Supplementary Memorandum on Economic
and Financial Policies
For Bosnia and Herzegovina
We have begun our work in Bosnia and Herzegovina in earnest. Since we
took office following elections in the fall of 2002, we have:
- Secured a smooth transition to a new CBBH board, provided for the
succession to a new governor at end-2004, rationalized reserve requirements,
and firmly restated our commitment to the currency board arrangement;
- Strengthened banking regulations in regard to foreign exchange exposures
and core capital requirements;
- Committed to implementation of wide ranging reforms under our six-month
Action plan;
- Agreed a fundamental reform of indirect taxation which will underpin
customs unification and preparations for a VAT;
- Prepared a reorganization of defense operations, anticipating rationalization,
demobilization, and major cost savings;
- Maintained strong budget execution and published a plan for a comprehensive
settlement of outstanding domestic claims on government (Table
Though formulated in consultation with the international community, these
are our policies, we will see that they are fully implemented, and they
will form the basis for what follows.
2. The recent increases in international reserves of the Central Bank
(CBBH) signal continued confidence in our policies and our commitments
to reform and to the currency board. To ensure that confidence remains
and deepens, our immediate focus is on two macroeconomic concerns: the
continued rapid expansion of bank credit; and, looking further ahead,
the need for sustained economic growth to raise living standards, combat
unemployment, and respond to further declines in external reconstruction
aid inflows.
3. The credit boom has been a mixed blessing. Funded largely by surging
deposits in the banking system, it has facilitated long-overdue refurbishment
of the housing stock and boosted activity—with real GDP growth in 2002
estimated at some 5½ percent, though it has since fallen back somewhat
reflecting drought. But the pace of credit expansion raises concerns about
its quality. And the lending has further enlarged the open foreign exchange
position of banks, has caused bank liquidity in some banks to drop well
below prescribed limits, and has boosted imports and the already-high
external current account deficit—which rose to 18½ percent of GDP
in 2002 and now shows only the most tentative signs of stabilizing.
4. Our actions to rationalize and tighten reserve requirements in June
and strengthen regulations on bank forex exposures and core capital in
July in the context of a strong budget stance were our first steps to
address these problems. With credit growth and bank forex exposures remaining
strong through September, these steps will be implemented firmly:
- Banks not yet observing the forex and capital regulations were required
to prepare plans with the banking agencies indicating how compliance
would be secured. We propose that as prior actions for completion of
this review (Table 3):
- Plans for those banks which exceeded their end-September ceilings
would be finalized indicating how full compliance would be secured
by end-December, and
- finalization of corrective plans for those banks which in September
did not yet observe the end-December 2003 core capital requirements.
- In addition, liquidity regulations on banks will be reviewed and applied
firmly. We will agree these regulations with IMF staff along with a
phase-in period with monthly ceilings until full observance is achieved.
This will be accompanied by a regime of escalating penalties for noncompliance.
Preparation of plans for all non-compliant banks as at end-September
indicating how compliance will be achieved throughout the phase in period
will constitute a prior action for completion of the review.
- In the context of the application of the forex and liquidity regulations,
the CBBH Board has reduced the rate of remuneration of excess reserves
with the possibility of subsequent reductions.
In this context, the CBBH will maintain the present reserve requirements
rate under close review with IMF staff and will adjust that rate as necessary
in consultation with them.
5. Our fiscal stance in 2003 has been strongly supportive of these efforts
to address the adverse effects of rapid credit growth on the external
balance. With tax revenue broadly on track with program projections but
somewhat below the original budget projections, we have observed our aggregate
quarterly spending ceilings to September this year and all the sub ceilings
under the performance criterion on borrowing from domestic banks. This
has allowed us to reconstitute KM 18.3 million (0.2 percent of GDP) in
succession monies used during 2002 to finance demobilization. Cantonal
budgets have benefited in 2003 from a strong increase in sales tax collection,
reflecting improved tax administration, and are on track to remain balanced
this year without incurring new arrears, and the State budget has also
performed strongly due to better than projected own revenue.
