The following item is a Letter of Intent of the
government of Honduras, which describes the policies that Honduras
intends to implement in the context of its request for financial
support from the IMF. The document, which is the property of
Honduras, is being made available on the IMF website by agreement
with the member as a service to users of the
IMF website. |
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
March 10, 1999
Mr. Michel Camdessus
Managing Director
International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C. 20431
Dear Mr. Camdessus:
- The Honduran government has developed an economic program for 1999-2001 that is
designed to achieve a rapid economic recovery from the effects of Hurricane Mitch, help
improve social conditions, and preserve macroeconomic stability. The details of this
program are explained in the attached Memorandum of Economic Policies and Policy
Framework Paper. In support of this program, we are requesting a new three-year ESAF
arrangement in an amount equivalent to SDR 156.75 million (121 percent of quota).
- The government of Honduras will provide the Fund with such information as the Fund
request in connection with the progress in implementing its program.
- The government believes that the policies and measures set forth in these memoranda
adequate to achieve the objectives of the program, but will take any other measures
necessary for this purpose. During the period of the arrangement, the government will
consult with the Managing Director, on its own initiative or at the request of the Managing
Director, concerning the adoption of appropriate measures. In any event, Honduras will
conduct with the Fund a midterm review of the first year of the program supported by the
arrangement to be completed no later than October 1999. Moreover, while Honduras has
outstanding financial obligations to the Fund arising from loans under the arrangement,
Honduras will consult with the Fund from time to time, at the initiative of the government or
whenever the Managing Director requests consultations on Honduras' economic and
financial policies.
- To facilitate a wider distribution of the policy framework paper within the donor
community, the government of Honduras authorizes its transmittal by the Fund staff to any
international organization that may request it for the exclusive use of the organization.
Sincerely yours,
| /s/ |
Gabriela Nuņez de Reyes Minister of Finance
| Emin Barjum M. Minister of Finance President
Central Bank of Honduras |
Honduras--Memorandum of Economic Policies
- Since the disastrous events in late October caused by Hurricane Mitch, the
government of
Honduras has been focusing most of its efforts on providing food, shelter, and health care to
the homeless and displaced persons, repairing essential infrastructure, and preserving public
health. These needs are enormous, but our initial efforts combined with the generous
assistance of donor countries and multilateral agencies are beginning to show results. Water
supply and electricity have been restored to most parts of the capital and in some major
cities, and the threat of serious health problems has been reduced considerably. Also, more
than 6,000 kilometers of major and intermediate roads have been temporarily restored, and
work has started on repairing or replacing the 63 bridges which were destroyed. In addition,
most schools (which were being used as shelters) were reopened for the new school year
beginning February 5, as the number of persons in shelters has fallen from 285,000 at
mid-November 1998 to 28,000 at end-January 1999, and temporary housing for about 6,000
persons is under construction.
- With progress under way toward addressing the immediate post-hurricane needs, the
government has recently been focusing renewed attention on policies to reactivate the
economy and reduce poverty over the medium term.
- The objectives of the government's medium-term economic program for 1999-2001 remain
broadly the same as those discussed with the Fund staff just prior to the hurricane in October
1998, except that some targets for the next three years have been modified to take into
account the effects of the disaster. The key features of the program are:
- a decline in real GDP by about 2-3 percent in 1999--reflecting mainly the extensive
damage to the agricultural sector--followed by a recovery in the rate of growth to about
5-6 percent a year in 2000-2001. The government expects that the recovery will be based
on (i) the extensive reconstruction and rehabilitation work already under way; (ii) the
restoration of agricultural production; (iii) the stimulus to private sector activity associated
with the forthcoming increased private sector participation in key sectors (mainly
telecommunications and electricity) and recent measures to promote private investment and
participation in both traditional and new sectors (such as infrastructure, mining, airports, and
tourism); and (iv) policies aimed at increasing public sector saving to allow for higher public
investment in the health, education, and other social sectors. In addition, achieving the
targeted rates of growth in 2000-2001 will depend on improved access for Honduran exports
to major markets, particularly the United States, on the same basis as that available to
- a reduction in 12-month inflation to 13-14 percent by December 1999, and to 8 percent by
end-2001, by maintaining prudent fiscal and monetary policies, including limiting domestic
borrowing by the public sector, and containing the growth in base money through open
market operations;
- maintenance of a strong external position based on exchange rate flexibility, and
trade liberalization; and
- implementation of reforms aimed at modernizing the public sector, strengthening
supervision of the financial system, and improving the coverage and targeting of subsidies
and social services.
