IMF's Financial Resources and Liquidity Position, 2008–December 2010

(In billions of SDRs unless otherwise indicated; end-of-period) Explanatory Note
Liquidity Home

          Dec. 2010    
      2008 2009 SDRs US$  



Total resources

224.1 374.3 405.5 624.5  

Members' currencies

209.8 218.5 233.0 358.9  

SDR holdings

2.0 2.5 3.8 5.8  

Gold holdings

5.9 4.4 3.2 4.9  

Other assets

6.5 6.5 6.6 10.2  

Available under GAB/NAB activation

- - - -  

Other borrowing arrangements 1/

  142.4 158.9 244.7  


Less: Non-usable resources

71.7 84.2 100.7 155.1  

Of which: Credit outstanding

17.5 37.2 55.6 85.7  


Equals: Usable resources

152.5 290.1 304.8 469.3  


Less: Undrawn balances under GRA arrangements

20.3 77.1 103.8 159.8  


Equals: Uncommitted usable resources

132.1 213.0 201.0 309.5  


Plus: Repurchases one-year forward

0.1 1.5 2.0 3.0  


Less: Repayments of borrowing due one-year forward

- - - -  


Less: Prudential balance 2/

34.7 65.3 70.8 109.1  


Equals: One-year forward commitment capacity (FCC)

97.6 149.3 132.1 203.5  

Memorandum items:


Potential GAB/NAB borrowing

34.0 34.0 34.0 52.4  

Quotas of members that finance IMF transactions

173.4 179.9 180.6 278.1  

Liquid liabilities

25.1 40.4 54.6 84.1  

Encashable immediately 3/

25.1 38.6 48.8 75.2  

Encashable within 12 months 4/

- 1.8 5.8 8.9  

Borrowing outstanding

- 4.3 14.6 22.5  

Loan drawings

- 3.0 10.8 16.6  

Notes issued

- 1.2 3.8 5.8  

US$ per SDR

1.54027 1.56769 1.54003    


Note: Details may not add due to rounding.


1/ Includes borrowing agreements with Japan (US$100 billion), Canada (US$10 billion), Norges Bank (SDR 3 billion), the United Kingdom (SDR 9.92 billion), Deutsche Bundesbank (EUR 15 billion), De Nederlandsche Bank NV (EUR 5.31 billion), Danmarks Nationalbank (EUR 1.95 billion), Banco de Portugal (EUR 1.06 billion), France (EUR 11.06 billion), National Bank of Belgium (EUR 4.74 billion), Central Bank of Malta (EUR 120 million), Slovak Republic (EUR 440 million), Czech National Bank (EUR 1.03 billion), Swedish Riksbank (EUR 2.47 billion), Bank of Finland (EUR 1.3 billion), Spain (EUR 4.14 billion), Austria (EUR 2.18 billion), and Slovenia (EUR 280 million); and note purchase agreements with People's Bank of China (SDR 32 billion), Brazil (US$10 billion), and Reserve Bank of India (US$10 billion).


2/ Prudential Balance reflects inclusion of newly available Fund borrowings (see attached definition).


3/ Reserve tranche positions, immediately encashable bilateral borrowing, and Series A notes.


4/ Bilateral borrowing and Series B notes, which are encashable as soon as practicable within 12 months.

The IMF's Financial Resources and Liquidity Position:
Explanatory Note

The financial resources covered in this note are a pool of currencies and other assets in the General Resources Account (GRA) that are built up from members' fully paid capital subscriptions in the form of quotas and can be supplemented with borrowed resources. These resources are used in the IMF's regular operations. They do not include resources from the PRGF-ESF Trust or the PRGF-HIPC Trust which are used in the IMF's concessional lending.
  1. I. Total resources
    These comprise IMF's holdings of members' currencies, SDRs, gold, "other assets" (such as buildings and receivables), and available Fund borrowings. The IMF holds 90.5 million fine ounces of gold, valued on its balance sheet at SDR 3.2 billion on the basis of historical acquisition cost. As mandated by the IMF's Articles of Agreement, gold acquired prior to 1978 is valued at SDR 35 per ounce, the "official" price used at that time in dealings among central banks.