6. During the last quarter of 2003, we targeted to maintain spending
below KM 268 million and KM 350 million in the RS and Federation central
governments respectively. As disbursements of credits from the World Bank
and the EU were delayed into 2004, we delayed completion of the reconstitution
of succession monies until those disbursements occur. In addition, neither
entity will take unilateral action regarding the Human Rights Chamber
(HRC) decision that pensions should be paid from the entity in which they
were earned. But we will hasten efforts to ensure rapid implementation
of that decision in accordance with our "Action Plan." And following
slippages in November, no repetition of the extension of the collection
period for pension contributions in the RS will occur. On the basis of
strong own revenues, the State rebalanced its 2003 budget at slightly
higher spending levels than the original budget, without additional administrative
transfers from the Entities, and with borrowing limited to the CIPS project.
Accordingly, we estimate that we secured an overall fiscal consolidation
of 2¾ percentage points of GDP from a deficit of 2.2 percent of
GDP in 2002 to a small surplus in 2003.
7. By securing continued fiscal consolidation, this will maintain the
necessary counterbalance to the effect of credit growth on imports, giving
the monetary and regulatory steps outlined above time to moderate that
credit expansion. And this consolidation will allow us to continue appropriate
abstention from new borrowing from domestic banks and to place privatization
receipts in escrow.
8. Alongside these steps, significant fiscal structural reforms will
be taken forward. The Indirect Tax Authority (ITA) framework has been
approved by the legislative authorities and its head has been nominated.
The unified customs administration is expected to begin operations, funded
from the State budget, in early 2004. The introduction of treasuries in
the Federation cantons has broadly progressed as envisaged, and all Cantons
are expected to have fully operational treasuries by February 2004. From
October 2003 onward, the Federation Central Government and Cantonal Finance
Ministers have met each month to discuss fiscal policy issues in the Federation.
In the RS, we aim to implement treasuries in 5 pilot municipalities by
early-2004. We are also committed to improve the transparency and financial
management of RS Elekroprivreda, as agreed with the World Bank, and will
review the quasi-fiscal subsidy program it provides with a view to abolishing
this program.
9. We have also been concerned at reported double-digit wage growth in
the non budget sector in the Federation and by recent demands for unsustainable
30 percent increases in budgetary wages in the Republika Srpska and large
increases in other sectors. Pending a more thorough review of wage determination
arrangements and the quality of the wage statistics, the Federation government
will issue instructions through parent ministries to all state-owned enterprises
to moderate wage awards, while the Republika Srpska will accommodate moderate
budget wage increases largely funded from a mid-2004 restructuring of
the salary structure and downsizing the civil service and the army.
10. To secure a sustained strong fiscal stance in 2003-04:
- The RS will maintain civil service wage rates unchanged until after
a civil service reform including employment reductions, revision of
wage scales, and reductions in nonwage benefits for civil servants is
fully implemented in April 2004. Any savings generated by this reform
can be used to increase wage rates, subject to ceilings on the wage
plus benefits bill (excluding severance pay) of KM 373 million (a 3
percent increase over the 2003 outturn) in the 2004 budget, and subject
to dismissals not exceeding 4,000 people during 2004. To the extent
that dismissals exceed 4,000, the savings will be allocated to non-remuneration
items. These figures imply that the increase in average remuneration
(wage and non-wage benefits excluding severance pay) once the reform
is implemented will not exceed 9 percent with respect to pre-reform
- The RS National Assembly passed a 2004 budget which anticipates excess
spending. In executing the 2004 budget, we will target a deficit on
a commitment basis excluding payments under the domestic debt settlement
smaller than KM 26 million (less than 0.7 percent of RS GDP). This will
be achieved by delaying spending authorization for some 0.7 percent
of RS GDP until a mid-year review of revenue performance (See Annex
I). Delayed spending commitments will only be authorized after that
time to the extent that revenue excluding financing is on track to overperform
the budget estimates.
And we propose as prior actions:
- The collection period for the November RS pension will not be extended
beyond the 10th of December, a requirement we have observed.
- An agreement will be reached between the RS, Federation, and State
on entity transfers to the State for 2004, to be incorporated in all
three budgets.
11. With monetary, regulatory, budget and wage policies thus calibrated
to provide strong support to the currency board, we intend to resolve
a remaining public finance challenge to it—namely the overhang of domestic
claims on the government. Our commitment to prepare a plan for this by
end-June was frustrated by the complexity of the issue—pertaining to war
damages, various spending arrears, and frozen foreign currency deposits.