- The government requests Fund support for its economic program under the Enhanced
Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF). This support would facilitate assistance from Paris
Club creditors in the form of a deferral of all debt-service payments due during 1999-2001
and debt relief on most favorable terms, as well as disbursements from the World Bank, the
IDB, and other donors to help finance the significant reconstruction needs. The government
believes firmly that an ESAF-supported program, aimed at consolidating macroeconomic
stability, increasing prospects for private investment, and deepening structural reforms that
address constraints to growth, could play a key role in restoring confidence and accelerating
the pace of economic recovery.
- Fiscal policy will play a key role in the government's objectives of meeting the needs
stemming from Hurricane Mitch, promoting faster rates of growth, and stabilizing the
economy. To help achieve these objectives, the government has prepared a revised budget
for 1999 aimed at (i) shifting spending priorities toward continued emergency relief and the
reconstruction of basic infrastructure; (ii) containing the growth in nonemergency
expenditure (mainly wages and nonemergency transfers); and (iii) strengthening revenue
through improvements in tax administration and phased adjustments of public sector tariffs
(mainly for electricity). In view of the large size of the emergency relief and reconstruction
needs, the program contemplates a marked widening of the combined public sector deficit
in 1999--to about 8 1/2 percent of GDP--financed mainly by concessional loans
and debt
- The government recognizes that meeting the fiscal targets of the program will require
maintaining a sound revenue administration. In April 1998, just three months into its term in
office, the government raised the sales tax rate from 7 percent to 12 percent (effective June
1998) to bring the rate closer in line with those in the rest of Central America, and to offset
measures that were put in place to promote higher private investment, including reductions
in income tax rates and the phasing out the net assets tax and export taxes. Over the program
period the Internal Revenue Office will ensure (i) the firm application of the penalties
(including heavy fines, temporary closure of businesses, and imprisonment) available under the
1997 Tax Code; (ii) a broadening of the tax base by expanding the register of large
taxpayers, and increasing access to third-party sources of information for cross-checking of
tax returns; and (iii) a full identification of tax exemptions (except those associated with the
canasta basica and the social sectors). The temporary tax deferrals introduced after
Hurricane Mitch will not be extended beyond June 1999. Moreover, by September 1999,
legislation will be submitted to congress aimed at further improving the income tax system
and bringing it closer in line with international standards by clarifying the definition of
income and costs, and simplifying the rules regarding depreciation.
- On the expenditure side, the focus of the 1999 budget is to shift priorities to the needs for
emergency relief and reconstruction, and maintain tight control over outlays not related to
those needs. Against the background of a significant weakening in revenue associated with
the slowdown in economic activity, achieving these objectives will require steps to contain
the growth in wages, interest payments, and nonemergency transfers. The projected increase
in the central government wage bill from 6.7 percent of GDP in 1998 to 7.6 percent of GDP
in 1999 reflects commitments made by the previous administration to physicians and
teachers (who comprise more than 50 percent of the civil service), and an increase for all
other civil servants. To ensure control over total expenditure, the government will seek to
offset any increase in the wage bill in excess of budgeted levels with cuts in spending in
other areas. Regarding employment, the government, with the support of the World Bank, is
undertaking a comprehensive audit of existing positions as a basis for eliminating
duplication and redundant positions, and establishing a new salary structure. The study is
expected to be completed in the first quarter of 1999, and implementation of its
recommendations will begin in 2000.
- To help switch resources to the reconstruction effort, the government will aim for a
reduction in existing current transfers and subsidies from 3.3 percent of GDP a year in
1997-98 to 2.8 percent of GDP in 1999, and about 2.2 percent of GDP in 2001. These
reductions will be achieved mainly by containing subsidies to electricity consumers. Also,
the government will take steps to reduce gradually financial support to the electricity
company to meet debt-service payments. A decision on tariff increases will be made toward
the end of 1999 on the basis of an evaluation which is being carried out by the Energy
Commission. During 1999 also, the government will make efforts to contain transfers to
universities which totaled 0.7 percent of GDP in 1998, and to review subsidies to
transportation companies with a view to ensuring that the subsidies are made only to those
companies which satisfy the criteria for government support.