  2. II. Non-usable resources
    Resources that are considered non-usable to finance the IMF's ongoing operations and transactions. They comprise (i) its gold holdings, (ii) the currencies of members that are using IMF resources and are therefore, by definition, in a weak balance of payments or reserve position, (iii) the currencies of other members with relatively weak external positions, and (iv) the "other assets" noted above.

    The use of IMF credit by a member increases the IMF's non-usable resources and reduces its usable resources by equivalent amounts.

  3. III. Usable resources
    These consist of (i) holdings of the currencies of members considered by the Executive Board to have a sufficiently strong balance of payments and reserve position for their currencies to be used in the financing of IMF transactions (see Financial Transactions), (ii) holdings of SDRs, and (iii) unused amounts, if any, under credit lines already activated, such as under the General Arrangements to Borrow and New Arrangements to Borrow (GAB/NAB) and resources available under other Fund borrowing agreements.

  4. IV. Undrawn balances under arrangements
    Amounts committed under arrangements but not yet disbursed. This includes amounts committed under all current GRA arrangements (see Lending Arrangements), including those considered precautionary.

  5. V. Uncommitted usable resources
    Usable resources less the full amount of undrawn balances under existing GRA arrangements.

  6. VI. Repurchases one-year forward
    Repurchases (repayments) by member countries during the coming one-year period. These repurchases add to the supply of the IMF's usable resources.

  7. VII. Repayments of borrowing due one-year forward
    Repayment obligations on Fund borrowing in the coming one-year period, including drawings reaching final maturity in the next 12 months plus any encashment requests for early repayment to be met over that same period.

  8. VIII. Prudential balance
    The prudential balance is intended to safeguard the liquidity of creditors' claims and take account of the potential erosion of the IMF's resource base. The prudential balance is set at 20 percent of the quotas of members that issue the currencies that are used in the financing of IMF transactions and any amounts activated or otherwise made available under borrowing agreements, including those already drawn and not yet repaid, but excluding repayments of borrowing due in the coming one-year period. The prudential ratio of 20 percent as decided by the IMF's Executive Board reflects historical experience and judgments on the indicative level of uncommitted usable resources that the IMF would normally not use to make financial commitments. The prudential ratio also applies to activated amounts under the GAB/NAB and amounts made available under other borrowing agreements, if any, since borrowing under by the IMF represents a liquid claim on IMF resources. The prudential balance does not represent a rigid minimum and IMF resources could on a strictly temporary basis, fall below this level.

  9. IX. One-year forward commitment capacity (FCC)
    A measure of the resources available for new financial commitments in the coming year. The FCC is equal to uncommitted usable resources plus repurchases one-year forward less repayments of borrowing due one-year forward, and less the prudential balance. The FCC accounts fully for actual IMF financing commitments, including commitments under arrangements that are considered precautionary, and thus treats undrawn balances under all GRA financial arrangements in the same way. In assessing IMF liquidity on the basis of the FCC, the actual resources available for financing may be larger to the extent that commitments are not fully disbursed. The FCC has been published since December 2002. For historical estimates of the FCC see the Chart IMF One-Year Forward Commitment Capacity, 1990 to present.

Memorandum Items

  • Potential GAB/NAB borrowing equals total amount of borrowing available under GAB/NAB net of activated amounts. The total amount of borrowing available under the IMF's two borrowing arrangements, the GAB and the NAB, is SDR 34 billion (see Borrowing Arrangements). Resources activated under the GAB/NAB are always considered to be fully committed and should be deducted from the total amount available. under GAB/NAB.

  • Liquid liabilities consist of (i) reserve tranche positions, which a member acquires when the IMF uses the member's currency to provide credit to other members and through reserve assets paid by the member in connection with quota payments, and (ii) the amount of any outstanding borrowing by the IMF, e.g., under the GAB/NAB or other borrowing agreements. The bulk of liquid liabilities reflects credit extended by the IMF.