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Heiko Hesse 

Heiko Hesse

Heiko Hesse is an Senior Economist in the Strategy, Policy and Review (SPR) Department at the IMF, where he works on IMF program issues. He was seconded to the European Commission during 2016-2019, where he primarily worked on Italy and risk issues. He also has been an Adjunct Professor at Université Libre Brussels since 2017. Heiko's IMF career since 2007 has covered a wide range of topics from sovereign debt (restructuring) and macro-financial issues to banking crisis issues, the Middle East and work on the Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). His IMF country experiences include e.g. Bulgaria, Cyprus, Euro area, Lebanon, Libya, Romania, Spain, Turkey or Yemen. The IMF published some of his (policy) research on the financial crisis in an e-book. Prior to the IMF, he worked for the World Bank on the Commission on Growth and Development. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Oxford and was a Visiting Scholar at Yale.


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