- Regarding capital expenditure, the main aim of the government is to identify and prepare a
comprehensive list of priority projects to be implemented over the period 1999-2001, but
the list is not likely to be completed until prior to the Consultative Group Meeting scheduled
for May 1999 in Stockholm. However, the government estimates that total capital
expenditure of the nonfinancial public sector will increase from 7 1/2 percent of
GDP in 1998
to about 12 percent in 1999. The increased spending will reflect the substantial
reconstruction needs for roads, bridges and other public works, schools, hospitals, and
community centers, and is expected to be financed by grants, concessional loans, and debt
- In the area of expenditure control and management, the government has been implementing
the norms and procedures of SIAFI,1 and execution of the 1999
budget will be carried out
under these procedures. Also, during 1999 the ministry of finance will continue to
implement the recommendations of the Fund's technical assistance experts in expenditure
management, especially in the areas of consolidating all receipts and payments in a single
account at the central bank, and improving the recording and monitoring of cash flows.
Moreover, the government has introduced a system of close supervision and regular audits of
the inflows and use of the external assistance received to date, and expected to be received
over the program period. This monitoring is being coordinated by the state controller, and
the government (with assistance from U.S. AID) expects to contract shortly the services of a
firm of external auditors to ensure full accountability and transparency of the use of these
- The government's policy for the public enterprises focuses on ensuring an appropriate
regulatory framework--including for tariffs, increased private sector participation in key
sectors, and tight expenditure control. Tariff adjustments for electricity and telephones had
been delayed in previous years, necessitating significant transfers particularly to the
electricity company. Also, the rebalancing of telephone tariffs, i.e., increases in domestic
telephone charges to compensate for the steady reduction in international rates will be
announced at end-March 1999. In the key area of public enterprise wages, the government's
guidelines call for wage increases to be limited to those projected for central
- An important aspect of the government's fiscal policy is to ensure the soundness of the
finances of the Social Security Scheme (IHSS) and the public sector pension funds over the
medium term. In recent years, the deficit in the health and insurance fund of the IHSS has
been financed by drawing down on the resources of the pension fund. The government
intends therefore to separate (operationally and on an accounting basis) the pension fund
from the health fund by the end of the first half of 1999. This will be followed in December
by the approval of legislation that would permit a profound reform of the IHSS that would
include an increase in the salary ceiling for contributions. Also, the government will take
steps to increase the transparency and efficiency of the operations of the other public sector
pension funds (INJUPEMP and IMPREMA). The objective is to ensure a real rate of return
on physical assets equivalent to the real rate of return on government bonds, which will
require a halt to the real estate development activities of the funds. Beginning in September
1999, the banking commission will review on a regular basis the loan portfolios of the funds.
- The government's key monetary policy objective is to achieve a steady decline in inflation
from 16 percent in 1998 to 13-14 percent in 1999, and 8 percent in 2001. This objective will
be sought by maintaining firm control over the growth of base money via open market
operations, and an improvement in the public sector finances beginning in 2000. In addition,
steps will be taken to ensure that the credit operations of financial institutions are conducted
in line with strengthened prudential guidelines and with adequate provisioning.
- Under the program, broad money growth is expected to slow from 24 percent in 1998 to 14
percent in 1999, with base money expansion falling from 15 percent to 12 percent over the
corresponding period. The growth in net domestic assets of the banking system is expected
to be similar to that of broad money, with credit to the private sector in real terms expanding
by 8 percent in 1999. The targeted path for base money will be sought mainly through the
sale of central bank bonds in competitive auctions. Demand for these instruments will be
stimulated by ensuring that interest rates adjust fully to the requirements of the monetary
program, and by encouraging increased participation by individuals and nonbank financial
institutions. Base money control via open market operations is being complemented with the
establishment of limits on external borrowing by banks, closer review of loan portfolios, and
tighter enforcement of capital and provisioning requirements to help maintain the rate of
credit expansion to the private sector to the levels contemplated in the program. These and
other steps to strengthen supervision through a process of regular on-site inspections over
the financial system are described in detail in the Policy Framework Paper (PFP). During the
period 2000-2001, the growth in the key monetary aggregates will be held in line with the
overall objectives of the program.
