Guyana and the IMF

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Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs)

Joint Staff Assessments

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Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

May 23, 2002

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) are prepared by member countries in broad consultation with stakeholders and development partners, including the staffs of the World Bank and the IMF. Updated every three years with annual progress reports, they describe the country's macroeconomic, structural, and social policies in support of growth and poverty reduction, as well as associated external financing needs and major sources of financing. This country document is being made available on the IMF website by agreement with the member country as a service to users of the IMF website.

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Chapter 1: Intorduction

    A. Profile of Guyana
    B. Origins of the Report
    C. Structure of the Report

Chapter 2: Analysis of Poverty

    A. The 1999 Living Conditions Survey

      1. The Extent of Poverty in Guyana
      2. Poverty Gap
      3. Characteristics of the Poor

    B. The Causes of Poverty

      1. Poor Economic Policies
      2. Poor Governance
      3. Non-growth Complementing Infrastructure
      4. Deterioration of Social Services

    C. The Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and it's Nexus with the National Development Strategy

Chapter 3: Participation and Poverty Reduction

    A. Organizational and Institutional Framework

      1. The Donor Coordination Unit
      2. PRS Steering Committee
      3. Poverty Reduction Strategy Secretariat (PRSS) and Participation Action Plan (PAP)
      4. The Resource Teams

    B. PRSP Consultations

      1. Community Consultations
      2. Target Group Consultations
      3. Regional Consultations
      4. National Review Conference
      5. Participation and the Media

    C. Issues Arising From Consultations

      1. Limited Economic Opportunities
      2. Poor Governance
      3. Unmet expectations in education
      4. Inadequate delivery of health, water and sanitation services
      5. Underdevelopment of the housing sector

    D. Regional Consultations and Prioritisation

    E. Integrating Recommendations from Public Consultation Into The PRSP

Chapter 4: National Poverty Strategy

    A. Main Objectives of the Poverty Reduction Strategy

    B. Priorities of the Poverty Reduction Program

      1. Economic Policies to Stimulate Growth
      2. Good Governance and the Business Environment
      3. Investment in Human Capital
      4. Infrastructure to support services
      5. Safety Nets
      6. Infrastructure to Support Growth
      7. Special Intervention Strategies

    C. Comparison of I-PRSP and PRSP after Public Consultations

Chapter 5: The Macroeconomic Framework and Budetary Implications for Priority Actions

    A. Economic Growth Prospects

    B. Maintaining External Viability

    C. The Resource Envelope 2002-10

      1. Resource Allocation for the Poverty Action Plan 2002-05

    D. Costing of Programs in Priority Sectors

Chapter 6: Implementation, Monitoring and Coordination

    A. Implementation of the Poverty Program

      1. The Role of Government
      2. Role of Amerindians in Community Development
      3. Empowering Communities

    B. Monitoring

      1. Data Availability and Program Monitoring
      2. Relevance of Indicators
      3. Monitoring Strategies
      4. Donor Coordination Strategy

Chapter 7: Risks of the Strategy

    A. National Consensus

    B. Implementation Capacity

    C. Availability of External Resources

    D. Developments in the World Economy

    E. Natural Disasters