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Guidelines for Early Repurchase

Members that make purchases in the General Resources Account are expected normally to repurchase as their balance of payments and reserve position improves. The Fund affirms the continued need for this general policy on early repurchase under the first sentence of Article V, Section 7(b) following the introduction in November 2000 of time-based repurchase expectations for purchases in the credit tranches and under the Extended Fund Facility and the Compensatory Financing Facility. The Fund encourages members to make voluntary advance repurchases in lieu of or in addition to early repurchases under this general policy.

The following provisions set forth guidelines for members regarding early repurchase under the first sentence of Article V, Section 7(b) when the balance of payments and reserve position of members improves. The guidelines apply to the Fund’s holdings of currency that result from the purchases under Article V, Section 3 that are subject to repurchase under the provisions of the Articles and policies of the Fund.

1. A member’s balance of payments and reserve position will be deemed normally to have improved sufficiently for early repurchases to be expected in accordance with these guidelines if the member’s balance of payments and reserve position is judged sufficiently strong for the purposes of a quarterly designation plan and financial transactions plan as determined by the Fund from time to time in the light of the relevant factors. A member that makes a purchase in the credit tranches or under a special policy of the Fund will not be expected, however, to make early repurchases within six months of a purchase.

2. During the quarter following the decisions adopting the designation plan and financial transactions plan, it will be expected that a specified amount of the Fund’s holdings of the member’s currency will be repurchased.

3. Subject to paragraphs 4 and 5 below, the specified amount for the expected quarterly repurchase will be 1.5 percent of the member’s gross reserves plus (minus) 5 percent of the increase (decrease) in gross reserves over the latest six-month period for which data are available (“latest gross reserves”). The quarterly amount will be subject to a limit of 4 percent of the member’s latest gross reserves. A quarterly repurchase will be limited to an amount that will not (I) reduce the member’s latest gross reserves below 250 percent of the member’s quota, and (ii) exceed, together with the member’s early repurchases during the preceding three quarters, 10 percent of these reserves.

4. The specified amount in accordance with paragraph 3 above will represent the minimum reduction in the Fund’s holdings of the member’s currency expected during the quarter. Repurchases by the member during the quarter will be included in calculating the reductions for this purpose. If the member’s repurchases made during a quarter in advance of repurchase maturities exceed the minimum reduction expected during that quarter, the excess will give rise to a credit that will meet pro tango the expectations of early repurchase for the next five quarters. At the end of a quarter the credit will be reduced by the larger of (i) the repurchase expectation for the quarter that is deemed to be satisfied by the credit, and (ii) the repurchase obligations that would have matured during the quarter but have been discharged by the advance repurchase.

5. If, during the two quarters prior to the date when a member is added to the list of members whose positions are considered sufficiently strong for the purposes of the quarterly designation plan and financial transactions plan, the member’s repurchases in advance of maturity exceed the minimum reduction expected during those two quarters, a credit will be given in accordance with paragraph 4 above. Any credit still available when a member’s balance of payments and reserve position is no longer considered sufficiently strong for the purposes of a quarterly designation plan and financial transactions plan will continue to apply in accordance with paragraph 4 above.

6. In each financial transactions plan the Managing Director will report on the observance by members of the guidelines for early repurchase.

7. This decision will be reviewed from time to time in light of experience. (SM/79/136, Sup. 1, 6/25/79)

Decision No. 6172-(79/101),

June 2, 1979

as amended by Decision No. 12425-(01/14),

February 9, 2001

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