- Currently, reserve requirements (the sum of explicit requirements plus obligatory bond
holdings) are a uniform 25 percent on commercial bank lempira-denominated deposits,
17 percent on deposits of savings institutions, and 15 percent on deposits in investment
companies. The new administration has been taking steps to improve compliance with
reserve requirements. Fines for noncompliance are being paid by financial institutions, and
any excess liquidity resulting from reductions in reserve requirements that may endanger the
inflation target during 1999-2001 will be absorbed through open market operations. In
addition, over the period 1999-2001 reserve requirements for all types of financial
intermediation instruments will be unified across institutions and currencies.
- The government is committed to maintaining a flexible exchange rate system, and in March
1998 the central bank took steps to achieve this goal, including through the broadening of
the exchange rate band from 5 percent on each side of the reference rate to 7 percent. During
1999 the central bank will continue to take steps to improve infrastructure, transparency, and
supervision required for a shift from auctions to an interbank market as the means to
determining the exchange rate in the near future. In particular, in line with the Fund staff's
recommendations, the bank will begin work on improving the communication network with
commercial banks in the first half of 1999, and set a timetable for reductions in foreign
exchange surrender requirements.
- The government is committed to liberalizing further Honduras' trade regime. Regarding
exports, taxes on minerals and coffee have been abolished, and the tax on banana will be
reduced from the current rate of US$0.15 per box (40 pounds) to US$0.04 by January 2000.
In the coffee sector, an important objective will be to phase out the export retention scheme,
and remove the obligation for producers to supply a fixed proportion (7 percent) of their
crops at fixed, below-market prices for domestic consumption. These reforms will help
improve returns to farmers, and reduce the volume of contraband exports to neighboring
countries. Also, the government is committed to the continued lowering of import duties in
line with the schedule agreed in the context of the Central American Common Market
(CACM). This schedule calls for a reduction in the average tariff for consumer goods from
the current rate of 18 percent to 15 percent by end-2000. In the area of trade relations,
government is continuing to pursue negotiations (jointly with El Salvador, Guatemala, and
Nicaragua) on a possible free trade arrangement with Mexico, with a view toward eventual
association with NAFTA.
- To ensure adequate control over the contracting of new external debt, all new external
will require the prior approval of a committee comprising representatives of the ministry of
finance and the central bank. During 1999, the government will not enter into agreements for
the contracting or guaranteeing of external debt on nonconcessional terms.2 All arrears on
debt-service payments, including arrears to the Paris Club and to commercial banks will be
cleared by end-September, and no new arrears will be accumulated during the period
1999-2001. In the case of commercial bank arrears, the World Bank is providing the authorities
with legal and other technical assistance associated with the negotiations.
- During 1999, the government will continue to explore means of reducing the country's
heavy debt burden. Regarding Paris Club creditors, in addition to the deferral that has
already been agreed on all debt-service payments by Honduras over the period 1999-2001,
the government will request debt reduction on the most favorable terms as soon as possible.
Also, the government is working closely with the staffs of the World Bank, the Fund, and
the IDB on an updated assessment of Honduras' external debt prospects and sustainability
over the medium term, with a view toward assessing eligibility for assistance under the
HIPC Initiative.
- The structural reforms to be undertaken under the program focus mainly on privatization,
modernization and increased efficiency in the public sector, and strengthening the financial
system. These reforms are described in greater detail in the PFP. In the area of privatization,
the main objectives will be to complete the process of transferring control of the telephone
company to the strategic partner; conclude the privatization of the electricity distribution
network; and permit concessions to the private sector for the management and operation of
public works projects and airports. Also, the government will ensure that the framework for
tariff adjustments is clearly established prior to the conclusion of the privatization process
for these sectors.
- Other key aspects of the reform program in the public sector include (i) a restructuring of
civil service (supported by a sectoral loan from the World Bank) aimed at reducing duplication
and overlapping among institutions, reducing excess employment, and reclassifying
positions and salaries to ensure that skilled staff can be attracted and retained; (ii) increasing
public sector saving over the medium term (through appropriate public sector tariffs, better
targeting of subsidies, improved tax administration, and expenditure management) in order
to meet the significant social needs, which have become more acute in the wake of the crisis
caused by the hurricane; and (iii) strengthening the social security system along the lines
described above.
