstanding balance, accumulation and repayment of domestic
payments arrears on government obligations will be provided monthly within six weeks
following the end of each month.
C. Reduction of External Payments Arrears
Performance criterion
77. Government debt is outstanding debt owned or guaranteed by the
government. Under the program, the government undertakes not to accumulate external
payments arrears on government debt, with the exception of external payments arrears arising
from government debt in the process of being renegotiated with creditors, including Paris Club
creditors. In addition, the government agrees to attempt in good faith and without delay to sign
agreements that would confirm the preliminary understandings that were reached on the
settlement of its external payments arrears before the Fund Board consideration of the authorities'
requests for a new three-year arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility.
Reporting requirement
78. Data on the outstanding balance, the accumulation, and the repayment of
external payments arrears will be provided monthly within four weeks following the end of each
D. External Nonconcessional Loans Contracted or Guaranteed
the Government of Niger
Performance criterion
79. The government will not contract or guarantee external debt with
original maturity of one year or more with a grant element of less than 50 percent
(calculated using the reference interest rates corresponding to the loan currency as supplied by
the IMF). This performance criterion applies not only to debt as defined in Point 9 of the
Guidelines on Performances Criteria with Respect to Foreign Dept adopted on August 24, 2000,
but also to commitments contracted or guaranteed for which value has not been received.
However, this performance criterion does not apply to financing provided by the Fund.
Reporting requirement
80. Details on any external government debt will be provided monthly within
four weeks following the end of each month. The same requirement applies to guarantees
extended by the central government.
E. Short-Term External Debt of the Central Government
Performance criterion
81. The government will not contract or guarantee external debt with
original maturity of less than one year. This performance criterion applies not only to debt
as defined in Point 9 of the Guidelines on Performance Criteria with Respect to Foreign
Debt adopted on August 24, 2000, but also to commitments contracted or
guaranteed for which value has not been received. Excluded form this performance criterion are
short-term import-related trade credits. As at September 30, 2000, the government
of Niger had no short-term external debt obligations.
III. Structural Performance Criterion
on Petroleum Products Pricing and Taxation
82. An automatic, transparent, and flexible quarterly system for setting
prices on the basis of international prices and exchange rates will be implemented by
June 30, 2001. The new pricing and taxation system, to be reviewed by the World
Bank and the Fund, will include (a) the valuation of petroleum imports at their actual
import value (and not according to administratively set values); (b) the replacement of the
existing ad valorem excise tax on petroleum imports by a specific tax equivalent to the positive
margin between retail prices at end-June 2001 and supply costs (excluding the ad valorem excise
tax) as defined by the pricing structure of October 2000 updated for the exchange rates and
international petroleum prices prevailing at end-June 2001; and (c) the automatic quarterly
adjustment of petroleum products retail prices to reflect exchange rates and international
petroleum prices development.
Reporting requirement
83. Data on the taxation of the petroleum sector will be provided monthly
within four weeks following the end of each month, including (i) the breakdown of
receipts from the taxation of petroleum products value-added tax (VAT), customs duties, and tax
on petroleum products (TIPP); (ii) the differential amount, for each petroleum product,
between the price calculated by the pricing formula and the actual retail price, as well as the
volumes of sales of these products; and (iii) the amounts of positive differential
transferred to the budget.
IV. Quantitative Benchmarks
84. The program also includes quantitative benchmarks on budgetary revenue
(tax and nontax), on the civil service wage bill, except for teaching volunteers in basic education
(paid by the World Bank from an education project), and the basic budget balance.
85. The basic budget balance is defined as the difference between total
budgetary revenue, excluding grants, and total expenditures, excluding capital outlays financed
by external creditors or donors.
86. This information will be provided to the IMF monthly within six weeks
following the end of each month.
V. Structural Benchmarks
87. Establishing provisional opening balances for the 2001 treasury accounts,
preparing a revised budget nomenclature (clear and transparent, consistent with the West African
Economic and Monetary Union directives), and recording all expenditure operations of the
central government (from commitment to payment) are structural benchmarks for end-March,
end-June, and end-September 2001, respectively.
VI. Additional Information for Program-Monitoring
A. Public Finances
88. The government will report to IMF staff:
- detailed monthly estimates of revenue and expenditure, including social expenditure
and the payment of domestic and external arrears;
- complete monthly data on domestic budgetary financing, to be provided monthly within
six weeks following the end of each month;
- quarterly data on implementation of the public investment program, including details
on financing sources to be provided quarterly within eight weeks following the end of each
quarter; and
- monthly data on debt service, to be provided within four weeks following the end of
each month.
B. Monetary Sector
89. The government will provide the following information within eight weeks
following the end of each month:
- consolidated balance sheet of monetary institutions and, as appropriate, the balance
sheets of selected individual banks;
- the monetary survey, eight weeks after the end of each month for provisional data;
- borrowing and lending interest rates; and
- customary banking supervision indicators for bank and nonbank financial institutions;
as needed, indicators for individual institutions may also be provided.
C. Balance of Payments
90. The government will provide the following information:
- any revision to balance of payments data (including services, private transfers, official
transfers, and capital transactions) whenever they occur; and
- preliminary annual balance of payments data, within six months following the end of
the year concerned.
D. Real Sector
91. The government will provide the following information:
- disaggregated monthly consumer price indexes, monthly within two weeks
following the end of each month;
- preliminary national accounts, no later than six months after the end of the year;
- any revision in the national accounts.
E. Structural Reforms and Other Data
92. The government will provide the following information:
- any study or official report on Niger's economy, within two weeks following its
publication; and
- any decision, order, law, decree, ordinance, or circular with economic or financial
implications, upon its publication or, at the latest, when it enters into force.
E. Summary of main data requirements