Annual Meetings Program of Seminars: IMF
Wednesday, October 9, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
George Washington University, Jack Morton Auditorium
David Lipton
First Deputy Managing Director
Joyce Chang
Global Head of Fixed Income Research
JP Morgan
Charles Evans
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Kazuo Momma
Assistant Governor, Bank of Japan
Manuel Ramos-Francia
Deputy Governor, Bank of Mexico
David Wessel
Wall Street Journal
In response to the 2008–09 global financial crisis, advanced economies have conducted a variety of unconventional monetary policies (UMPs). These aimed to restore the functioning of financial markets and intermediation and to provide further monetary policy accommodation at the zero lower bound on interest rates to boost economic activity. The seminar aims to discuss a range of topical questions related to UMPs, including: 1) Effectiveness of UMPs in achieving intended domestic objectives and boosting global growth; 2) Negative side-effects and risks of UMPs, both domestically and across borders, including risks of exiting UMPs too early or too late as well as lessons from market turbulence after the Fed’s “tapering off” announcement in May; and 3) Coping with side effects and managing risks.
This session will be webcast live on and WSJ Live on the iPad. Send your questions in now via Twitter to #MonetaryPolicy