- Regarding privatization, the key steps already taken by the government, and others
to take place over the program period include (i) the commencement of the bidding process
for shares in COHDETEL, with the sale scheduled to be concluded by December 1999; (ii)
the contracting of legal and financial advisors in June to prepare for the privatization of
electricity distribution followed by the invitation in December to bid for the purchase of
shares in the new distribution companies being created; (iii) the conclusion (by September)
of the bidding process for the award of concessions to manage the country's four
international airports; and (iv) the design (with the support of the World Bank and the IDB)
of a plan to develop the country's sea ports, including through the granting of concessions to
the private sector.
- In the banking system, the banking commission, with the collaboration of the central bank,
has been strengthening the regulatory framework for bank supervision, and has begun to step
up on-site inspection of banks on a consolidated basis with the assistance of the long-term
IMF expert as well as of experts financed by the World Bank. Inspections of all banks,
including an assessment of the effects of Hurricane Mitch on the loan portfolios, will
continue during the program period. In this regard, the government approved recently the
issue of nonnegotiable, zero-interest bonds by FONAPROVI (a second-tier bank) up to a
limit of L 900 million (1.5 percent of GDP) that banks would be able to swap (up to a limit
of 50 percent of each bank's capital) for loans which have become unserviceable (category
five under the Basle Committee guidelines) as a result of the hurricane. The bonds will be
redeemed in equal annual amounts over 10 years, and the banking commission will be
responsible for verifying loans eligible for the swap.
- Over the program period, steps will be intensified to ensure compliance with prudential
regulations, especially those related to connected lending, capital adequacy, provisioning,
off-balance sheet transactions, external borrowing, and the publication of audited financial
statements. Technical assistance will be requested during 1999 to ensure the effective design
and implementation of regulations on open foreign exchange positions. Also, beginning in
1999, actions will be taken to implement needed corrective actions and recommendations
arising out of the findings of the ongoing inspections, and to establish contingency plans to
deal with possible banking system problems. Also, finance companies which have been
denied approval from the commission to continue operations have been given a timetable of
up to 60 days from the date of denial of approval to prepare a liquidation plan and have
ceased operations as financial intermediaries. The program will also incorporate the setting
up during 1999 of a deposit insurance scheme, and improved regulation of the stock
exchange, insurance companies, and pension funds.
- While there has been an improvement in the quality of statistics of the financial system, the
public finances, and the balance of payments, a number of weaknesses remain, and will be
addressed in the course of the ESAF arrangement. In the financial system, the emphasis will
be on ensuring a fuller coverage of financial institutions, reducing the volume of off-balance
sheet transactions, and shortening reporting lags. In this connection, the government will
implement the recommendations of an STA mission which recently provided technical
assistance in addressing these issues. Also, during 1999 STA technical assistance
recommendations will be implemented to correct weaknesses in national accounts estimates
(particularly regarding fixed investment, inventories, and consumption) that have impeded a
full analysis of overall macroeconomic indicators.
- The proposed ESAF arrangement is for a total amount equivalent to SDR 156.75 million,
which the equivalent of SDR 76 million is being requested in the first year, to be disbursed
in two installments of SDR 59.85 million (upon approval of the arrangement) and
SDR 16.15 million (upon completion of the review in October 1999). The government also
requests that the equivalent of SDR 32.30 million and SDR 48.45 million be made available
during the second and third years of the arrangement, respectively.
- The government's program for 1999 will cover the calendar year--with financial
benchmarks for end-March, end-September, end-December, and performance criteria for
end-June. In August-September 1999, in the context of the midterm review of the 1999
program, the government and the Fund staff will discuss performance criteria for end-December
1999 and the targets and policies for 2000, including the broad outlines of the
budget and the monetary programs for that year.
