1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
SDRs |
US$ |
I. |
Total resources |
149.2 |
165.1 |
165.1 |
224.9 |
307 |
Members' currencies |
144.7 |
149.4 |
149.2 |
202.6 |
227 |
Gold holdings |
3.6 |
3.6 |
3.6 |
3.6 |
5 |
SDR holdings |
0.6 |
0.7 |
0.9 |
7.3 |
10 |
Other assets |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
0 |
Available under GAB/NAB
activation |
-- |
11.1 |
11.1 |
11.1 |
15 |
II. |
Less: Non-usable resources |
98.5 |
111.5 |
110.6 |
125.6 |
172 |
III. |
Equals: Usable resources |
50.7 |
53.6 |
54.5 |
99.3 |
136 |
Less: Amounts committed
under arrangements |
18.0 |
24.5 |
24.3 |
24.2 |
33 |
Minimum working balances |
10.0 |
9.6 |
9.6 |
13.7 |
19 |
IV. |
Net uncommitted usable resources
(resources available to meet
use of reserve positions and
new commitments)* |
22.7 |
19.5 |
20.6 |
61.4 |
84 |
[Allowance for use of reserve positions] |
[11.8-14.1] |
[15.2-18.2] |
[15.0-18.0] |
[16.3-19.5] |
[22-27] |
V. |
available under the GAB/NAB |
18.5 |
18.6 |
18.6 |
18.6 |
25 |
VI. |
liabilities |
47.1 |
60.6 |
60.0 |
65.0 |
89 |
Reserve tranche positions |
47.1 |
56.3 |
55.7 |
60.7 |
83 |
Outstanding borrowing
-- |
4.3 |
4.3 |
4.3 |
6 |
VII. |
Liquidity ratio (in percent) |
48.2 |
32.2 |
34.3 |
94.5 |
94.5 |
(IV. divided by VI.) |
Memorandum item: US$ per SDR |
1.34925 |
1.40803 |
1.38977 |
1.36556 |
Note: Details may not add due to rounding.
*The Fund does not formally apportion its available net uncommitted resources (and resources
remaining under the GAB/NAB) between the amounts that might be needed to meet encashment of
members' reserve positions and resources to meet new commitments. However, the first claim
on the Fund's resources is to meet requests to liquidate members' positions in the Fund --
hence the importance of the liquidity ratio (i.e., the ratio of net uncommitted usable resources
to liquid liabilities). It is difficult to project members' propensity to use their reserve
positions (reserve tranche positions and outstanding lending under the GAB/NAB) at any particular
time, though the likelihood that all the Fund's liquid liabilities would be encashed during a short
period of time is relatively small. However, it is incumbent on the Fund to be in a position to meet
any request for an encashment of reserve positions. For that purpose, the Fund needs to maintain an
amount of usable resources that bears a reasonable relation to its liquid liabilities. While this
ratio is neither a fixed nor minimum ratio, historically it has not fallen below 25-30 percent of
liquid liabilities for any length of time, thereby maintaining the Fund's capacity to meet members'
requests. Application of this range to the Fund's outstanding liquid liabilities is illustrated above.
The IMF's Financial Resources and Liquidity Position:
The accompanying table summarizes the IMF's financial resource and liquidity position
expressed in SDRs, the IMF's unit of account. The following items are included:
Total resources
The IMF's total resources increased substantially as a result of the payments of quota
increases during the month of February by 139 members. The largest component of the IMF's
resources is its holdings of members' currencies. Under the Articles of Agreement, the IMF's
gold is valued at SDR 35 per ounce and thus gold holdings amount to SDR 3.6 billion. (At
the market price on February 26, 1999--US$286.80 a fine ounce--the holdings would be
valued at SDR 21.7 billion, about US$30 billion.) The IMF's holdings of gold are not readily
usable because a decision to sell gold requires a majority of 85 percent of the total voting
power in the Executive Board. Holdings of SDRs currently amount to SDR 7.3 billion;
"other assets" (SDR 0.3 billion) reflects sundry assets (such as building and receivables) net
of sundry payables. In addition to the IMF's own resources, SDR 11.1 billion remained, at
end-February, usable under the activations of the General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB)
agreed on July 20, 1998 and the New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) agreed on
December 2, 1998 (see V. below).