Accordingly, and to respond to the flow of lawsuits for settlement and
the broader impediment the overhang constitutes to our economic prospects,
we have adopted—by publishing in our official gazettes—a plan to achieve
this goal. It specifies how court awards and pending cases will be treated,
commits to pay no more than 10 percent of GDP (KM 1.2 billion) of all
claims in order to secure fiscal sustainability—settling these with long
bonds and cash from escrow—and to write off the remainder, and anticipates
adoption of the necessary legislative framework by mid-2004 and to complete
implementation of the plan thereafter. It has been designed in accordance
with the Conventions of the Strasbourg Court and the arrangements under
the plan reflect the priorities of the Entity governments. Execution of
the plan has begun in respect of budget wage arrears in the RS and pension
and war invalid benefit arrears in the Federation. The payment of cash
for the admitted claims will be up to 1 percent of GDP in 2004. The phasing
of the cash payments in 2004 and thereafter will be determined in consultation
with staff in light of financing availability and macroeconomic considerations.
12. We intend that 2004 will mark a decisive turning point in Bosnia's
economic development. With the reconstruction phase coming to an end,
stable governments with long mandates, and the currency board secured
by policies described above, it is time within that framework to confront
the key impediments to stability, growth, and employment. Doing so will,
we hope, set us securely on the path for eventual accession to the European
13. Our immediate reform agenda in this regard is reflected in our six-month
"Action Plan" to be completed by March 2004. Accordingly, we
have focused our efforts on:
- Passing the framework legislation for the ITA;
- Accelerating privatization towards goals of issuing tenders for at
least 5 strategic enterprises in each Entity by the end of 2003;
- Passing draft amendments of our bankruptcy laws to limit the priority
given to labor claims. We will accelerate efforts to complete the restructuring
of the judiciary, including the establishment of 16 commercial departments
in the courts. Training modules for judges, trustees and other managers
of the bankruptcy courts are being developed and we anticipate that
intensive training will start in early 2004;
- Appointing a Director and a Statistical Council for the State Agency
for Statistics, and pressing on with efforts to reduce red tape on business
under the Bulldozer II initiative;
- Removing impediments to agricultural exports by strengthening the
Veterinary Office and Institute for Standardization.
These initiatives are only the first steps of a much more ambitious reform
agenda that lies ahead and which we are preparing.
14. But these immediate structural reforms will take time to finalize
and take effect. In the meantime, our preparations for financial policies
in 2004 reflect current structural constraints on economic growth and
the risk that some of these reform actions to slow credit growth could
be activity-impairing in the short-run. In this context, the key upside
influences will be the prospective recovery of agriculture from the 2003
drought and a strengthening in the international economy. Accordingly,
we project GDP growth in 2004 to strengthen from 3½ percent in
2003 to 5 percent, inflation to remain low at one percent and the external
current account deficit to decline by 2 percentage points of GDP, a first
step towards an ongoing correction anticipating declining aid inflows.
15. With the monetary, regulatory, wage and structural initiatives getting
to grips with the external imbalance, our strong consolidated fiscal stance
will be maintained in 2004. In particular, the Republika Srpska and the
Federation will execute budgets which reflect total revenue, spending
and balances on a commitment basis (excluding payments under the domestic
debt settlement) at or below those agreed with the staff, which cover
our policy commitments in the assessment of IMF staff. Thus, excluding
one-off items, we anticipate a small consolidated fiscal deficit in 2004,
with this target being assured, in part, by maintenance of the prohibition
on new bank borrowing by cantons. With domestic financing providing a
bridge to foreign financing, reconstitution of succession monies used
in 2002 will be completed, and privatization and succession receipts will
continue to be placed and held in escrow in anticipation of the settlement
of domestic claims.
16. Alongside, we plan significant expenditure reforms.
- Defense and other reforms will yield, at a minimum, 1 percentage point
of GDP in structural fiscal savings with severance packages funded from
escrow. Severance packages for the police and military will be at most
an average of KM 6,000.
- Customs administration and intelligence and key parts of defense
operations will shift to the state. Accordingly, the Entities and Brcko
will transfer at least KM 94.3 million to the State for its administrative
functions during 2004, executed from the ITA once the single revenue
account is established. Additional administrative transfers may be agreed
as arrangements to transfer spending functions to the state are finalized
Spending at Entity level on these shifted functions will be terminated—ensuring
that consolidated spending does not rise as the functions shift. But
savings from rationalization of those functions will be returned to
the Entities and Brcko in proportion with their contributions. The State
will freeze all new hiring for SIPA until full agreement is reached
between the Entities, Brcko, and the State on the transfer of staff
and funds.
