Last updated: June 2006 Volume 53, Number 2 |

Contents |
Volatility and the Debt-Intolerance Paradox
Luis Catão and Sandeep Kapur
An Estimated Small Open Economy Model of the Financial Accelerator
Selim Elekdag, Alejandro Justiniano, and Ivan Tchakarov
Link to data and programs
Relating the Knowledge Production Function to Total Factor Productivity: An Endogenous Growth Puzzle
Yasser Abdih and Frederick Joutz
New Rates from New Weights
Tamim Bayoumi, Jaewoo Lee, and Sarma Jayanthi
Does Compliance with Basel Core Principles Bring Any Measurable Benefits?
Richard Podpiera
Special Data Section
Differences in IMF Data: Incidence and Implications
Anthony Pellechio and John Cady