Feedback on the Civil Society Policy Forum
at the Spring and Annual Meetings of the
IMF and World Bank


The World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Civil Society Teams host a bi-annual Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) in the margins of the Spring and Annual Meetings to promote dialogue and an exchange of views between Bank/Fund staff, civil society representatives, government officials, academics, and other stakeholders. The CSPF is open to civil society representatives who have registered to attend the Spring or Annual Meetings. It follows an inclusive and participatory approach that aims to reflect the diversity of civil society representatives and their policy interests.

The Bank and Fund Civil Society Teams are reviewing the process for the CSPF and would like your views on how to improve the Forum. Your input is vital – as we aim to come up with a more transparent set of guidelines for the CSPF.

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Questions for Your Input

We would like to seek your input on the following issues:

  1. What is your main goal/objective when organizing a specific seminar at the Civil Society Policy Forum? If you have organized CSPF seminars in the past, please share your views on what has worked and what could have been done differently.

  2. In recent years, we have had more requests for CSPF seminars than slots available. How should the IMF/World Bank/CSOs agree on the best sessions to choose for the Policy Forum? How do we fit 80+ entries into about 40 or so slots, while ensuring the inclusion and representation of a diverse range of global CSOs?

  3. Do you think it would be useful to have different types of formats to allow for more diverse engagement (e.g., high-level panels with audience interaction; closed-door roundtable meetings; small-scale conversations with experts)? If so, please share your thoughts on specific session formats that you think could work and which you would like to see adopted.

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Procedures and Next Steps

All interested stakeholders are encouraged to submit input through the following channel:

When submitting your comments via email, please include the following information so that your comments are registered: name of sender; organization you represent; address; country; phone number; and email address. Senders may request that their comments remain confidential.

Comments are welcome.

After receiving your input, the IMF and World Bank staff will review and post all your entries and suggestions on this webpage. We then hope to invite you to a conference call/video link to discuss the suggestions and hopefully put together a clearer, more efficient and transparent process in time for 2016 Annual Meetings CSPF. We hope that you will give this due consideration.

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