- In line with our resolve to curb wage growth and maintain a strong
fiscal stance, average budgetary wage rises in 2004 will not exceed
2 percent in the Federation, and will be determined as discussed in
paragraph 10 for the RS.
- In the RS, we will review the funding arrangements for the health
sector by mid 2004. In the Federation, we will ensure fully transparent
use of funds in the Road Directorate, including the Cantonal directorates.
17. Building on progress under the Stand-By since its initiation, a sea
change in the economic affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina has begun. The
challenges immediately ahead nevertheless remain daunting. We have signaled
by our actions in office our intent to address them. In taking those efforts
further forward, we anticipate a continued close relationship with the
1. Bosnia and Herzegovina : Quantitative and Structural Performance
Criteria Under the 2002-03 Stand-By Arrangement
(In millions of KM, unless otherwise noted)
1 |
Act. |
2 |
Est. |
A. Quantitative performance criteria |
Ceiling on gross credit
of the banking system
to the consolidated general government |
State government3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
RS government and municipalities |
10 |
3 |
10 |
7 |
RS extra-budgetary funds |
2 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
Federation government |
20 |
18 |
20 |
18 |
Federation cantons4 |
10 |
5 |
10 |
6 |
Federation municipalities4 |
8 |
4 |
8 |
5 |
Federation extra-budgetary funds |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Ceiling on contracting
or guaranteeing of new
concessional external debt with original
of more than one year by the public
445 |
245 |
445 |
284 |
Ceiling on contracting
or guaranteeing of new
non-concessional external debt by the
general government6,7 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Ceiling on contracting
or guaranteeing of new external debt
by the general government with an original
of up to and including one year5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Ceiling on the outstanding
stock of external payments arrears7 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
B. Structural Performance Criteria |
Continued adherence
of the Currency Board Arrangement
as constituted under the law, incorporating
the amendments
described in paragraph 10 of the MEFP
(EBS/02/91), and
paragraph 24 of the SMEFP (EBS/02/203). |
Met |
Met |
Met |
Sources: BIH Authorities; and IMF staff
estimates. 1Performance criteria.
2Indicative limits. The definition of these limits is the same as
in the Supplementary Technical Memorandum of Understanding
for the SBA's second and third reviews (EBS/03/56, Appendix V).
3Excluding letters of credit at the state level for CIPS
financing up to KM 40 million. Actual borrowing for CIPS was
KM 14 Million at end-June 2003. It is estimated at KM 7 million at
end-September 2003.
4After correction for net payments to Herzcegovacka Banka.
5New refers to all operations taking place after August 2, 2002.
6The public sector is defined as general government and public enterprises.
7This will apply on a continuous basis. |
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Structural Benchmarks
Implementation Date
Status as of 2/18/04
Lead Institution |
1. |
The Entities will make transfers to
the State, at least according to the agreed cumulative monthly schedule
reported in Annex 1 of the SMEFP. |
continuous |
Implemented |
2. |
All privatization receipts accruing
to the central governments of the RS and the Federation, and to the
Cantons in the Federation will be placed in escrow accounts alongside
all succession monies pending a comprehensive strategy to clear arrears. |
continuous |
Implemented |
3. |
The Entities and the Brcko District
will implement laws establishing the excise attribution mechanism
as previously agreed with the World Bank and thereby avoid the double
taxation on excises. |
continuous |
Implemented |
4. |
There will be no new free trade zones. |
continuous |
Implemented |
5. |
Any changes to the current indirect
tax system should retain or strengthen the principle of harmonization. |
continuous |
Implemented |
6. |
The Federation pension fund will adhere
to the cut-off dates for contribution collections at the end of each
month as specified in the 2000 pension law. The RS pension fund will
adhere to the cut-off date of the 10th of each month for contributions
collections. |
continuous |
Implemented |
7. |
(a) The base of the Brcko District sales
tax will remain aligned with that in the Entities. |
continuous |
Implemented |
7. |
(b) The two rates of sales tax in the Brcko District will be 8 and 18 percent unless changes are agreed with IMF staff. |
continuous |
Implemented |
8. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina will not clear
domestic government payment arrears that were accrued before end-2000,
