Last updated:
April 2002
Volume 49, Number 1 |
Table of Contents
Symposium on Forecasting Performance: An Introduction
Francis X. Diebold
Copycats and Common Swings: The Impact of the Use of Forecasts
in Information Sets
Giampiero M. Gallo, Clive W.J. Granger, and Yongil Jeon
Comparing Projections and Outcomes of IMF-Supported
Alberto Musso and Steven Phillips
Further Cross-Country Evidence on the Accuracy of the
Private Sector's Output Forecasts
Grace Juhn and Prakash Loungani
Purchasing Power Parity and the Real Exchange Rate
Lucio Sarno and Mark P. Taylor
Tax Policy, the Macroeconomy, and Intergenerational
Ben J. Heijdra and Jenny E. Ligthart
Money Demand in Mongolia:A Panel Data Analysis
Torsten Sløk
The Distribution of Fixed Capital in the Multinational
Alexander Lehmann