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Thomas Helbing

Thomas Helbling

Thomas Helbling is a Swiss national and Deputy Director in the Asia Pacific Department of the International Monetary Fund. In this function, he oversees the department’s work on China, Korea, and Mongolia, and on regional issues. Previously, he was the mission chief for Mexico in the Western Hemisphere Department and mission chief for Indonesia and the Philippines in the Asia Pacific Department. He has worked on a wide range of issues and countries since joining the IMF in 1994. From 2012-15, he was the chief of the World Economic Studies Division, co-directing the work on the IMF’s World Economic Outlook. From 2016-19, he was the chief of the Australia-New Zealand Division and mission chief for both countries. His recent research has focused on commodity price dynamics and global economic conditions; global oil markets; international economic policy issues; international business cycle linkages; and economic history. Mr. Helbling has a doctorate in international economics from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.