pending a comprehensive strategy to clear arrears. |
continuous |
Implemented |
9. |
There will be no offset operations for
tax liabilities that are incurred after 2001. |
continuous |
Implemented |
10. |
Banking supervision will be strengthened
by enforcing the current prudential regulations, by taking appropriate
remedial actions according to the regulations in cases where institutions
breach regulations. |
continuous |
Implemented |
IMF/World Bank |
11. |
The commission on Value Added and Customs
Administration will propose a framework of legislation governing all
indirect tax legislation and administration. |
July 2003 |
Implemented |
3. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Prior Actions
Status as of January 7, 2004
1. |
If the ceiling on the open foreign exchange
position of the consolidated commercial banking system for end-September
is not met, the Banking Agencies will prepare plans, based on understandings
reached with staff, for those banks that did not meet their individual
forex ceilings for end-September. The plans will indicate how those
banks will adjust to observe their forex ceilings for end-December
2003. The ceilings are those defined in the "Instruction for
Implementation of the decree on Minimum Standards for the Foreign
Currency Risk Management of Banks" issued by the Federation and
RS Banking Agencies in July 2003. |
Implemented |
2. |
If banks are not observing as at end-September
the core capital requirements applicable at end-2003, the Banking
Agencies will prepare, in agreement with staff, plans for such banks
indicating how they will observe those requirements by end-2003. |
Implemented |
3. |
Prepare a plan to make arrangements
for domestic claims (i) so that total domestic claims will be consistent
with fiscal sustainability (SMEFP paragraph 11), and (ii) spelling
out specific measures for all types of domestic claims and the handling
of court cases that have already been determined. (iii) This plan
should be published in the government gazettes once it is agreed by
all three prime ministers and, (iv) should anticipate establishment
of the legal basis for its implementation by June 30, 2004. |
Implemented |
4. |
The collection period for the November
RS pension will not be extended beyond the 10th of December. |
Implemented |
5. |
An agreement will be reached between
the RS, Federation and State on Entity transfers to the State for
2004, to be incorporated in all three budgets. |
Not Yet Implemented |
6. |
Agree bank liquidity regulations with
IMF staff along with a phase-in period with monthly ceilings. Establish
a regime of escalating penalties for non compliance based on the monthly
ceilings. Prepare plans for all banks which are noncompliant as at
end-September, indicating how compliance will be achieved throughout
the phase in period. |
Implemented |
Annex I
Pursuant to Chapter II, Article 7, Point 1 of the Law on Foreign Debt
and Article 14, Point b of the Treasury Law, and in the context of the
fourth review of the program supported by a Stand-By Arrangement from
the IMF, the entity Ministers of Finance and the Minister of the Treasury
of the BiH Institutions have reached the following
Agreement on the Time Schedule for the Payment of Respective
Amounts for Foreign Debt Servicing and Entity Contributions for
the Financing of the 2004 Budget of the BiH Institutions
In order to ensure timely payment of foreign liabilities and 2004 liability
projections arising from foreign debt, in a total amount of KM 268.6 million,
out of which KM166.6 milion is the Federation liability and KM 102 million
is the Republika Srpska liability, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
and the Republika Srpska shall pay the required amounts against each due
liability, 5 days ahead of the respective maturity date.
Total transfers in 2004 for the administrative segment of the budget
of the BiH institutions amount to KM 90.48 million out of which KM 60.32
million is to be paid by the Federation and KM 30.16 million is to be
paid by the Republika Srpska. Brcko District will transfer KM 4.056 million
to the State in 2004.
The transfer to the budget of the BiH institutions shall be paid on a
monthly basis, ensuring that 1/12 (one-twelfth) of the total transfer
shall be remitted for every current month. Payments will be made at the
latest by the 15th of each month for the liability of the previous month.
Any delay in payments shall be treated as violation of the conditions
under the Stand-by arrangement.
By the 20th day of each month, the Minister of Finance and Treasury of
the BiH Institutions will provide a written report to the IMF indicating
developments in transfers from the Entities to the State for administrative
and debt service purposes during the previous month, noting their consistency
with the commitments made in this agreement.