- The program for 1999 will incorporate prior actions related to the approval of an increase
domestic telephone tariffs to offset reductions in international tariffs, the entry into force of
prudential norms relating to risk-weighted capital, connected lending, and external
indebtedness, and approval of the sale of shares in COHDETEL, as well as of private sector
participation in the construction and operation of roads. Quantitative performance criteria for
end-June have been set on the net international reserve position of the central bank, reserve
money, domestic financing of the nonfinancial public sector, and arrears on external
payments. Also, during the program period the government will not contract or guarantee
external debt on nonconcessional terms. The program will also include quantitative benchmarks
on core social spending. In addition, structural performance criteria and benchmarks
have been set in 1999 for further progress in privatization (including the initiation of the
bidding process for shares in COHDETEL and the selection of a strategic partner, and the
start of the bidding process for the electricity distribution companies), further improvements
in bank supervision (including completion of inspection of a specified number of banks),
and reforms to the social security system. Full details of the program's performance criteria,
benchmarks, and targets are set out in the attached Tables 1-6.
- The government will continue to cooperate with the Fund in an effort to strengthen
Honduras' balance of payments situation and maintain economic stabilization. The government
does not intend to impose new or intensify existing restrictions on payments and
transfers for current international transactions, introduce new or intensify existing trade
restrictions for balance of payments purposes, or enter into bilateral payments agreements
incorporating restrictive practices with other Fund members.
1This refers to the Integrated System of Financial
Administration which has been introduced
into a number of countries under the auspices of the World Bank.
2In the case of mixed credits from bilateral donors, the
weighted average terms of each
operation will be concessional.
Table 1. Honduras: Structural Measures Under the
ESAF-Supported Program |
Policy Measures |
Timetable |
I. Public sector finances |
Approve 1999 fiscal plan consistent with objective set out in
paragraphs 5-9. |
April 99 |
Complete institutional strengthening of the DEI and the
customs office and ensure full application of the tax code. |
end-Dec. 99 |
Approval by HONDUTEL board of increase in domestic
telephone tariffs to compensate for ongoing reduction in international
tariffs.1 |
Mar. 99 (done) |
Approve tariff increase for
electricity.2 |
Dec. 99 |
Limit wage bill of the central government to 7 l/2
percent of GDP, or adopt measures to compensate for any increase in the wage bill in excess of
this level. |
end-Dec. 99 |
Maintain in nominal terms the annualized value of subsidies
for electricity consumption at L 280 million. |
Jan.-Dec. 99 |
Contract the services of a firm of external auditors to ensure
full accountability and transparency of the use of external resources received to help the relief
and reconstruction efforts.2 |
June 99 |
II. Privatization |
Approve decree authorizing sale of part of the shares in
COHDETEL to the private sector.1 |
end-Oct. 98 (done) |
Invite bids for shares in
end-June 99 |
Conclude bidding process and select strategic
partner.2 |
end-Dec. 99 |
Contract investment bank to advise on privatization of
electricity distribution. |
June 99 |
Invite bids for shares in electricity distribution
companies.2 |
end-Dec. 99 |
Approve legislation to permit private sector participation in
construction and operation of roads.1 |
Nov. 98 (done) |
Invite bids for the concession of the airport system to the
private sector. |
June 99 |
Submit to congress legislation to reform the water and
sanitation sector. |
July 99 |
III. Financial system reform |
Implement regulations on banks' connected lending,
risk-weighted capital, external indebtedness, and open foreign exchange
positions.1 |
Mar. 99 (done) |
Complete examination of all banks' post-hurricane loan
portfolios. |
end-Sept . 99 |
Complete CAMEL-based examination of 14
banks.4 |
end-Dec. 99 |
Finalize (with the assistance of the MAE expert) a manual
on supervision and bank examination. |
Dec. 99 |
Issue regulations governing the operations of the stock
exchange and insurance companies. |
June 99 |
Submit to congress, with World Bank assistance, legislation
setting up a deposit insurance scheme and a resolution trust corporation. |
end-Dec. 99 |
IV. Social security/pension
reform |
Separate financial accounts of the pension and health funds
of the government social security institute.3 |
end-June 99 |
Submit legislation to congress aimed at reforming IHSS,
including through raising the salary ceiling for social security contributions.2
end-Dec. 99 |
Approve legislation to regulate private pension
funds. |
Dec. 99 |
V. External policies |
Ensure full flexibility of exchange rate within the
band. |
Continuous |
Commence phasing out of restrictive practices in the coffee
sector.2 |
end-Dec. 99 |
Avoid contracting or guaranteeing of nonconcessional
external debt. |
Continuous |
1 Refers to measures to be
implemented prior to the Fund's consideration of the request for the ESAF arrangement.
