Credit: New Year’s eve fireworks in London, England: read our top ten blogs of 2018

Top 10 Blogs of 2018

In 2018, the blogs that caught our readers’ collective eye were about the enduring forces molding the global economy: Brexit, crypto assets, debt, and housing prices, to name a few. 

As 2018 draws to a close, here is our list of the top ten blogs of the year based on readership. 

With 2019 promising to be anything but dull, all the editors at IMFBlog wish you a very peaceful and interesting year head.    

  1. Addressing the Dark Side of the Crypto World
  2. Latin America and the Caribbean in 2018: An Economic Recovery in the Making
  3. An Even-handed Approach to Crypto-Assets
  4. Sounding the Alarm on Leveraged Lending
  5. Global Growth Plateaus as Economic Risks Materialize
  6. The Long-Term Impact of Brexit on the European Union
  7. For Home Prices in London, Check the Tokyo Listings
  8. The Global Expansion: Still Strong but Less Even, More Fragile, Under Threat
  9. Ten Years After Lehman—Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead
  10. Chart of the Week: Government Debt Is Not the Whole Story: Look at the Assets