The IMF and the Fight Against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, A Factsheet

Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Progress Reports

Spring Meetings 2002: Documents related to the IMFC Meeting

More on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)

Intensified Work on Anti-Money Laundering And Combating Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)

Joint Progress Report on the Work of the IMF and World Bank

April 17, 2002

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  1. Introduction

  2. Development of AML/CFT Assessment Methodologies and Convergence
    1. Expanded AML/CFT Methodology Document
    2. Progress Toward a Single Comprehensive AML/CFT Assessment Methodology and ROSC

  3. Intensification of AML/CFT Assessment
    1. AML/CFT in FSAPs and OFC Assessments
    2. AML/CFT in the Context of Article IV Surveillance

  4. Capacity Building in Member Countries: Technical Assistance and Outreach
    1. AML/CFT Assessments in the Bank's CASs
    2. Intensified Fund and Bank Technical Assistance for AML/CFT
    3. Coordination of Technical Assistance for AML/CFT
    4. Outreach to Developing Countries
    5. Internal Training Program on AML/CFT

  5. Progress on other Research and analysis
    1. Research into Informal Funds Transfer Systems
    2. Analysis of AML/CFT Legal and Institutional Framework
    3. Coordination of Technical Assistance for AML/CFT
Box 1: Member Actions on AML/CFT called for in IMFC Communiqué