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Showcasing a More Confident Africa

Africa is on the move. While several other regions of the world have to address slowdown and uncertainty, many countries in Africa have been facing a contrasting challenge: to respond to the growing demand for their bountiful resources and manage rising investment in much-needed infrastructure. But at the same time, growing economic uncertainty in the world is raising concerns across the continent where vulnerability to global shocks remains high.

Christine Lagarde is visiting Africa for the first time as Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund this week and she says that she hopes to deepen the Fund’s partnership with Africa.

Listen and appreciate

“I’m really going there to listen and to appreciate what is expected of us by the African countries, by the African governments, by the African people as well, because it’s a region of the world which is facing both huge challenges and huge opportunities,” says Lagarde, who will visit Nigeria and Niger.

Lagarde with Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan[/caption]

“ And if we can help in any shape or form by providing technical assistance, by offering policy advice, using our best brains, and by making available the resources that we have, and to give credibility to the reform programs that some governments have announced and are implementing, then the better,” she said in a pre-trip video.

Here’s a collection of material related to the visit:
