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The Top Ten Blogs of 2014

As 2014 draws to a close, we thought you might like a look back at the most read blogs of the year.  These are the headlines and ideas that caught your eyes and the list is based on readership.  We thought we’d pull them all together for you in one quick read.

Wishing you a wonky & worldy 2015 from all of us at iMFdirect.

 1. Euro Area — “Deflation” Versus “Lowflation” 

 2. Seven Questions About The Recent Oil Price Slump 

 3. Era of Benign Neglect of House Price Booms is Over 

 4. Treating Inequality with Redistribution: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease? 

 5. Carbon Pricing: Good for You, Good for the Planet 

 6. China: Fastest Growing Consumer Market in the World 

 7. Does Raising the Minimum Wage Hurt Employment? Evidence from China 

 8. Europe’s Russian Connections 

 9. The Trillion Dollar Question: Who Owns Emerging Market Government Debt 

 10. The Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2014