2Refers to structural benchmarks.
3Refers to structural performance criteria.
4CAMEL refers to examinations based on an assessment of capital, assets,
management, earnings, liquidity. |
Table 2. Honduras: Ceilings on the Net Domestic
Financing of the Nonfinancial Public Sector1 (In
millions of lempiras) |
Period |
Ceilings |
Cumulative change from December 31,
19982 |
March 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
50 |
June 30, 1999 (performance criterion) |
175 |
September 30, 1999 (benchmark) |
250 |
December 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
400 |
1 Domestic financing to the
nonfinancial public sector (NFPS) comprises all domestic sources of financing, thus net
domestic financing of the NFPS is defined as the sum of net credit (direct credit less deposits
plus net bond placements by the NFPS) from the domestic financial system, net bond
placements by the NFPS outside the financial system, suppliers' credit and increases in floating
debt (checks issued but not yet cashed) of the NFPS. These ceilings will be adjusted downward
(unlimited)/upward (by a maximum equivalent to US$50 million) in the event of higher/lower
net external financing to the public sector than assumed in the program. The cumulative net
external financing assumed in the program is US$185 million through June 1999, US$265
million through September, and US$425 million through December. |
Table 3. Honduras: Ceilings on Reserve Money of
the Central Bank1 (In millions of
lempiras) |
Period |
Ceilings2 |
March 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
8,960 |
June 30, 1999 (performance criterion) |
9,185 |
September 30, 1999 (benchmark) |
8,795 |
December 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
10,365 |
1Measured as the sum of
currency issued, commercial banks' deposits (excluding FONAPROVI) at the Central Bank
(CBH), plus financial institutions' obligatory holdings of government, and CBH bonds.
2The ceilings will be increased (decreased) to offset fully any increase (decrease)
in required reserve ratios beyond the levels referred to in paragraph 15. |
Table 4. Honduras: Floors for the Net
International Reserves of the Central Bank1
(In millions of U.S. dollars) |
Period |
Floor |
Cumulative change from December 31,
19982 |
March 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
30 |
June 30, 1999 (performance criterion) |
45 |
September 30, 1999 (benchmark) |
33 |
December 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
45 |
1 Defined as the gross foreign
reserves minus short-term foreign liabilities of the Central Bank of Honduras (CBH) and its
liabilities to the Fund. The benchmarks exclude any conversion of short-term foreign liabilities
into medium-term foreign liabilities and all foreign assets stemming from commercial banks'
foreign currency deposits at the CBH.
2These floors will be adjusted downward/upward (by a maximum equivalent to
US$50 million) in the event of lower/higher net external financing to the public sector than
assumed in the program. The cumulative net external financing assumed in the program is
US$185 million through June 1999, US$265 million through September, and US$425 million
through December. |
Table 5. Honduras: Ceiling on Nonconcessional
External Loans of the Nonfinancial Public Sector1 (In millions of lempiras) |
Medium and Long
Term2 |
Short Term3 |
Cumulative change from December 31,
1998 |
March 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
0 |
0 |
June 30, 1999 (performance criterion) |
0 |
0 |
September 30, 1999 (benchmark) |
0 |
0 |
December 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
0 |
0 |
1Defined as loans contracted
or guaranteed with a grant element (NPV relative to face of less than 35 percent, based on the
currency- and maturity-specific Commercial Reference Rates (CIRR), published monthly by
the OECD.
2Defined as debt with a maturity of more than one year.
3Defined as debt with a maturity of one year or less, excluding import-related
credits as well as short-term borrowing by the Central Bank of Honduras for reserve
management purposes up to a maximum of US$50 million. |
Table 6. Honduras: Ceilings on the Stock of Arrears
on External Debt Service Payments of the Public Sector1 (In millions of lempiras) |
Ceilings |
Stock as at December 31, 1998 |
136 |
March 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
136 |
June 30, 1999 (performance criterion) |
36 |
September 30, 1999 (benchmark) |
0 |
December 31, 1999 (benchmark) |
0 |
1Defined as debt-service
arrears on public- and publicly-guaranteed external debt. |