Both Entity governments and the State government agree that the expenditure
functions for customs administration and intelligence service will be
transferred fully to the State government together with Entity budget
allocations for these functions during 2004. The Federation government
agrees to transfer amounts budgeted for 2004 for customs and intelligence,
respectively to the State pro-rated on a monthly basis starting with the
month the transfer of expenditure functions becomes effective. The RS
government agrees to transfer amounts budgeted for 2004 for customs and
intelligence, respectively to the State pro-rated on a monthly basis starting
with the month the transfer of expenditures functions becomes effective.
Both Entity governments and the State government agree that the central
command structure of the military will be established at State-government
level and that the Federation and the RS will provide transfer to finance
State-level central command. Transfers from the entities related to the
establishment of State-level central command will be executed in respect
of the limits of the total expenditure envelope envisaged in each entity
budget for 2004.
Brcko District agrees to transfer amounts budgeted for 2004 for customs
to the State pro-rated on a monthly basis starting with the month the
transfer of expenditure functions becomes effective.
Before the transfer of the expenditure function for customs and intelligence
services as well as the military central command becomes effective, the
Entities and the State government will sign a separate protocol which
will determine the modalities of staff transfers, including remuneration,
employment status, and other issues that the signatories deem relevant.
Republika Srpska government and the Brcko District agree to maintain
the current arrangement on provision of customs service, based on the
signed Agreement between Republika Srpska and Brcko District (No.01-483-1316/01,
dated August 13, 2001) until the adoption of the Indirect Taxation Administration
(ITA) budget. The final solution for the financing of customs service
will be established in the context of the adoption of the ITA budget,
and a protocol terminating the Agreement between Republika Srpska and
Brcko District will be signed in that occasion.
The State will freeze any new employment for SIPA until the State, Entities
and Brcko District reach an agreement on transfer of staff and funds for
this institution.
Other Technical aspects of the realization of earmarked transfers to
the institutions mentioned in the previous paragraphs will be agreed among
the BiH Minister of Finance and Treasury, Entity ministers of finance,
and the Brcko District.
BiH Council of Ministers, Federation BiH and the RS government will include
explicit statements in their 2004 budget documents that will reflect the
substance of the agreements mentioned in Article IV of this agreement.
The appropriate allocation of expenditure on transfer of responsibilities
and functions from the entities to the state will be recorded through
a rebalancing of the 2004 budgets. The State government will seek a written
agreement with Brcko District on the transfer for customs services and
its budget to the State.
In Sarajevo and Banja Luka,
Ljerka Maric
Minister of Finance and Treasury of BiH Institutions
Dragan Vrankic
Minister of Finance
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Branko Krsmanovic
Minister of Finance
Republika Srpska |
Annex II
Delayed Spending List in the RS, 2004
The total of spending in the following treasury codes will be restricted
KM 26 million below the annual totals authorized by the RSNA during 2004.
This will be subject to a mid-year review. If domestic revenue, excluding
financing items, is clearly on track to exceed the budget estimate of
KM 1,004 million, then these delayed spending items may be authorized
up to the extent that this domestic revenue exceeds the budget estimate—thereby
preserving the targeted budget balance.
Delayed Spending List
Budgetary Beneficiary
Budget Position
Amount (KM )
All budgetary beneficiaries (except
Republic Administration for civil defense) |
613100-Travel costs |
All budgetary beneficiaries (except
Republic Administration for civil defense) |
613200-Electricity costs |
All budgetary beneficiaries (except
Republic Administration for civil defense) |
613400- Purchase of material |
Ministry of Finance |
613400- Costs of printing stamps
for tobacco products and alcoholic
613800-Bank services costs-budget |
All budgetary beneficiaries - (except
Republic Administration for civil defense) |
613500- Costs for transportation
services and fuel |
All budgetary beneficiaries (except
Republic Administration for civil defense) |
613600- rent of property and equipment |
All budgetary beneficiaries (except
Republic Administration for civil defense) |
613700- Costs of current maintenance |
All budgetary beneficiaries - (except
Republic Administration for civil defense,
elementary, high-school and university
education) |
613900- Contracted services |
Ministry of traffic and communications |
614100- Earmarked allocations for the
construction of touristic railways of RS
614400-Co-financing of RS Railways |
All budgetary beneficiaries - (except
Republic Administration for civil defense,
elementary, high-school and university
education, Ministry of Defense) |
821200- Capital investments
821300- Purchase of equipment
821600- Reconstruction and investment
maintenance |
RS government |
821800- Public investments |
Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and
water industry |
614400- Subsidies to agriculture
614400-Funds for forestry |
Total |