Last updated:
May 2002
Volume 48, Special Issue |
Transition Economies: How Much Progress?
Table of Contents
Ten Years of Transition: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Stanley Fischer
The Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: The Experience of Two Resident Representatives
Mark Allen and Rick Haas
Ten Years After . . . Transition and Economics
Gérard Roland
Recovery and Growth in Transition: A Decade of Evidence
Oleh Havrylyshyn
Escaping the Under-Reform Trap
Anders Åslund, Peter Boone, and Simon Johnson
What Moves Capital to Transition Economies?
Pietro Garibaldi, Nada Mora, Ratna Sahay, and Jeromin Zettelmeyer
The Gains from Privatization in Transition Economies:
Is "Change of Ownership" Enough?
Clifford Zinnes, Yair Eilat, and Jeffrey Sachs
Federalism With and Without Political Centralization: China Versus Russia
Olivier Blanchard and Andrei Shleifer
Falling Tax Compliance and the Rise of the Virtual Budget in Russia
Brian Aitken