Non-usable resources
Resources that are considered non-usable to finance the IMF's ongoing operations and
transactions are (i) its holdings of gold, (ii) the currencies of members that are using IMF
resources and are therefore, by definition, in a weak balance of payments or reserve position,
(iii) the currencies of other members with relatively weak external positions, and (iv) the
"other assets" noted above. The use of IMF credit by a member increases the IMF's
non-usable resources and reduces its usable resources by equivalent amounts.
Usable resources
These consist of (i) holdings of the currencies of members considered by the Executive Board
to have a sufficiently strong balance of payments and reserve position for their currencies to
be used in transactions, (ii) holdings of SDRs, and (iii) any unused amounts under credit lines
already activated (such as under the GAB/NAB). Amounts committed under arrangements,
which reflect undrawn balances committed under operative stand-by and extended
arrangements, other than precautionary arrangements, are deducted from the total of usable
resources, as are one-half of the amounts committed under precautionary arrangements.
Minimum working balances required for the IMF to be able to make payments that must be
made in specified currencies are also deducted. The Executive Board has decided that such
balances be set at 10 percent of the quotas of members deemed sufficiently strong for their
currencies to be used.
Net uncommitted usable resources (resources available to meet
reserve tranche purchases and new commitments)
Currently usable resources minus resources already committed under existing arrangements
and working balances as described above. This amount represents the resources available to
meet requests for use of reserve positions in the IMF and new requests for use of IMF
resources (see footnote to table).
Balances available under the General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB) and the
New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB)
The IMF since October 1962 has entered into General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB) from
the major industrial countries. Under the GAB, which has 11 adherents, and the Associated
Agreement with Saudi Arabia, the IMF can borrow a total of up to SDR 18.5 billion when
supplementary resources are needed to forestall or cope with an impairment of the
international monetary system. The GAB was activated in July 1998 for an amount of
SDR 6.3 billion (of which SDR 1.4 billion has been drawn). In November 1998 the New
Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) entered into effect. The NAB, which has 25 participants,
does not replace the GAB. The maximum amount of resources available to the IMF under the
NAB and GAB combined is SDR 34 billion. The NAB is to be the first and principal
recourse in the event of a need to provide supplementary resources to the IMF. The NAB
was activated in December 1998 for an amount of SDR 9.1 billion (of which SDR 2.9 billion
has been drawn). Following the quota increase and the improvement in the IMF's liquidity
position, it has been agreed that in early March these two activations will be terminated after
consultation with the participants in the GAB and NAB, and the IMF will repay the
outstanding borrowing.
Liquid liabilities
The IMF's liquid liabilities consist of (i) reserve tranche positions of members, which a
member acquires when the IMF uses the member's currency in its operations and through
reserve assets paid by the member in connection with quota payments, and (ii) the amount of
outstanding borrowing by the IMF, e.g., under the GAB/NAB. Both reserve tranche positions
and outstanding lending under the GAB/NAB (together called reserve positions of members
in the IMF) are part of members' international reserves. The IMF cannot challenge a request
by a member to draw on its reserve position in the IMF when developments in its balance of
payments or its reserve position make this necessary and the IMF must be in a position to
meet such requests. As of end-February, reserve tranche positions amount to SDR 60.7
billion, and outstanding borrowing, under the GAB/NAB, amounts to SDR 4.3 billion (out of
total authorized calls of SDR 15.4 billion). The vast bulk of liquid liabilities reflects credit
extended by the IMF, amounting to SDR 58.3 billion on February 28, 1999.
Liquidity ratio
The liquidity ratio is a measure of the IMF's liquidity position, represented by the ratio of its
net uncommitted usable resources to its liquid liabilities.